Oh sweet another Megumin thread
just kidding bro
Megumin thread was what got me infected. You ruined my streak now post megus as apology.
Green is a good color and going green means you're positive, and being positive is good right?
Thanks I love megu and I love meguposters.
genuine nice...
I'm outta here
God I want to suck on Lalatina's milkers
Same. Bet it tastes delicious
Her beaten udders would only produce blood
Sex pp
Worst character in contemporary anime
Did somebody say Megumin?
Come here darkness you slut, I'm gonna infect you through your asshole
Preggo Megu makes my peepee hard
Shit taste
Meguchads rise up
That's just fat Megu
I wish I was Darkness, or at least had her proportions
I wish you had her proportions too user
No, fresh milk
This but with Wiz instead.
Best thread on Yas Forums right now
Post Aqua's ass. Only thing she's good for.
Thank you, Nuclear user
user I just managed to stop after edging, why are you doing this to me?
>not loving both
based and sniffpilled
only responding to posts with good girls
Just let it flow out
but user my gf is sleeping near me
I had to go do it in the bathroom before
Useless ass Goddess
fuck you, Aqua is unironically best girl
keep edging, you know you want to
step aside, best girl coming through
They have offically killed konosuba now btw
Last volume in may and no more anime
Fucking bravo those incompetent niggers
Aqua just fucks stuff up but she has a cute ass.
From the thumbnail I thought she was chained up getting her legs sawed off for a second.
I do... but I cant really post on my phone and I just deleted the discord I made
Without her Kazuma would've died a bunch of times though, that easily cancels out her "useless" episodes.
To bad none of it will be animated
I already nutted to the Megumin thread multiple times, I need a break before we do Aqua
just do it, keep edging but don't you dare to cum
Half of those times were her fault
Seriously? Sad news.
>No more anime
Didn't the movie sell really well?
Damn, I should really catch up on the LNs then.
Even so, the fact that even one of those was not her fault and she revived him from said event makes her most useful. Kazuma could theoretically replace Megumin with YunYun or some other crimson demon or something, but if he lost Aqua and died again it's game over.
Is the LN sales declining? Or did the author just run out of steam?
Lmao they kill one of the most popular shows and just give you a fucking gacha lmao. Kadokawa are fucking morons holy shit
I'd be surprised if the sales declined.
Hes just done with it. The twitter post he made arlier when he killed konosuba he tried to shill his other shit
I... user you're gonna have to convince me blank#9179
sling bikini + darkness is just unff
God dammit
>all these megu threads when I can't fapp