Animal Crossing thread
wear your mask
Animal Crossing thread
wear your mask
Other urls found in this thread:
masks ON
Just steal it.
What's she going to do, spindash you?
Pretty sure Sankaku is the best booru site these days, at least the one with most posts.
Goodnight friends, make a wish on this post for tommorow you get extreme luck
Post codes for cute clothing shops!
perfect time to introduce copper and booker
>line is actually moving
masks on lads
La poire queue is at
code is 9465e55c
fore anons who missed it
anyone have nooklings selling mums or roses?
I wish I win the lottery this year
good night cute villager user
I don't get it.
Based Host.
Want a KK poster? I always gift a poster but dunno if you have it already.
What’s la poire?
infected just means you're a VIP member. not random at all
That's weird. I posted on another board and I wasn't infected.
some user has turnips selling for 626 bells
Oh god oh fukc this thread is compromised. Get your hazmat suits on, anons.
an attempt was made
My autoimmune response system is ready.
Heh. You've all got your gas masks, riiiight?
It's probably based off your ID which is consistent inside the thread but is different between threads.
>Second to last villager moves in
>It's a fucking monkey
FUCK, I almost had my village filled without any of those hideous fucking monkeys, frogs, ducks or apes.
This isn't fair.
ready to make some grofit fellow queue members?
I guess it's worth asking if anyone has a bigger/clearer image with these final splatfest QRs that Nintendo released years ago. This one is too blurry and small. I very much want that Squid Sisters poster and plugging it into a pattern site doesn't make it look as good.
coof, i'm not gonna make it bros..
Go away we're talking about video games.
Can someone give a good rundown of the Dos and Dont of trying to play host? What to select, how many to let in, where to go to regulate things, etc?
>get gas mask and pilot helmet cataloged
>an user crashes the server
>let him catalog my pilot shades and captain hat
i'm still mad
How hard is it for people to just join an island, sell their turnips and fucking leave in a timely manner
Don't go into your AC town if you're infected. Keep your residents safe.
Is the 9th villager just picked for you? I have a plot down and raided two mysterious island there was nobody on them.
what are you trying to do?
is it for turnips or just hang out?
get the fuck outta there AbeDeDino
anyone got nooks cranny open i want to pay off my attic tonight so i can get the basement tmr
AbeDeDino left but the queue isn't moving for me. If it stays stuck I'll have to restart
Delivering from
Who wants to come to my island?
abededino fucking shit up for everyone else
I won't attend you until you wash your hands.
but I was wearing my mask before this all started
>what to select
dodo code, preferably shared through to avoid wuh-oh
>how many to let in
groups of 4 is common in my experience
>where to go to regulate things
site above, and stand by the airport and mash A when your desired amount of ppl are in so you can close the gate. minus brings up a menu so that you can end the session and boot everyone out, though i'm fairly certain that resets the code.
I had two open lots for new villagers. I ran into a snooty on a Nook isle and invited her, then decided to try again for the next house, but the island was empty.
I assumed it was a one-a-day kind of thing, but today, the snooty had moved in and the other lot was sold to a rando.
Did you already ask someone to come to the island earlier? It’s once per day
Infection check
cute cute!
he left two minutes ago. I'll wait another 2, but I might need to reset the queue, even if that's regrettable.
yeah no
Wassup 'ssable
As #2 in queue, abededino has remained on my screen unfortunately. I think it might be borked :-(
Give it a minute and see what happens I guess?
Need to get some more diversity of furniture already
Going for a rustic sort of look
what the FUCK is the reasoning behind amiibo villagers needing 3 days(plus the 4th to actually unpack) to move move in, but nook island randos move in next day after talking to them
I got the game 2 days ago. Is there a faster way to get iron for the shop upgrade than slapping rocks each day?
Eggs are only slowing me down.
I'll bring you a pan flute recipe.
Wait, you can't skip him?
I just want Apollo to join my island. I'm sick of all these posh villagers.
what makes this game fun? I don't see the appeal
are you supposed to leave que after you finished?
Sorry lads. Queue froze
new one at 9465e55c
626 here
Can you get infected by greenposters replying to you?
8 slaps per rock a day user.
Also most nook ticket islands have 4-5 rocks.
Yeah, I already invited someone today.
I hope the rando isn't a hippo or a cow.
I think its because you can really choose who you want, but also the amiibos apparetnyl let you get rid of villagers too i heard?
i literally just built an extra house got the camper to move in one. and the following day after he is getting set up some faggot already bought the house next to him.
like what is the point of the campsite if the faggots do that
It's post proximity.
It just changed.
it's a comfy relaxation life simulator where you make friends with funny animals and go fishing and shit
it's proximity
RIP you i guess
pls mine
Should be fine, just had my villager's birthday party and everyone seems good. Even got to give cupcakes to everyone
I clicked edit and it gave me a new code to share. Maybe it didn't kick people out of the queue
this is the same code but i seriously hope you didnt reset because he left the queue already
no i'm like number 12 at the moment.
I hope you're fine too.
Bullshit proximity, I'm safe.
nah I didn't I think me clicking edit fixed it somehow
I'm so scared bros
Just spent an hour making this but now i have my town flag
Are you safe, though?
Just invited Dotty to my island
How'd I do
Based 626, I hope you accept the bell donation for your efforts :-)
>missed the user that drew villagers getting fucked in the ass
if your still taking 'em
Just scanned all 3 with the app fine
I don't know why everyone asks this, decide yourself if you like a villager. I've started to grow attached to my randoms.
Is there a chart of new April bugs/fish for southern hemisphere?
very good if you like dotty, very bad if you dont
God I wish I were those sandals
you won't be around tomorrow
>9th in queue now
I can't take it anons the anticipation is killing me
>3 to go
I got Henry the frog as my smug.
Is he pretty good?
>mfw he did mine
Remember to stay 6 ft away from other villagers at all times
>flick in town
>got a nookmiles+ task for watering plants
Today's the day
There is none. It's what you play when you've lost all ambition in life, and want a janky life simulator to grind at
t. just started City Life
we pozzing this island boys
all frogs are good, even the ugly ones
Aaaaand good bye March catches on the West Coast.
Hawaii and Alaska mahos, you're the last hopes for the non-Stringfish havers Until June
i also got flick in town.
i am getting the tarantula sculpted.
even though i want scorpions
It's basically just another way of asking 'What do you think of this villager?' without outright asking
I decided to get the Emperor butterfly. Gonna miss those blue boys for the next two months
I want you to know that I love you dearly. This makes me happier than you'll ever understand.
Hopefully it doesn't take 2 long. Nooks is open for 2 more hours
Are these fucking clams out all day or not? Is there a limit to bait
Thanks Duncan!
Secure the bag fellas
wtf is taking sybuhr so long?
Example, please.
It's Xill now
Clams are available 24/7. Bait stacks to 10 per inventory slot.
>la poire casually cucking eurasias turnip prices
b-but I'm wearing a mask! noooooooo
It's xill in my screen
can't wait for my turn so i can get in there and leave in fucking 30 seconds to show it's fucking done
mine is ac2
so what happens with isabelle, kk, and tom nook cards? im curious
what's taking xill so long
>when the absolutely atrocious music comes on
Eurasia user is a filthy time traveler anyway
>get some pink mouse during my first mystery island
>considered kicking her during the week
>is actually extremely nice and teached me every emote while giving me tons of free shit
>they're all female genitals
How inaccurate
8 am chad here
Wow, so many slutty villagers.~ Thanks!
it's Anthony now
resident services building starts construction tomorrow, hope my campsite villager isn't inoffensive or boring. give me raymond/bob or an uggo motherfucker
I am after Anthony. Watch me speedrun this shit.
Isabelle talks to you
i don't know about kk, i have a shiny card of him, and it just says can't be reached like any other non-villager animal.
even though i wanted don ressetti in my island, guy is super chill
>30000 from a balloon
Took late for the March fish I take it? I noticed I've started to catch new fish. I caught them all, but I wanted to catch one more stringfish so I can get a commission.
does this turnip site play a sound effect when it's your turn, I want to play some vidya in fullscreen and don't have enough desk space to plug in my 2nd or 3rd monitor
I was aiming for an all frog village but then I got flora and now I never want her to leave
Amazing lineup you’ve got there
>not getting a frog hat from a balloon
literally worth more than bells
Guess who showed his face boys
if you don't give a decent portion of your profit to duncan, we can't accept this into the speedrun category.
No chances user
gib bob
Won't be doing any more tonight. I still have to finish the ones from the previous thread. I'll probably do this again another night, though.
user if you fucking keep us waiting because you missed that it was your turn
man the jokes write themselves
Unless you get a someone in Hawaii, it's over. Critters change at midnight.
>building the second set of houses
>marina shows up on a nook miles island
>is moving in right next to Gayle
Also is there a good way to get villagers off your island? I don't like Diva at all and she's been here from the start
yeah i started to catch snapping turtles and crabs, weird thing is apparently they werent in season for me. I picked southern hemisphere so its different than your nothern hemi's
New fish as soon as you hit midnight, user. It's the way it goes. Some of the SH stuff except sharks will now be available in NH. Sharks coming soon.
*Incomprehensible squeaky wailing*
Shit, that drawing is for
What am i...?
just play animal crossing handheld you fucker
Apparently with amiibo you can
Fill up to 10 villagers and then scan an amiibo. Select which villager to kick out.
Oh well, least i got the donation at least
Someone post that infographic about the new fish and bugs for April
Can you sell to Flick or CJ in other towns?