>It's dangerous to rely on Teraflops as an absolute measure of performance
t. Mark Cerny
>It's dangerous to rely on Teraflops as an absolute measure of performance
t. Mark Cerny
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Reminds me of my nerdy friend. He tells pretty girls it's dangerous to enjoy a dick bigger than 5 inches. Must women will get hurt and it's about the motion of his ocean.
>having hardware that is capable of doing more computations per second doesn't matter
>muh snake oil SSD speed though
He's probably correct. Tech is generally a lot more complex than being able to boil everything down to a single factor, but retards on Yas Forums wouldn't understand that.
>Mark Cerny
>Certified genius, industry legend
>user on Yas Forumseddit
>homo with shit for brains
Who should I listen to, bros?
>Being so unintelligent, you listen to an intelligent person's strategic misdirection.
>caring about specs
>on a console
that's what PC is for
get a Playstation to supplement with their exclusives once the console goes down in price and gets a few decent games
Watch this and understand how PS5 won then cope
Only true if games leverage mixed precision instead of doing everything in FP32 or FP64. If game start leveraging FP4, 8, and 16 for a lot of on-screen rendering, then his statements make sense. But the caveat means that all game studious have to heavily optimize their engines to take advantage of that capability. In other words, what iD did with Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, every studio has to do for all their games from the beginning to the end of the console generation.
Derivative products that run at X resolution and with massive, constant framedrops all the fucking time, will make the 9.x teraflop ceiling of the PS5 standout much quicker even with the massive i/o throughput it brings to the table. Long story short, first and second party studios will shine on the PS5, multi-plat studios will stagnate.
Shill your videos elsewhere Coreteks
What is he talking about, Teraflops is actually great for the movies Sony puts out. Not it isn't that great for handling a large number of NPC AI at once, but hey that isn't what Sony has done for over a decade now.
the best was when he said the ps5 was "more nimble" because it had less compute units
Plot twist: you’re the nerdy friend
>they won't be at 3700X level
>literally a 3700X as the CPU core but clock capped to 3.6 and 3.8GHz
It won't be a 3700X in the sense that it won't all-core boost to 4GHz, but on a PC where the core has to do much more than just game all the time, is different than a console where 98% of all resources are dedicated to the game. Consoles aren't running fucking Vivaldi or Chrome or Firefox, Steam, Spotify or Foobar2000 or Lolipop, Discord, and other shit in the background with context switching all the fucking time.
The Digital Foundry guy is retarded.
The SeX is going to be better overall with only Sony's exclusives being able to use the SSD's speed to the fullest capability. Is gonna be the PS3/360 gen all over again.
PS5 is capped at 3.5GHz all core. 3700X is 3.6GHz all core. PS5 isn't 3700X level
>only Sony's exclusives being able to use the SSD's speed to the fullest capability
i see no problem
you do have a PC right?
It's all about floppycocks and playing old-ass games on your 4k tv's.
>Three weeks later
>Xbros still seething
Cope indeed :^)
>n-no you're the ones seething!
Go find another buzzphrase to jerk off over :^)
I’ll bite
Let’s just say I’m tech illiterate. I have a Switch and PS4, nothing else. Next gen gets announced, and I’m told Xbox has more megaflaps, but PS5 has faster solid steaks. Whatever, I’m still going to get a PS5, I have a legacy there with my account, digital purchases, and I really like Bloodborne. So my mind’s made up, I’m getting PS5 (and keeping my PS4, because why would I re-install 500+ gb of old shit on a new platform?)
Now let’s say I decided to use google and learn from feedback of people who know more than me, because I’m bored during quarantine. I’m hearing Xbox has more raw power, with PS5 loading assets faster, and how devs really like that next gen makes game development easier. There are arguments for both sides, but ultimately what it comes down to are games and performance, and how devs optimize things.
Why the fuck would I, as a consumer, suddenly be swayed to a different platform that can potentially perform better when there are only a handful of studios with the budget to optimize at max capacity? Multiplats will clearly be identical and won’t run at native 4K 60fps anyways. Not even FF15 runs at 4K 60 FPS on max with a top end rig built a year ago (and costs well over a grand). So obviously it’ll be dynamic resolution and hit 60 on both, unless the devs are literal retards
So what is all this dick waving about, when I have no interest in the Xbox brand? I’m supposed to believe that people on here unironically like the Xbox brand, when Xbox One turned into a ported to PC machine?
plot twist: he's right.
the g-spot is only like 2 inches deep. So unless you got a micropenis then you'll be alright.
multiplats will definitely run better on the SeX, the same way they ran better on the 1X vs the ps4 pro. that is definitely something that will sway some people since you have yo remember the biggest market is multiplats and not exclusives
2017 called, they want their spin back.
i am sure she still loves you, user
do you live under a rock?
Go back
Don't forget that twitter screenshot showing Devs confirm PS5 will not use HW ray tracing, just only software solution. topkek
Last month no one even knew what a teraflop was now it's the end of sony because they have fewer than sexbox
how is it dangerous? like will i die
>ShitlettTard F5ing Xbroera relentlessly for the latest DF shill damage control
Fucking kek
Let’s say you’re right, fifa runs at 2 FPS higher. You think that’s going to make people say “shit, I’m not going to get the platform I’m used to, because digital foundry told me about this?” You severely overestimate the consumer mentality and what motivates it.
>just renewed PS+ for a year, and it’ll work on PS5
>hurrdurr I’ll get Xbox
>all my friends are getting PS5
>let me be the one that doesn’t play with them
The only reason Xbox One lost at the start was literal blatant greedy tactics (mandatory Kinect etc) and PS4 absolutely shitting on their attempt to start a bullshit trend. In addition to being a stronger console.
And no one does research. They just believe whatever they want to and follow the crowd.
ps5 does compression too tard
The difference in speed is largely irrelevant, at best it will allow the PS5 to jump between scenes instantly which itself will only be used as a gimmick, and nothing more, it's also easy to fake this by pre loading the next scene.
That's such a big failure I find that hard to believe, but at the same time isn't the Series X they've shown off their flagship, don't they have a cheaper version in the works, it's probably the hardware that most people buy, and it will probably perform worse while costing roughly as much as a PS5, unless Microsoft goes full retard and attempt to muscle in on the Switch's market space, a space where they have absolutely nothing to offer.
Isn't amazing that the entire discussion revolves around relative power and people dont even know what the price is going to be
Or what the games will be
Of their actual performance
Or their design with the SSD-only focus
nuff said.
>muh sales
who gives a shit
the ps5 is dead on arrival and everyone knows it. the only chance they have is to undercut the xsex price.
I don't give a single fuck about anything except the framerate. I might buy the console that does 60fps. I don't care if it'd 1080p or 4k. They need to put their devs in line. Two generations of 30fps and below is just sad. Literally, I'm sad when I look at my consoles. I stopped buying games and just torrent pc games now to run at 60fps.
The next generation looks like complete shit with nothing to offer, who cares what the games will be, let's just laugh at how dumb all of this shit is and hope that some devs are smart enough to just not even bother with either of them.
>Dynamic Voltage Games
>This nobody clawd shill
Xbros having another bad one
>Devs confirm PS5 will not use HW ray tracing, just only software solution.
Yeah, it would be HUGE PITA to do it on PS5. Maybe Devs would be like fuck it, PS5 version would always be gimped cuz no ray tracing - only exclusive to SeX and PC.
Ironic you post this and say lack of understanding
Good, cause mine is only 4.5 inches erect and my flaccid dick is pretty much a tater tot.
it's going to run games at a consistent 4k vs whatever half measure resolution ps5 runs at, just like what happened this gen with the pro models. the difference is going to be larger than 2fps
sounds normal for str8 guys
If you are gay, my condolences
>it's going to run games at a consistent 4k
lmao like Xbros said with the Xbonex
Visually imperceptible multiplats that load measurably faster on PS5. With another $100 price difference? It's ogre for Based Phil. Press S.
Not him but Xbox One X being stronger than a PS4 Pro was way too fucking late to matter, and both platforms were slight upgrades. What Xbox One X killed with was their hard drive, which even outperforms PS4 Pros with a swapped in SSD. And this isn’t even common knowledge.
Also the One X was like a year after the Pro, of course it should’ve been stronger.
And PC is the strongest platform, everyone here has the absolute top end upgrades, which is why no one complains about poor optimizations of PC ports or how consoles are holding them back.
Next gen = half the price of a comparable PC, this will be a fact. Hopefully PC ports won’t get even more fucked up
>With another $100 price difference?
Yes, the X out preformed the shit out of the Pro, still does, and now you can get a X at a cheaper price than the Pro.
Where the fuck did I say anything about sales retard
What exclusives? They are all on PC now nigger.
I bet the multiplats depending on SSD would be a fucking amazing on PC for sure. Perfect graphic and no loading. SeX will get this as well. PS5 version is just all about no loading but no pretty graphics and less than 30fps as well.
Definitely the genius trying to sell you his shit
>"Demonstrable differences" didn't show up
>Still flopping at clearance prices
2020 is gonna be 2017 again lmao
As a former PS loyalist, Back Compat and Game Pass are the features that won me over to Xbox. Because if you like PS2 and PS3 games that were multiplat, those games can all be played on one xbox console now. It's a really cool feature. I know you mentioned you wanted to keep your ps4 around and buy a ps5 and have them both but I don't have the console collecting mindset I guess. Also, Game Pass is just a sweet deal man. You are already paying for your PSN account or whatever right, Game Pass Ultimate is like 5 bucks extra and you get to play $60 first party games on the day they release. Maybe you haven't fallen in love with any xbox franchises yet, then I can't say much but I'm tellin you man, it's real cool.
t. Former PS fanboy who only bought an Xbox One to play old PS3 games on back compat, ended up falling in love and jumping ship.
>2020 is gonna be 2017 again
Yeah Probably
>I bet the multiplats depending on SSD would be a fucking amazing on PC for sure.
People keep saying this but I doubt any gamedevs will optimize for SSD. Even Half Life Alyx which has high system requirements still has loading screens.
>Visually imperceptible multiplats that load measurably faster on PS5
if by measurably faster you mean something like 2.5 seconds vs 5 seconds, then ok. but no one is going to care about that. they will care about a more consistent framerate and resolution since that actually impacts gameplay
Thanks for making my point :)
people were saying that before ps5 and SeX specs, but consolefags don't listen
in this case they have the same architecture but honestly I don't know who actually cares about specs on console, you should wait until you have an actual reason to buy either and compare them. I bought a PS4 for bloodborne and ended up mostly disappointed when years went by without any other worthwhile game, except Odin Sphere
every console this gen was pretty shit in some way now that I think about it
The japs are going too far.
Hi Pajeet
You tried.
>X is 4k
>Pro is a little more than half of that
>Neither are even running at 60fps
Why are you even bragging that about this when the Pro version is just as botched?
But I guess, its will be fine for Xbox since the SeX will fix this problem. I don't about the PS5 since BC is limited and what not.
Yeah, same way Xbros told themselves that through three years of Xbonex failure. How mad are Xbros gonna be when the Switch keeps getting more games and sells more too?