I just want to talk about Bannerlord. How you lads enjoying it? Anyone else having trouble with poor frame rate? It runs like ass for me.
Mount and Blade 2
Feels too much like 1. Feeling real dumb for buying it in EA.
I've ran into a few dialog locking bugs. Such as asking an NPC to show me to someone, start talking to that someone, then the original NPC telling me "Here they are" which locks me into dialog with them with no exit.
Also all the quests are shit. Every kidnapped girl is actually runaway lovers. Every caravan escort will have a large bandit party spawned on them at some point. Every artist's goods will run you in trouble with the law.
Everything feels too samey to be fun.
Runs at 45 FPS for me, 20 in battles with more than 100 troops, and it's the buggiest game i've ever played.
Having fun with it, pretty much just warband with QoL changes and updated graphic
Combat feels more fast and less janky now
The new attributes and skills system is not only totally broken and imbalanced, but fucking sucks in general. Give me back the assignable warband perks, fuck this TES-like do thing to be better at thing garbage. Everything also levels slow as fuck, when all the companions have much higher levels in all their main skills then you even though you're 20h into the fucking game there's something super wrong, I have no clue how basic shit like this didnt get caught in QA.
since e1.0.1 I get crash at startup loading screen
early access garbage what a disappointment
>singleplayer is incomplete as fuck
>can't get through a single round of MP without the server crashing
the game still corrupts multiple savegames really often so I think I'll let it rest for a while
There's not much more depressing after losing hours of progress again and again
>don't get any xp from the arena
that's some goddamn bullshit
It works fine for me, but I upgraded to a decent rig specifically to play. It's pretty fun, but could definitely use some more events and quest variety.
Realistic is fucking brutal
Taking on more than two enemies is a deathwish in melee no matter how strong you are even when cheesing with the circle strafe "exploit"
Mounted warriors kind of suck now unless you autistically micromanage them
Even if you do, forest bandits will rape your entire army
I'm still having a ton of fun since I haven't played warband in like 7 years or some shit.
Hate the new map, just mountains on top of mountains every location looks and feels the same
even the desert and steppe are full fo mountains
other than that im enjoying it
zero crashes. ~60fps in 700 troop battles. having loads of fun, but there's definietly some QOL features needing added during EA as well as the missing planned features.
bug everywhere
I like it. It was way too easy to become a god right from the start back in warband, now enemies seem to stand a real chance against you in most circumstances, and cav isn't an "I win" button.
Horse archers are the new master race army comp. Shame they don't work for seiges.
im not enjoying it
>coof coof coof hahah upvotes please coof coof coof
If you attack a dude in a village wearing a shield on their back you get experience for it until their shield breaks
Game's way too buggy to play at the moment, and patches might fuck up my save, so I'm just going to wait and stick with Warband until it's done
Maybe list some specs before talking about performance
Am I ok lads?
Biggest letdown of this year
Should I get it as early access?
>Everything feels too samey to be fun.
sounds like the authentic mount and blade experience
>Give me back the assignable warband perks
How do you train the non-weapon skills if you don't assign them?
How the fuck do I find nobles to progress the story? I'm just sort of wandering around bopping bandits and doings quests as I find them but I've only run across like three nobles so far
It really is just warband with atrocious performance issues. What were they doing all these years?
>paying for unstable early access LULZ
so far i like it, started as a sturgian and currently helping the queen take the empire that is hers.
also this bitch is literally crazy
>literally anally raped the sand people so hard and stole like 3 big cities before they sended peace treaty
>now fighting the bugmen and also anally rapeing them
jesus, how does she do it
They're everywhere. All of those dudes leading 100+ armies are nobles.
The fact that they brought out an update so soon after release which is incompatible with the save I made makes me think I should wait a bit, at least until they release an update that gets rid of all the freezes and crashes.
Other than the obvious "fix the crashes" my big wish is for bows of all kinds to get nerfed.
Their range and damage is similar to that of the crossbow in Warband, but it's also insanely faster.
As anecdotal evidence I present the fact that I am WORTHLESS in every context with the exception of the bow, where I start killing people.
There's also some sort of latency between when you release the mouse button and when the swing starts to happen which really throws me off.
>incompatible with the save I made
u wot m8
wait, is it? I honestly didn't get a chance to play since I heard of the new update and heard from someone it isn't compatible.
Am I stupid? gullible? or both?
Broken bullshit. It's a duel. You're supposed to wait until the opponent is ready.
It was fun until it started crashing 5 seconds after loading. I have to make a new save probably
There's a new bug for this version
For new players if you don't kill the bandits quick enough they disappear locking you permanently in tutorial.
I honestly don't get why people duel him.
I just fucking throw my dudes at him.
>build a new PC with an Evo 970 SSD
>every game takes 1-2 seconds to load, even Monster Hunter World
>Butterlord takes 10+ seconds to load every time
Really drives me up a wall.
One time i did that mission he had like 10 dudes with him, we all got slaughtered
>not skipping the tutorial
Is there any way to choose who you take with you on hideout missions? I get rekt because the game auto gives me a bunch of recruits instead of good units
>autopathing my trade route while I'm tabbed out
>stopped by bandits for the first time ever
>screen doesn't show me how many there are
>better bribe them to be safe
>it was 14 of them vs 22 of me
>immediately run them down and kill all of them
>no cash to loot
>they spent 1400 gold on wine and whores in under thirty seconds
>spec into bows and two handers
>find throwing and sword and board more fun
Should I restart Yas Forums? Havent gotten that far, haven't even reached 50 renown.
can anyone get any high/mid tier vlandian armor at merchants? they just sell rags for me
>early access
Yeah, no thanks. I’ll play the game when it’s actually finished.
Khuzite Khanate is clearly the best faction and how the game should be played. Debate me
How is this game compare to modded warband
like say Floris?
It sure was compatible for me.
Kind of shit, for now. It's a good framework, but extremely buggy and incomplete. The skill system is a downgrade (most of the perks don't work, some stats level insanely slow), the new RNG-only companions suck (they are always combat specced so you can get a "medic" with 1 int and no focus points in medical and is level 18+ so you can't even level them up to put points into medical), some quests are broken as hell, and even the character models are mostly pretty bad. If they put a lot of work into it over the next few months or years it has the potential to be amazing, but right now it's not as good as modded Warband.
I had a lot of fun with it, but I'm going to put it down for a few months. It was fun seeing all the new mechanics and graphics and the like, but it's too damn broken.
Ah fuck, I'm about to be infected now, aren't I?
runs fine for me, but my pc is somewhat beefy for m&b standards. ryzen 1700, gtx1060. framerate can dip below 50fps, but only on occasion. i haven't got to bigger battles yet though, just started the game, 4h into it
feels like warband on steroids, but warband was amazing game so i don't mind all that much
this, its a coat of paint on warband. Sure smithing is nice, some other fringe shit, but from the hype I was expecting so much more.
Its fucking nothing.
>but right now it's not as good as modded Warband.
no no and NO its much worse than moded warband
It's pretty much literally just reskinned, base game warband.
Apparently they've put a lot of work into the economy, siege and kingdom systems, so a lot of the improvements are later game, but it's all so bugged right now that people struggle to even see half of that stuff.
At its core it still has all the same jank. I mean it has the exact same specific jank. It's like they've literally just copy pasted large parts of warband straight over to this. They have not made this entirely from scratch.
I'm hoping that the engine they have built is solid and very flexible and that most of the game in its current state is using warband code as placeholder and then, when the big bugs are ironed out, it'll be relatively trivial for them to revamp a lot of the systems because they've built an engine that lets them work quickly.
At the moment I'm enjoying it because it's a slightly better looking warband with some fun physics in it. If they can solve the crashing issues soon I'll keep playing.
Going forward it needs a lot of work though. It needs a lot more quest content. It needs a lot better siege AI and battle AI in general. It needs far more item content. It needs a fuckload of balancing especially with troop types. It needs optimizing.
At the moment it plays like a shoddy warband mod with improved visuals.
8GB ram people in the taleworlds forums are reporting the stutters caused by that enormous memory leak and the devs are asking about graphics options.
They still have no god damn clue about the fact that their game is reserving like 10GB at startup and then just eating more until the game turns unplayable. The proper information exists in some threads, but none of them are picked up on by the lurking devs, so its just drowned out by all the idiots speculating about nvidia GPUs being the problem.
I thought it was just my system. I have 16gb of ram and the game reports only 3gb usage yet my total ram usage is maxing out.
Combat feels a bit shit. Enemies just attack wildly like a fucking machinegun, if you get hit once in melee range and get that stagger animation it's pretty much over. Now melee units don't aim for you, they aim for your horse so you can no longer just knock them down relatively safely like in Warband. It's better to play this game as a commander from afar rather than fighting with your troops.
Bugs are everywhere. Quests are repetitive and shitty. Smithing is meme and takes like 80 hours of playtime to do anything with it. Character progression feels a lot slower than before. Campaign AI is still shit, army of 350 just abandons a siege against 120 defenders because an army of 50 walked near them.
It's pretty fucking rough. After 8 years I would've expected a little more.
if you have an SSD you should expand your virtual memory, but the best you can do is to just restart the game regularly
Performance is bad on sieges because of hundreds of people. I've got tons of stuff running in the background too. Overall impressed by the performance, all things considered, slightly let down by a couple of really pervasive bugs.
>every single companion is high leveled and clearly made to be a fighter, haven't encountered one designed to be a scout, surgeon or engineer and due to high level takes forever to level up so you can spec them to be one of those
>Smithing is a massive fucking grind with barely any pay off
>Merchants only selling trash tier armours
>Perks don't seem to work
>Batannians wreck everything due to archers being OP and all their villages being in close proximity to one another, meaning they can refill their army's faster then everyone else
>What the fuck were they thinking releasing the game in this state?
they spent years of development and somehow this game is leaking memory like a flood. jesus. I thought the game was almost done by now.
good idea, I hadn't done that in ages.
Got my Bannerlord refund today
What do I buy with my steambux?
Here's what I think about Mountain Blade too
I am going to infect your neghole, you virus virgin boypussy
They have a great base to work off here but jesus they really need to work on this shit. It's pretty fucking horrendous for a game that's been in development for 8 years.
>there are actually people who buy games
4 thousand dollar rig btw
In battles I pretty much just charge enemies with my cavalry and aim for the flanks to lance one or two stragglers without trying to charge the main bulk because, like you said, after you knock one or two over the rest will obliterate your horse and then you're triple fucked. Can't even get to your feet before the fucking club wielding looters have bashed your head in.
Maybe horse armour would be better but I haven't got any just a relatively light saddle.
Also, yeah the AI is still dumb as fuck. It feels exactly like it was in Warband which makes me suspect they've just copied and pasted that shit right over.
I encountered the king of Vlandia, the lord I swore my oath to, by himself just as he got set upon by a gang of looters. I joined in to help him with my troops.
What did he do, this lone Lord, upon start of battle? Did he wait to see how I conducted my men? Did he hang back with me in the rear, safe and protected?
Did he fuck. As soon as the battle opened he just charged full pelt straight towards the enemy all by himself. This was a mob of 30+ looters btw.
He disappeard over the crest of a hill and a few seconds later got knocked the fuck out without taking a single looter down with him.
Wtf is that for AI? How fucking shitty is that?
It's the same with enemy nobles. Sometimes they will just charge their whole army straight at you when the battle begins. Other times they will hold right back and not advance on you at all. They just sit there and wait.
It's either or. No middle ground. The AI seems to be only capable of all out charge or all out defense without any mind for tactics. I hope this is just placeholder shit because it hasn't improved at all from warband and this is core stuff. It might even be worse.
Yes there are people who aren't niggers.
>get a giant group of levies
>attack forest bandits
>knock out as many as you can
>recruit them
>strongest army in game under a week
>everybody says wood workshops are OP as fuck because they earn 5k a day
>decide to buy a tannery and convert it to a wood workshop
>i only make 200 a day
Literally jumped on the wood train too late. They nerfed it yesterday.
Word on the street is they hardcapped workshop profits to 200.
>20 in battles with more than 100 troops
shit rig
>it's the buggiest game i've ever played.
Not played many beta's or early access then.
Literally just asks you if you want to load the game that is using a different version. Nothing broken.
archery feels meh
>of course i will gladly give you my money in exchange for an unfinished, buggy game
How is this level of unfinished shit and pure and utter jank acceptable after 8 fucking years?
>Go to tournament
>All the best warriors from the local area gather
>Defeat my foes and bathe in there blood
>Rewarded with sword that costs as much as two barrels of butter
>Local Lord doesn't invite me to a feast
Blunder of the century
Asked in other thread but, anyone sold a wood shop for more than 75k? Cant find anyone to buy mine.
Who says I bought the game? I'm just saying pirate behaviour is no different to nigger behaviour.