RTS thread

Tired of coronaposters, let's discuss the best genre ever.
4X and gsg niggas are welcome too

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>You now need steam acc to play SupCom FAF

What is pirating ;]

No user, you need to link your steam account to it.

Owned retard cant even afford a free steam account

You need legit copy of it on your acc, retards

Some notable 2019 RTSes to play:

-Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition
-A Year of Rain
-AI War 2 (was in a bundle so you can prolly get it super cheap)
-They Are Billions
-Conan Unconquered
-Total War: Three Kingdoms
-War Selection (Free)

Okay, my bad, never played it.
I'm sorry for being a retard, anons.

It's a shame you now need it on Steam, but at least you can use your old key from the box to redeem it. You did buy it right?

Never played it, don't have plans to.
I went through it on xbox when I was working as a game tester.

Whata going on here bros???

>War Selection
This looks interesting, might look into it.


ignore green posters

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Steam is shit, only GoG is ok.

>AI War 2 (was in a bundle so you can prolly get it super cheap)
Thanks, it goes for less than a dollar now. I liked the first one but never got friends to play it.

AOE4 when?

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Yeah they got paranoid about "smurfing" since it's a super cereal multiplayer community

Considering it's been handed to nu-relic and is back in the middle ages for no reason, hopefully never.

Wait really THAT'S the reason? Jesus christ.

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Glad I helped :) Have fun bro

Happy to help :) Yeah I've heard it's interesting and have some RTS itch so decided to buy it for a dollar or so too.

Anyone here played 0 AD? Is it fun?

What's wrong with the middle ages?

>Total War: Three Kingdoms

The base is split between original AND fucking TWO remasters.
Relic was already in dire straits, so I guess they are trying their best to do something about time span that their game will encompass.
Maybe we will end up with Rise of Nations 2.

Nothing, but AOE1 was ancient, AOEII was medieval, AOE3 was Enlightenment. I enjoyed the steady march of time that the series represented.


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>Maybe we will end up with Rise of Nations 2.
We already got that senpai.
>now a RoL remake/sequel/remaster would be dope...

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As far as RTS goes, I pretty much have only ever played Warcraft 2 and 3 and Starcraft, and my favorite factions are Terran for Starcraft, horde for Warcraft 2, and human for Warcraft 3. I played Command & Conquer: Gold, but got murdered too much. I really wanna get more into the genre.

Any recommendations for an RTS that has more stuff that isn't combat going on (e.g. diplomacy, 4x elements, etc), a great campaign (can either be fantasy or sci fi), and has a similar faction to either the humans of Warcraft 3, or the Terrans of Starcraft?

WW2 AoE would be boring as FUCK

Studio that made this is deader than dead.

more like SNORECom.

who /impossible creatures/ here

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Anyone play this back in the day? Why did it die out? It addressed a lot of the shortcomings of the genre.

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Why did they never make a RTS with pause like RTWP games (for singleplayer obviously)?
I guess total war kinda does but I would love to see it happen in games like command and conquer

GSG do that. Then again they're GSG not RTS.

RoN had pause where you could still issue orders, iirc.

You can also pause and command in COH

Nigga press the pause key on your keyboard. Dumbshit.

Achron was a cool concept. Never really got to play it much as my gaming friends are brainlets.

What is RTWP?
Dunno what you mean but They Are Billions have an active pause and you can give orders then.

>Achron was a cool concept.
It was. I think the game lacked oomph, though. Every unit just felt like a pew pew gun. Never got into it because of that.

>still 2 months till C&C Remaster
It's not fair.

Been playing Dark Crusade with the Titanium Wars mods. Think I might have to give it up. Pretty cool for the most part, but fuck me the strongholds are the epitome of modder cancer.

I've been doing a playthrough of Ground Control 2. I really like its campaign.
>escort missions that don't suck
>baseless missions that don't suck
>good mix of defence, assault and retrieval missions
>great atmosphere, especially in the Viron campaign
I wish there were more singleplayer-focused RTSs

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play original war


Did they fix the campaign though?

AoE2 DE is shredding my anus worse than this virus is. I don't know what happened but 15yo me was fine with hard AI

Also played the jap campaign of RA3 the last couple of days. imperial ham is great.

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to be fair smurfing is a pretty lame thing to do. people that dont have mental problems usually avoid games where there is no chance of losing them because they are bored. Smurfs suffer from a napoleon complex where they need to go against newer players so they can feel big, its pathetic.

Technological innovation has been more and more rapid as time goes on meaning you really need fewer total years to pack in the same technological difference for AoE ages.

You could just set the start around the Napoleonic wars and the last era around Vietnam war. It would be a natural sequel to AoE3.


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the hard ai in DE is much harder than the old ai

you should try the joan of arc campaign, the last 2 levels are fucking ridiculous

Dunno, I only play maps from time to time and get horribly filtered xd

Which of them have story camoaigns?

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even normal is putting up a fight and makes some missions take over an hour unless i resort to bullshit e-sports hi apm tactics, which just takes all the joy out

played some starcraft2 for the first time in years lately and had a great time. I just focus my brain power on my strategy rather trying to autistically trying to micro everything for max efficiency and it makes the game a lot more fun. The best part is micro tards who try to use a deathball are the easiest opponents to beat. Just make there be a fight in two locations in the map at once and they get completely overwhelmed. I don't even micro my own units most of the time, I just have them attack move and retreat. I use High Templars but mostly for defence while attack move chads handle the offence so I can focus my mental energy on my master plans

Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition when ?

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Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 and its expansion pack Rise of the Witch king were the greatest RTS of all time. Even the Custom maps and Custom game modes made on it were great.

What did we all think of Hidden Cup?

I'm in the mood for a janky RTS to take my mind off this quarantine business. Ya got any recommendations chums?

ghetto gunships are legit OP in SupCom FA. Feels dirty shitting all over dudes with that much burst in the first couple minutes of the game. I've managed to core a few people just spamming the things.

Also this was fun.

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do these have any issues on new systems?

Act of War if you want a modern/near future setting

if i recall correctly they might not work on windows 10 without a fix. Unless for some reason it does work normally now. There are tons of videos on youtube and forums that explain how to install on windows 10 if you are interested. The fix is really short from what I remember. Also it still has an active healthy community on gameranger last i played.

I'm still watching through it, I've seen all the ones up until Alaric vs Vlad. I've been spoiling myself by looking up who the players are, because trying to guess by myself is not as much fun as watching T90 and the chat try to guess the player.