Where were you when Capcom devs made full nude textures for their RE girls including nipples...

Where were you when Capcom devs made full nude textures for their RE girls including nipples, buttholes and full pussy hair? based canon hairy pussy, never let a mod tell you Claire, Ada or Jill is shaved again.

Attached: F011EAD4-4B57-45BD-9A7E-5D9E1259559C.jpg (4000x4000, 896.18K)

No fucking way this is real




Attached: 1579509893935.png (640x800, 346.45K)

Guy posted the data mined files yesterday and explained how to access them, apparently January's nude textures is called "bad girl's body"

Attached: A88AE702-BB56-4CE6-8DB5-C6FCFC1120AB.png (851x478, 195.42K)

Doesnt really matter if there is no nude mesh that it's mapped to

Japs would give everyone fucking giant 70s bushes, whats the deal with those people and lacking any sense of grooming down there? Like you don't have to go full Brazilian, but at least keep it trimmed.

Attached: 1556698469087.png (1920x1440, 109.76K)

hair is better than prickly pussy, it adds some flavor and style

they're probably just stock skin assets

Fuck off kid

Anti-hygienic and it looks disgusting.

>riddled with the plague
>thinks unshaven pussy is unhygienic. Anti, even.

This user has had sex.

Stubble on a pussy feels like you're rubbing some dude's shaved chin. It's disgusting. Give me full hair. No excuses.

>that amount
>70's bush tier
Porn has warped zoomers entirely

It was outsourced you nig

Your virginity is showing.

Hair, just like beard is actually more hygienic than shaving 24/7 It's a natural barrier against a lot of shit.

Pro tip : If nature gave it to you it has uses.

I love bushes, they feel good and it's great to cover them in semen.
Patrician tier taste whoever did this

real question is, top or bottom girl?

This is what a hairy pussy feels like, going with your comparison.

Attached: f19.png (630x725, 496.77K)

Using Capcom assets

ok now we know for sure you are a virgin

Women who shave are whores and girl pubes are soft you homo.



Attached: Project-Resistance_2019_09-11-19_011.jpg (446x1055, 54K)


Well kept bush>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shaven>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>forest in your panties


What was Valerie's called?

wheres the HD version of those textures?

youre right about the functionality of public hair but your last statement is ridiculous
think about the appendix

My guess is they outsourced and those people already had shit ready to go and just tweaked to spec.

post beccas user

>calling someone incel or virgin when you post on Yas Forums
plz fuck off to your Yas Forums Yas Forums etc.

>uhhh stubble on a pusy feels like dude's shaven chin, VIRGIN!
>bush isn't like a hairy chin though, CAUSE I TOTALLY HAD SEX AND YOU DIDN'T!!!
Yeah, I don't care what you think, body hair is disgusting, I prefer my girl smooth.

can't wait for the SFM clips then

No idea, but apparently while January's file was like 2400 x 2400, Valerie's was really small like 420 x 420

Not just appendix, human body is full of "design" flaws, that "nature gave it to you, therefore it's good" is retarded.

The fucking elephant man was created by nature.

Of course, whores get better res.

Not everyone in 4channel is a virgin like you, sorry if it hurts but it's the truth. The sooner you accept it the better.

I have had both user, but i always noted that the nice, normal girls you made your gf had some hair, while one night stands went full razor burn. I remember one time a girl i took home from a nightclub actually said "sorry im surprised im doing this tonight to be honest so i have not shaved in a few days" like i gave a fuck.

>that "nature gave it to you, therefore it's good" is retarded
Nobody thinks that. Nature gives plenty of stuff that is shit. Know what happens then? Extinction. Evolution sorts the shit from the good. The appendix has a purpose, by the way.

it's because she has exposed skin, not because she's a whore

I have a gf
its fucking pathetic to call someone here a virgin
you feel superior vs losers or what?
talk about games fuck off to Yas Forums if you want to virgin calling bullshit

You should accept the fact that some people are beyond the age when "having sex" is some kind pinnacle achievement... or even argument.

Yeah, different people like different things. To me, body hair on women looks like dirt.

>Evolution sorts the shit from the good.
Yeah and that's why people get less hairy as generations pass.

When someone eventually creates the nude mods will it only show for you or will others in your game see it?

>When devs do the nude mod for you

Attached: laughing-1488908382.jpg (1000x636, 48.62K)

she wouldn't be exposing her skin if she wasn't a whore.

>what is a client-side mod

i never argued that, but i was just stating why the textures are higher res


completely normal and even important for the modelers
understandable, capcom want some fanservice for some skimpy outfits later
>actuall pussy and asshole
well, okay, what even for? sfm-porn later?
anyway, capcoms based for this

i wish we knew if nu jill is shaves her pussy or not
i love her so much bros

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Appendix acts as a reservoir for the gut microbiome in case of infection. Removal can cause a slight impairment in immune system function.

She's supposedly in resistance in some form so we may find out.


Faggot, other better softwares like Blender are the norm now, why would you ever want shitty SFM? Grow some standards

Not him but it feels like people use SFM as a name for "those 3D porn clips with models ripped from games", not actual Steam Film Maker.

Jill doesnt. wesker personally observed her "body hair"

Attached: jill_hairlore.jpg (1900x1900, 1.09M)

the 90s were all about shaved pussy though

she really is. especially in-game, her smile is so nice

That's a really retarded reasioning and usage of the word that I dont think exist. Alot of people are more familiar with SFM because Steam/Valve is encoded in PCfags DNA and thats all they know.

90's porn alone tells me this isn't really true

Plus she doesn't have a retarded man voice like the goth slut