Final Fantasy 7 R braindead combat

Combat system is literally just:
>mash attack until stagger
>then use abilities

Rinse and repeat x ∞

Positioning/dodging is not a big part of the game at all.
There's zero intricacy to attacking and using abilities/spells.

YIKES. This is the game everyone was hailing as having better combat than FFXV? kek

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Name one jrpg with good combat, I mean what did you expect?

>Name one jrpg with good combat
Ys Origin

done. easy.

>triangle to win
>good combat

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It doesn't take much to have better combat than XV.

>i never played on anything beyond normal
cringe. why would you out yourself like this, kid?

t. retard who never learned XV's combat and never did any side content.

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Tales Of series. Absolutely retarded stories but the gameplay saves them.

>good combat

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That's rich coming from a zoomie who played FF7R on easy

>KH3 combat is so good anons
>i heard kh3 guy is doing the ff7 combat
>this ff7 combat is really shit

well which is it kh anons? anons?

>i heard kh3 guy is doing the ff7 combat
Only retards who never actually played KH3 said this. KH3 combat is literally lightyears ahead of this trash remake.

cope, seethe & dilate.

>learned XV's combat
You don't need to learn XV's combat when you can just hold down the attack button and use your infinite supply of healing items when needed.

nice opinion that you got from Yas Forums and never actually played the game kid

well at least it doesnt feel like downloading mp3 files on napster like the original ffvii

FFVIIRe and FFXV are both utter garbage for many of the same reasons as one another.
Seeing you shit on FFVIIRe while implying that FFXV isn't just as awful is kind of pathetic desu.

god nomura is such a faggot.

>y-you never played it!

cope, seethe & dilate

Not even worth a (you). Keep on eternally seething about games you don't like Barry

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dead thread

How long is the game? 40 hours?

>replaying to barry

Original ff7 was better. I love turn based jrpgs, fuck this real time shit.

Tales of Graces*


almost fell out of my chair

I think the battle is fine but the overall content is shit

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>Positioning/dodging is not a big part of the game at all.
Except for when the first boss party wipes you for not taking cover and moving.
>There's zero intricacy to attacking and using abilities/spells.
I guess I just imagined the different styles, spells, and character tactics.

Action RPGS are shit and in other news water is wet

Why does every one of your replies end with 'kid'? Is that you best insult? Fuck, you're pathetic.

>Except for when the first boss party wipes you
if you get wiped by any boss in this game you're just complete shit at the game.

>different styles
literally just "higher dps and slower" or "faster and less dps"

>spells, and character tactics.
game has a laughably low amount of spells and character tactics are not needed because every monster requires the same tactics: none. literally just mash attack until stagger then use abilities.


>watch disney ride for 12 seconds to win

>if you get wiped by any boss in this game you're just complete shit at the game.
So, you're just going to deflect. Anybody reading this asshole's posts just ignore him.

Its out today over here, Barry. Why don't you go and compare yourself?

>The only video game thread up is Barry seething as usual

That's still more complex than the original FF7's "hold circle to win".

this and this ^
retard tripfag

It's fun

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Shadow Hearts
Legend Of Legaia

and this

roche and nomura are such fucking faggots.

Can't even copy road rash/redemption properly.

Sherry Birkin?

Grandia 2. Position and speed actually mattered.

Most people couldn't even finish the game because they got filtered by the eye boss.

But that game was easy if you got gud.

>dat bike theme


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Anyone's got a stream?

I love how little effect all that flash actually has on health bars.

that's not even how it works lol

ausfag here
despite a few bad textures the game is awesome
i suspect they wanna push PS5s

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Barry take your meds

This will never finish entirely on PS4, forget about it.


Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
FFX and FFX-2

They might as well have just waited until the PS5 honestly.

Gameplay is actually nothing new, it's about on par with what we saw: archaic Jrpg system except now it's diluted and hidden behind a bunch of flips.
Everything reminds me not of FFXV but XIII
>boss stuck in the air for three hours
>juggle him by mashing buttons
>switch combination when boss goes from x to y so you gotta get him back to x
At least 7R is eager to spam AOE so you can't just mash all the time, so there's that.

>FFVII Remake is out in some places officially
>Entire board would rather shitpost about Aoril Fools

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damn this game is wack. you're telling me they couldnt sync lip movements with voice?

I'm watching a stream and am already falling asleep.
>player has to disable 3 lights
>enemies between the routes don't respawn
>which means a whole lot of walking, pressing buttons and walking back again with nothing inbetween

> KH
> One Button Game
user, you got something wrong here

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I personally don’t like the slow down of opening the command menu. At least XV had the sense to not do that with Techniques

Waiting is killing me, bros.

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And no damage to the bikes at all, but I'd bet all my money, as soon as this "fight" is over there's a cutscene where Cloud's bike is absolutely torn to shreds...

Actually, no. That's expecting too much from these hacks.

I need Rufus but exotic Tifa will do too

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post 30 seconds of you beating critical data fights with one button

This was Nomura, wasn't it.
No way Ferrari wanted that many belts and zippers.

No, but his opponent's is damaged. In the next scene with him, he returns with it fully repaired. Less than an hour after.

>none of the streamers reached the part where Tifa and Aerith meet
>none of the trailers showed them talking
I just want to see some comfy Tifa and Aerith interactions!

god damn that first roche fight is intense

which streamer are you bros watching? comfy

Or better, i could post a 30 seconds of not playing a childrens game, which has more then just one button to beat the bad guys

I don't care for jrpgs but this slut is so hot, I'm just coming for her into these shitty threads

You realize you can macro up to 4 commands?

I bet her Corneo's dress will be chosen based on this. Will have to be careful with the answer.

>no footage of him doing it
as i thought. get BTFO, shitposter.

Started watching some Australian guy but too many inane comments from him so no go.

>god damn that first roche fight is intense
how so? every single fight in this game is the same. every enemy is a bullet sponge until you stagger them then they die quickly.

can't blame you, it's tifa after all

roche is just as autistic as cloud which is hilarious
the music is tops

>that part were barret threw here over his shoulder caveman style and she kept hitting his back

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Streamers are fucking retarded autists. They would sniff every corner and bump into every wall until they decide it's time to de missions.