risk of rain
Risk of rain
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is this game good in SP? I hear it's a roguelite but everyone plays MP only which doesn't sound appealing to me
its also good solo. but maximum fun can only be achieved in multiplayer.
they got me boys
>is this game good in SP? I hear it's a roguelite but everyone plays MP only which doesn't sound appealing to me
Honestly it's better in singleplayer. Netcode is shit, people are item jews, enemies aren't as big damage sponges, it runs better, and no one can see you playing on drizzle for fun
Who /farming/ here?
Is it worth using the new huntress primary?
post your favourite healing item to ward off the infection
yes. with attack speed and crit its much better than the regular.
>do first stage in 3 minutes as merc
>go into blue portal
>don't get new utility because i went through portal instead of teleport
Yeah, stack some crit glasses and a couple of predatory instincts and you'll be raining arrows.
What's the combination for Command?
>If you have a gunner turret the magma worm goes retarded
Fucking gearbox quality test doesn't even play the game fuck
>chance to give huntress a new primary
>people complain that they don't like the homing mechanic, and that they would like manual aiming as an alternative
>give them homing x3 instead
fuck hopoo desu
Thanks a bunch.
>play command
>can't decide which items to take
>get killed by clay templar if I take more than 0.1 second to take an item
this was a mistake
No problem, best of luck to you.
>doing an engineer Command run
>get 15 mushrooms, 10 lens, 8 scythes, 2 aegis and 2 rejuv racks
>die because I'm just not doing enough damage
hehe yellow health bar go up
>4 reds
>didn't get opinion
deserved to die, you fucking retard
Why did they turn magma worm to shit? In RoR1 he was extremely simple, went up and then down based on a players expected position.
Why did they think it was a good idea to give him some "advanced" AI that makes him sporadic and random as fuck? I honestly can't even tell when he is going to hit me or not, it's dumb as fuck
They fucked up scavengers horribly too, they are incredibly boring tanks. Either you kill them easily without ever getting hit or you get oneshot by them, there is no inbetween.
Opinion isn't gonna make yellow bar grow.
I can't say you're wrong
>Working way through levels searching for the codes to enter
>Enjoying the scavenger hunt
>Have two, and half of one I found in Void Fields
>Get to teleporter after a long game but I'm Loader who cares
>Boss glitches out
>Have multiple keys, all used up when I hit E on the boss the second time
>No more keys spawn ever
What an awesome waste of time
host where? jerked off so hard my penus wenus hurts and need distraction
>Not picking all you items after teleport phase is over
keep going it may seem like keys arent spawning but they will show up.
also holding more than one key is a waste as they all get used up and dont deal extra damage.
It's good in SP
it's trash with randoms
it's great with frens
It was literally 10 minutes of endless elites on hahahahah difficulty, I searched everywhere assuming I just couldn't see it. How long are you talking about here
>void area no longer affects time
so there's zero reason to avoid it at the start right?
if you can get it after stage 1 that's a huge power boost
There's also no reason not to do trial of sacrifice every run for more items.
where is the 10 man
I wanted to see if the monsters drop items and the monster get random items artifacts stack so you could be farming len's or energy drinks.
They don't stack sadly, but getting glaciar lemurians with extra life regen it's something to behold.
>engineer doppelganger turrets with multiple fungus are almost unkillable
I haven't played RoR2 since the scorched acres update, how's it been since?
you need friend to play online. This game is impossible to play with randoms
They look so silly
Pretty good, as always
Hah I'm immune
Chef when?
Are you though?
its pretty fucking obvious devs dont play on monsoon
Randoms steal everything. Sucks
Man, rain previously known as purple fucking SLAPS i love it
They look way too solid in 2. They had a really ethereal look in 1, kinda like they were made of light
Really? What gave it away? The fact that they made the description for rainstorm some bullshit about how it's "the way it's meant to be played"?
gearbox qa team admitted they're drizzlets
hopoo doesn't play his own game
Mr Streamer I know you lurk these threads
Make a video about ideal Command runs
Can't get infected if you're already an infection.
>randoms waste ten minutes per stage collecting every single crate
>if you activate portal early they just leave the game
I wish I had fucking friend
What are some good debuffs I can use to proc the new green item?
gjikb ds dct d ;jge
I had not realized they were the same creature until just now. It's sort of obvious but I 100% thought they were creatures of light, they faded in to existence in 1 didn't they?
Wake of Vultures
eu lobby when
Any modders around? How hard is it to make a fov mod? I hate the fov changing when sprinting and would prefer it to be higher at all times.
Get a taste of your own medicine
>LUNAR COINS spawn more frequently than items with sacrifice on
Hoppo why are the drop rates so low
>just unlocked the mage character
fuck yes I love this game
Then you'll try playing Articifer and say the opposite.
Shattering Justice
Tri tip
not sure if stun grenades work
>tfw the only alt ability i have unlocked is engi's turrets start walkin
why are these challenges so tough
So Spinel Tonic doesn't give bonus stats to engineer turrets, right?
What's the best equipment for Engineer with gesture then? I'm thinking rockets might be a decent choice?
Have they released a character with a shotgun yet?
Chronobauble, Gasoline, bands/rings, Tri-tip should be enough - if you can get a Shattering Justice too that'll be a big help too
they're not that bad, for engi's next ability just equip walking turrets, deploy them as you start, then hit the teleporter as soon as you can, get it to 99% with the boss still alive so enemies cannot spawn anymore, then kill the boss