Can't prove why their game is innovative or special

>can't prove why their game is innovative or special
>can't explain why it was above it's comtemporaries.
>gets BTFO by System Shock chads
Why are hl fans so pathetic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are you so pathetic

take your med schizo

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>dude you should get the new Half-Life game
>"Nah. I didn't really like the old games. They were kinda generic and boring."
>No way, bro.
Every fucking time. These fags are insufferable.

they never learn

My favorite is
>dude half life is the greatest game of all time
>"I didn't think it did anything special"
>well you should have played it when it first came out

Shouldn't you be taking this to /vr/ to argue with the other senior citizens?


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>hes a neet
Explains a lot

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SeeI know youre DW
I know youre samefagging
Your posting style is always the same
Just stop bro, this is not going anywhere, it never will

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You have to be mentally ill to enjoy hl and it's mods.

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You simply have not achieved inner peace user and the content that comes with it. The calm rested feeling of being able to gaze at the stars, or sit down and play a game without worrying about if it's good enough for others let alone yourself, or being able to scroll through pages of shitposts and being able to have a hearty laugh while curled up in your computer chair in the dark sipping on your favorite cola. For ages man before us has struggled with faith, and who our creator is. Attempting to find the right combination of worship, selflessness, and constraint in hopes of having mercy laid upon thyselves and being welcomed into our creator's arms and the feeling that your happiness is deserved and justified. When the answer has been in front of us all along. Whether it's running down a steel corridor with a crowbar and putting an end to hundreds of beings that will later worship you for their massacre, stealing a car from an old woman and mowing down dozens of protesters in front of a construction yard, or getting kicked out of your friends' apartment because him and his wife don't want to have a threeway. No matter what, the simple achievement of being able to enjoy something by itself without comparing it to others, and not minding the ramblings of dozens of anonymous brazilians online, is something truly wonderful. For years I tried many things. Not jerking off, jerking off enough times in a day to reach complete apathy, three shots at morning, noon, and dinner, visiting strip clubs but hanging out at the bar in attempt to get a free show from afar. But nothing has been able to make me happier than simply ceasing to be a faggot

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Imagine being so mentally ill you fixate on shitting on the same fucking game for years

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HL1 was inferior to Unreal and System Shock
HL2 was inferior to Psi Ops and Far Cry
And now Alyx is inferior to Boneworks.
Why do people like this series?

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So did quake and doom and blood
Yet I like half life, quake, doom, deus ex, system shock, etc and i hold them all in the same regard, theyre good games, and no schizophrenic youtuber and full time shitposter will tell me otherwise

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so it became delicious cheese.

it has worse storytelling than system shock and worse shooting than quake FFS.

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the first quake feels awful.

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Hey its concerned user!
Thanks for btfoing the schizo yet again
I would kiss you no homo

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look at every FPS released since 2000 if you want to prove Half-Life is influential
Fuck, look at Doom 3. The genre defining FPS took notes from Half-Life for their third entry.


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Adrenaline horror is music kino
So is LG Orbifold
Dont argue with this autist user, see , he will never learn, he has too many chromosomes to do so

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based concerned and other posters derailing ops schizo thread

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Report OPs shitty YouTube channel so he will stop making these shit threads. It’s DWterminator.
Report him for violence.

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More like "inciting hatred" thanks to his rancid and smoothbrain tier opinion

But Doom 3 followed the original idea of what Doom was going to be which took ideas from Ultima Underworld.

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Make sure to report OP's shitty youtube channel for abuse so he will stop spamming his shit here.
Report for violence.
If you report with your phone it's easier.

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This is a rather excited (omg i got BTFO by two bots, THEY WORK TOGETHER!) preview (aka promo) article about the game. Is it meant to be a proof of something?

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Report OPs shitty YouTube channel so he will stop making these shit threads. It’s DWterminator.
Report him for violence. 1

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Half-life must be based if it’s getting an autistic like OP mad

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Shut it, zoomer

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You hit the nail user
The game's based enough that triggered this autist's 50 chromosomes

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are you done being poor yet?

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What popular game should I hate next so I can fit in on Yas Forums?

Played it for the first time recently and really enjoyed it

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Then why is SS3 cancelled and HL3 confirmed? Lol

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If you want to make lots of people mad go with Deus Ex since its a very good game, if you want to fit in fast go with recent releases like Animal Crossing or Dewm Eternal

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