"Fan" gatekeeping in video game culture is a profoundly toxic subculture, the people who think enjoying a thing gives them ownership over it.
Prove me wrong.
"Fan" gatekeeping in video game culture is a profoundly toxic subculture, the people who think enjoying a thing gives them ownership over it.
Prove me wrong.
"Fan" gatekeeping in video game culture is a profoundly toxic subculture, the people who think enjoying a thing gives them ownership over it.
Prove me wrong.
Only people who disagree are insecure about being a fake poser fan
fan gatekeeping is what keeps you drooling normals from quality games.
Please buy a PS4 Pro and enjoy RE3 or TLOU2 or some other walkie talkie garbage like a good boy and fuck off.
Who cares?
This is a Tae thread now.
holy fuck no wonder you people are virgins.
Do you unironically watch this kind of shit without any shame?
>fan gatekeeping is what keeps you drooling normals from quality games.
This is how gaming communities die. You close the gate from potential fans because you're worried they might shit in your cereal and then suddenly the IP is sold off or throw in the closet forever because it sold like shit because the community was too stubborn.
Both of those are better than your anime pedophile games.
Thanks for proving at least 70% of Persona "fans" don't even play the game.
By making fake fans eat their shit for liking a game that you hate, it increases the likelihood of the devs making better games that everyone can enjoy.
No, that's how they survive.
yes. I'd rather the community be 5 cool skilled people than 5 million trannies and other politically charged lunatics.
I-I'm ready for my p-prostate exam...
god I want this so badly and knowing I'll never have it is soulcrushing
then don't play them? Why screech about the fanbases then, is it because they don't want ro play with your ilk?
I don't give a shit, I just want my games to be good. The general consumer can do whatever the fuck they want.
If you dumb things down to the lowest common denominator, you lose the things you love. Therefore gatekeeping is necessary.
Hello normalfag.
Why is gatekeeping bad?
"Gatekeeping", or as I like to call it, having a community, is an inherently good thing.
I present exhibit A:
Yas Forums
I rest my case.
It needs to be done. As a fightingfag I'm sick of stream only retards being who the devs listen to.
That's suppose to be kayona Kim in that drawing I believe
>If you dumb things down to the lowest common denominator, you lose the things you love.
If you dumb it down to try to cater to as many people as you can you'll reel in money. Why the fuck would I try to cater to autists when I can please everybody and get enough cash for hookers afterwards?
I honestly don't know how people take this series seriously. It's just bottom of the barrel wish fulfillment garbage.
I lost my virginity when I was 14, I came to 4chen in 08, and I fucking hate anime that isn't shonen.
Have sex you depraved little weeb.
who is this semen demon
I only pity you.
If you can't handle the product for what it is then you're just an asshole trying to change it. THAT FUCKING SAID, being a bitch and pretending that your heroes aren't human and can't improve their work is up its own ass as well.
Like how valve doesn't make games any more and how Blizzard is dead.
because you'll be known for shitty games only crayon eaters enjoy, like pokemon or bethesda titles.
Wish fulfillment is fine, what I don't get is how many adults play persona when it's so obviously aimed at teenagers.
holy shit user you dont know what the fuck you are saying, this is literally how things become fucking shit
and gatekeeping in a cambodian throat singing forum will do nothing to change this
Who cares when millions of normies is throwing cash at me left and right for my streamlined game? Who cares that a bunch of Yas Forums autists think it's a dumbed down game? Your opinion is automatically invalid
kill yourself faggot
gate keeping keeps undesirables out and hopefull stops devs from listening to undesirables. Unfortunately devs often go for the "we want a wider audience" route which usually leads to mediocre trash
But how else am I going to act knowledgeable and cool?
Quit being a fag, get with the program and you'll stop being gated out.
I see, so you were one of them all along.
you're sad
nah, you are a nigger
good fuck of back to whatever hobby you normies have already fucked up
magic the gathering
star wars
d and d
etc etc
the only toxic assholes are those who wanna change the hobby to suit their fucking ideology!!
>"Fan" gatekeeping
How do customers gatekeep?
revel in mediocrity then, you can't amount to more.
Truly great games make more than money, they leave an impact.
Look at Minecraft and how much money it made.
All of this is made up btw.
i dont care you even exist!!
I played and loved Persona 4 back in 2008 when I was 20.
Tried playing P5 the last year and just couldn't stand it, like at all. That ADHD kid going "for real?!?!!!" every 30 sec was just mind numbing. Barely managed to beat the prologue and then put it down to never touch it ever again.
Guess I just grew out of this shit.
Thinking gatekeeping is bad is proof of being a zoomer.
Older people know it's important to set boundaries.
New generation of manchilds and entitled women were brainwashed into thinking gatekeeping is bad.
>Making games and media approachable but demanding the person do their own independent research. In case of the games, play them.
This is good.
>Spoonfeeding things and diluting them to be as broad and generic as possible
Not so good.
>do thing for money
>do thing because you love it
Anyone who cares about [thing] can see miles away which is in question.
Name a single franchise.
Fatal Frame, though that's less the community doing the gatekeeping and more the games themselves.
i bellive if you do something because u love it, money follow
See: Overwatch, both """"""Lore"""""" wise, Fanservice wise, and most especially competitive wise
People are free to enjoy what they like. There's no ownership from any fans.
It's when they start to demand changes to suit their ideology and remove things they're uncomfortable with is when it becomes a problem.
I say don't change a thing and let the content be all the gatekeep it needs.
i'd rather see my community die then see it turn to shit.
Awful example.
>i bellive if you do something because u love it, money follow
How so? The series has never been popular and yet it's lived on for nearly 20 years.
here here!!! i would burn it down my self than let normies at it!!
Yeah I'm sure all the whore who dress up as game characters for money are big fans of these games and actually played them to any extent.
uhhhh isn't joker a miner?
Have sex