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I remember back when this song was used in every fucking tutorial video on youtube goodtimes but this is a more appropriate theme
Meh, more like this one
>that fucking intro image
back when jewtube use to be good
archangel was better
black ops 4 at least brought us some good music
jesus christ bo3 and bo4 zombies were so fucking bad like way to ruin such a fun slow paced survival gamemode and make it super fast paced trash
true but it still doesnt change the fact it was a dogshit game
3 could have been really good if they didnt fuck about and have the limitations imposed by console
3 just had too many issues, none of them really had anything to do with performance limitations I feel.
it did start the issue of having easter eggs and vital shit like map power being fucking poster board tier puzzles
nah 3 i felt did good with performance and graphics its just it did many gameplay changes and tonal changes which were fucking terrible like replacing the dolphin dive with the slide,making the guns too futuristic,making everything to vibrant instead of making it bleak like the originals,and GETTING RID OF THE M1911
again i think it was due to blops 3 being future based, the zombies team just had to work with the game they were given, i did feel like they wanted to map to be bigger.
> i think it was due to blops 3 being future based
but they made it work with black ops 2 so well like they had a lot of old guns in there like the m14,olympia,ak47 and 74u,rpd,and galil and these guns werent featured in the multiplayer i think they couldnt add these guns was i think due to time and maybe lower budget
Everything after World at War was a mistake
I'm not a fan of the changes you listed sure, but there's much bigger changes that ruined the game imo, stuff like gobblegums, three hit downs, double pack, dogs being nerfed, so many enemies that aren't zombies, overpowered stuff like the bows and shield in every map and just the general over complication of everything. Compare opening pack a punch in Ascension vs Shadows of Evil:
>turn the power on
>ride all three landers to spawn
>press the button at power to open the door
>>Shadows of Evil
>pic related
black ops 1 was mostly fine
yeah they ruined the game after they added all that complex and unnecessary bullshit
>everything after Black Ops 2 was a mistake
This, it should of never have been given a convolute storyline and just have been a fun extra mode.
Wait whats going on
i always saw the story as something extra there in the background but not that important that was until bo3 like on certain maps in bo2 like mob of the dead theres no story at all just a couple of mobsters in hell for their sins
I feel like black ops 2 was the beginning of the end, it introduced a lot of the problems I had with black ops 3/4, but for some reason they were still fine there. Shadows of Evil and Der Eisendrach are just Mob of the Dead and Origins but not fun for some reason.
we gonna high round kino der toten lad
> Nazi Scientist is evil
> Scientist puts dog into a chamber
> Dog is on fire and can teleport
> Scientist puts girl into a champer
> Shes zombie god now
> She got trapped at the moon
> time Warping into the Future
> More futuristic shit is happening
> Someting with Alcatraz is happening
i dont know what there trying to do, but they failed it prety damn hard
yeah mob of the dead and origins is a lot of fucking fun even if it was the start of a trend that spelt the end for zombies they just got those maps so fucking right for some reason
>cow of dudy
>> Shes zombie god now
you know they only made her a zombie god was because people kept hearing the zombies say sam when they attacked you
you faggots can't even post the right music
Is everyone here alright?
cod nazi zombies was always better than killing floor
still kicking here buddy
bo1 is good but i would not put it above waw same goes with kf and bo2 so
You mean this?
Thats not Sam, thats more of a SEEH and WAHUU and CCCCHHHHRRR
Have they managed to unfuck KF2? Or is it completely irredeemable?
I put bo1 above waw because it has all of the waw maps anyway, only differences being mule kick in every map, nacht-shi no numa having zombie spawn numbers changed to be more like the rest of the maps and the ww2 box weapons being switched out for cold war weapons. plus it has kino and ascension
Meh, more like this one
no its still terrible and doesnt hold a candle to the original
no back on the original waw maps the zombies would say SAM! when they attacked you sometimes and players pointed it so treyarch decided to write the story around that
still the ww2 weapons make waw, waw and also the nacht and verruckt dont feel the same without the marines
OP's song was a banger but the rest of these have sucked some mad dick and not in a good way
It's still idiotic. Also it pissed me off with all these DLC Maps. Most of the newer CoD's after WaW had no mod support.
>CoD's after WaW had no mod support.
what are you talking about waw has so many custom maps same with bo2 and 1 fucking bo3 is gonna have more with it now having a steam workshop
the one is good though
bo1 only had 4/5 custom maps, bo2 had none. waw and bo3 are both pretty good for it though
im pretty sure bo2 did just no one played them same with bo1
>no abracadavre
assuming the next game uses bo1's mechanics as a base, what would you guys add? maps, perks etc.
add vulture aid back and phd make the maps more bleak than vibrant trash and make it just nazi zombies with ww2 weapons and all
by far the best song in the series
WaW was peak Zombies. Nothing will every surpass Der Reise's beautiful simplicity.
I agree, but kino and ascension tie a close a second for me.
just wish the map didnt have so many bugs like the waffe jug bug but shi no numa id say was also peak