So let's talk about those Mario Remasters

So let's talk about those Mario Remasters.

Do you think Nintendo will give 64 some kind of graphical update or just upscale it to widescreen? Hoping for the former because 64 could really use a remake after all of this time.

Attached: super-mario-64.png (765x574, 547.52K)

It's gonna be a widescreen 64DS with HD textures

16:9 and 1080p 60 fps will do.

I don't know why you would want a graphical remake after the god damn DS version.

Stable Frame rate and upscale those icons and paintins which always looked noticebly low quality would be more than enough.

They’re going to be remakes in odyssey’s engine, mark my fucking words

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>odyssey's engine

Just call it by the name, Unreal Engine

maybe for 64 but I highly doubt they'll go through the trouble for Sunshine and Galaxy 1/2

Do you think... Nintendo... might hire that man?

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Odyssey used the Unreal Engine?

Who cares just show Paper Mario already
pls ;__;

That sounds like a lot more works than what's needed.

Yeah. You've been living under a rock?

I really hope it takes place in a new kingdom, sick of the Mushroom Kingdom.

no. just no

Attached: remake_64_all.jpg (3300x1500, 1.16M)

The only instance where the man could feasibly get hired by Nintendo.

They'll give it the SNES/NES nintendo online app treatment and make them a resolution that fits HDTVs, pixel perfect, or let you apply a filter.

However, if the rumor is true they plan to bundle the 3D Mario games together like Super Mario All-Stars did for the first 3 or 4 games, then I could see them having full blown remade graphics. My guess is Super Mario 64 with remade graphics, Sunshine and Galaxy 1 + 2 getting the Windwaker/Twilight Princess HD treatment where the assets are ported to an engine with better lighting and re-rezzed to HD resolutions.

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>on model bad
Fuck off, drone.

Imagine 64 remade on Odyssey's engine. We could be taking about the greatest remake ever made.

240p glory

it wasn't made in unreal you dumb epic shill

Are you retarded?

NUT kingdom. Paper mario and the NUT buster. Comin to a gamestop near you for the nintendo 3ds.

>SM64: remastered version of DS version
>SMS: remastered version that adds new Suns to replace many Blue Coins and rebalances several sections
>original versions of both are available when you beat their remasters

ITT: shit that will never happen

If it's 64DS I will be very upset, perhaps even cry

It does you stupid cunt, literally kys.

Leaked screenshot of SM64 remake

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No, stop buying fucking mario games you niggers. theres 600 fucking mario games in existence and you retards who buy nintendo consoles are so easily ammused by the same bland bullshit that you're willing to spend $60 over and over again for the same shit. That's why you motherfuckers tried to justify a $400 launch price point for a console with 2008 technology.

not even, at least not for 64.

Attached: lqb.jpg (600x600, 17.8K)

Any game that uses unreal is forced into putting the trademark and logo into the game. Seethe and cope epic shill

Literally use a search engine and type in "what engine does mario odyssey use", then come back and tell me what a dumbfuck you are.

Unreal Engine is the only good thing Epic has ever done. Epic fucking sucks.

"Probably Unreal Engine 4 was used to make it."
We don't know for sure bro.

Attached: google.jpg (953x383, 43.37K)

I just explained that Odyssey can't be using Unreal Engine because the logo and trademark aren't found anywhere in the game. Neck yourself you retard


yeah so it must be bing bing wahoo engine

You still didn't look up what engine it uses. Or did you? If you did you can tell me what engine Odyssey is using you sad, sad clown.

based gogle

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The remake actually has more soul
Look at those janky and ugly models from the original, bowser looks like turtle soup

>Buy Super Mario 64 for DS
>You start out as fucking Yoshi
Man, 8 year old me was not impressed. Fuck that game.

what engine does Zelda use?

Yoshi is fucking kino
What are you taking about

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of course you're a retard, you epic retard. idiots really think this. neck yourself, are you retarded? You dumb shill. Hire this man. Are you living under a rock. The goddamn remake goddamn sucks. Idiots use words. Fuck

Super Mario Odyssey does not use Unreal Engine. That is an undeniable fact. You were wrong.

I agree, he's great in his own Yoshi series.

Playing him in Mario 64 for no reason? Not so much.

I just googled it and the consensus is "no one knows". Maybe you should've followed your own advice before spewing bullshit so confidently

As long as they don't change any of the absurd shit you can do I don't really mind.

you just made me realize that a bot could make 99% of Yas Forums posts

Metroid Zero Mission would still be better.
But yeah, Mario 64 in Odyssee would be rad!

Man I sure love buying the same exact game twice, buying a switch sure was a great idea

they'll just be ports.
maybe they'll have some higher resolution textures, but that'll be the extent of it.
hopefully they don't cram in bloom for no reason.

>sunshine without analog triggers
>no galaxy 2 for some retarded reason
>not even a graphical upgrade for 64 (the rest still hold up pretty well)

It’s a 1080p version of the DS release and it is locked to 30fps. We did some work for Hexadrive and Tose which included this. The base is a unity port of the DS game. Unless something changed, 60fps is impossible as the animations are coded for 30fps and the unlocked framerate averages in the 40s. Analog controls in more than just the 8 direction action with run button optional but all the DS changes

Perfect, the original game is bugged

Attached: SUPER MARIO 64 - Project64 2020-03-29 20-39-35.webm (710x500, 2.94M)

isn't 3D world that's being omitted due to a possible deluxe port?
they'd be retarded to not include galaxy 2.

Wow, do people actually think the DS version was better? On paper adding new playable characters is cool but they just gimped Mario and added more busywork.

all the rumors i've seen keep saying 64 sunshine and galaxy 1
i agree it's retarded if they don't include 2

This guys for real!

Probably not gonna happen, but it would be cool if they offered upscaled versions of the original games along with remastered versions.

Yoshi on switch uses it and the logo is nowhere to be seen in the game tho.