What do you guys think of this controller?
What do you guys think of this controller?
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It’s a good thing for disabled people but why bother if you aren’t
It's great. I'm glad it allows people with physical disabilities to experience something new
Great device for disabled people and microsoft is blessed for making this whole thing
Bit of a shame Snoy doesn't bother to try and do this shit to get more people into the boat
Funny really how xbone made Microsoft's xbox division extremely consumer friendly while sony became more and more fucked in the head
yikes and cringe
What if you played vidya before the accident?
I still can't for the life of me figure out how it works anyone have a good link that showcases it?
Sounds like someone's seething the retard that shits his pants can beat your ass in Street Fighter cause it's all he does all day everyday while you and your abled body has to go to work
this is the controller for people who hate doom eternal
I'm blind from a few years ago and my girlfriend play vidya for me and tells me all about it, sure I can't play anymore but it makes me happy because I love video games and that's all I ever had when I was younger.
It’s a good thing they made a controller for all the ps4 owners that will buy an xbox next year.
Assuming you're not shitposting and this gf is real, are you fully blind? I don't think I'd have the will the live if that happened to me. Very interesting user.
Get in an accident and lose a hand. Let's see if you still talk like that afterwards.
What if you were born with a disorder or deformity that has made it impossible for you to use a standard controller for your entire life?
Not only are you a brainlet you're also an asshole.
feel free to refute me dipshits
Here are some vids
other cool thing about it is that you can also use it on Playstation and Nintendo consoles supposedly
refute this, you're retarded
>it only took two post for the stereotypical jaded cynical shitstain to throw a fit on something like this
fuck this place
>if you're disabled then why bother at all?
>a hampered experience is seldom a good one
god damn
I looks like a DJ Board for Manlyqueers.
>refute this
You asked for it.
*unzips dick*
It has big clicky buttons.
Some claims might be made with the claimant aware that the claim is not true and some claims might be made with the claimant thinking that they are true but being mistaken. As it is for most humans not a very good idea to proceed through life based on beliefs that are false and thinking beliefs and claims to be true when they are not, most humans and those who would use reason to guide them will want some evidence and reasoning to support a claim being asserted to be true. So the burden is on those who make claims to offer reason and evidence in support of those claims.
Please throw yourself off a bridge, with any luck you won't end up disabled and just end up killing yourself like you should.
Can you create your own modules? They boast about how universal this thing is so that should be a given. It's funny how despite being an xbox product it doesn't really have any kind of propietary input, it's basically just USBs and 3.5s.
you sound mentally disabled. So why live?
based, but also, cringe
My mom has osteoporosis, and has never played a game. She also was homeschooled and didn't have a great childhood. Having to basically act like a mom to her siblings.
I bought one of these and I set it up so my parents could try it. They drove around in forza in old chebbys. My dad would use the controller and my mom the adaptive since normal is too heavy.
They were talking about how they used to have an old car like this back in the day (they're in their 50s). Slow driving but it was enough for them to be wowed.
When they had enough fun and I was alone I straight up cried.
They would always buy my sister and I games since sega genesis.
Just one of those moments to reflect and appreciate. But yet they never played.
I bought them both smart tvs.
My mom loves youtube and my dad enjoys the wwe network.
Idk where I'm going with this. Appreciate your parents anons. One day they're here, the next day they're not.
How the fuck are cripples even supposed to use this thing? It just has two track pads and those buttons on the side make zero sense. Does it work like a harmonica?
put me in the screencap
based good son user
did you somehow miss all the little holes on the back of it to plug things in?
Wtf are you going to plug into such small holes? They don't look like any standard plugs, do they jew you by selling you all the individual buttons and wires?
It's good to read shit like this once in a while instead of all the fucked up faggots in here bitching about how they hate every single boomer in the planet just because their parents/grandparents didn't love them (at least according to them fucking manchildren). Makes me remember why I still have a little faith in humankind.
they're 3.5mm plugs...
>Wtf are you going to plug into such small holes?
try your micro penis.
>They don't look like any standard plugs
based retard
Omit this from the screencap.
what the
two retards getting BTFO in a single thread, holy shit
Nobody cares, faggot.
Man, you have to have hilariously low standards and IQ if you think those posts qualify as "btfo". They are reddit tier at best, which is still fucking gay
Have these ever gone on sale?
Have fun spending 200+ dollars on your cripple controllers lol
>i'm not owned i'm not owned i'm not owned
>They don't look like any standard plugs
How long have Airpods even been out. I refuse to believe the average age of Yas Forums is 7.
It may be funny but you know he's right though.
you're not fooling anyone, samefag
You're assuming both replies are even the original post you're implying got owned. You're a retard and don't matter. The other poster will know we're different and that's all that matters. There's nobody to even "fool". You're probably just looking for attention with such a dumb reply. Where do you think we even are. You can't save face while anonymous, there'd be no point in that and I'm getting really sick of seeing people making these stupid fucking claims of samefag. Shut the fuck up.
I've never seen a samefag this much butthurt over being BTFO
The irony in being in denial like this just because some people said you weren't funny.
absolutely seething, thanks for making this even better
just give up, you got btfo and going full damage control over it only makes you even more btfo
>some people
post a screencap proving you're not an asshurt samefag, it's pretty simple
I wonder who could be behind this post
>Can you create your own modules?
Yes, people have. Its exactly why the inputs are usb and 3.5.
>post a screencap proving you're not an asshurt samefag, it's pretty simple
Are you retarded? All that's going to do is have someone claim it's edited, like always. The entire point of this website is not knowing who is who. I don't know why I'm replying to myself anyway.
>posts proof that we were right
>Are you retarded?
it just keeps getting better
All that proves is that you can't prove who is who... you missed the entire point.
All me btw.