Welcome to the Institute

Welcome to the Institute
Here's your armor

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Not only does it make zero sense but it looks like dogshit as well, bravo Bethesda.


>not exclusively wearing the Courser uniform

How is there not a single set of good looking armor in this game? The only decent one is the marine combat armor and you need a DLC to get it

>raider armour went from Mad Max to industrial christmas ornament
fucking hell

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Actually this, everything looks like dog shit. It makes mods essential.

>Courser uniform
>"hey let's take the coat from the Deus Ex guy, what was his name? ah who cares"

Every piece of armor in this game looks horrible, the only passable one is the Power Armor and the trenchcoat you get from the Silver Shroud quest

I've never played vanilla Fallout 4. I've only ever played modded.

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Fallout 4 is the first game to have weapons and armor so fucking hideously ugly that I had to mod them out of the game. Usually I can just ignore it, mod in some nice stuff, and leave the vanilla in the game along with it. Not with Fallout 4. Especially the fucking pipe weapons.

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>coat from the Deus Ex guy
blade runner guy actually

what mods do you recommend?

>The only decent one is the marine combat armor

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That's the joke.

Like, they had guns, they could easily reverse engineer them, I don't fucking understand this logic at all. How could ANYONE think that this is a logical progression.

toilet armor

>Damn this outfit looks like overdesigned garb-
>Oh is that a high-cut bodysuit? I will now download your mod

Replacing the pipe guns with the defense gun mod is a must.

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kek i dont remember it being this bad

what the fuck were they thinking/smoking?

it's camouflage

It's modular though

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Without mentioning
a: they had 200 fucking years to figure out how they work
b: weapons made with pipes would fucking break after 2 shots

Posting the only good gear in the game

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>Magazine below the bore axis

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>how do you want your armor
>you know when Home Depot has a sale on pvc and gutter pipes
>say no more senpai

well raiders also made AKs

>They couldn't even be bothered to copy/paste the combat knife model into that sheath
How lazy and incompetent can one company get?

what's the fucking point of making synthetic human slaves and using them to replace inbred wasteland settlers?

Why even make them for slave labour? What can they accomplish that a mechanical robot can't do?

to have the ejection port on the left side due to bethesda animation

niero is great

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But again, why make a robot that can fucking betray you


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more customizable, non rebellious if perfected, they're not humans so you can do whatever the fuck you want with them without feeling guilty, since they're just toasters lol

God dammit.


This. I downloaded a bunch of Halo mods and played the game as a Spartan mowing down anybody that fucks me over.

>Gen 1 and 2 synths are just plain old mechanical robots
>Gen 3 synths are perfect human clones

How the FUCK does that make sense? They aren't a continuation of the same project at all.

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Imagine the smell.


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And by fallout 2 NCR had essentially rebuilt a functioning society and a relatively decent standard of life. People have access to the same fucking resources on both coasts, the difference makes zero sense.

small white penis spotted

Power Armor or bust.

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It's like their design concept was the Tron Guy

i prefer this

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Well it makes sense if you remember the quality of writers.

you think deus ex invented trenchcoats? if anything it's more like deckard's jacket from bladerunner. makes sense too since coursers are synths meant to hunt down other synths.

good to pair with a hat for indiana jones larp


Am I wrong for thinking that Power Armor looks best in Fallout 4?

that's really it, ain't it?

No, it's usually agreed that it's the one thing Fallout 4 did right

>New Vegas
>good story, good RPG elements
>god awful FPS controls and combat

>discount Blade Runner spinoff story
>decent FPS

all i wanted was a Fallout game with good combat

all i have is two games i have to monsters that i have to mod for hours in order to make them playable

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y tho?
what’s the point of kidnapping people and making synth clones?
what do they actually gain from it?

Power Armor is probably one of the only things Fallout 4 got right. I'd give it more praise but fusion cores and T-60 are gay

they look pretty cool yeah.

I'm all about that IEX
Love playing with gas masks + nuclear winter to make the surface completely hostile and I can roleplay as an ecologist from Stalker

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not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls

>We approached these designs from the point of view of a resourceful wasterlander who knows nothing about guns
They approached it as developers who know nothing about guns pretending they know something about guns

No, it's one thing they got right in the game

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they have them sweeping and shit. what is the advantage of having android humanoid janitors over a Mr.Handy?

Yes. It feels the best because it's actually a big stompy robot suit, but having to fit them all on the same frame makes them very samey.

The fusion cores and UI sucked. Jetpack attachment was based though.

>in a video game
I don't think you know what larp means

The armour is so shit in this game that I just wore the vault suit with extra pieces of armour throughout the whole thing, used Kellogs outfit for a while too.

How can it be so difficult for them to put in a bit of design effort?

>we approached these designs from the point of view of a resourceful Wastelander who knows nothing about guns
Guns made by someone who doesn't know a lot about guns, but enough to fucking make them?

It's fucking based.

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Why are there so many bags?

shame t-60 sucks

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I second this, it's not just the pipe guns that look like shit. Pretty much every gun and animation in the game look like shit, with some being more shitty than others.

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The point the story tries to make (tries and fails) is that Synths replace people in power positions such as the Mayor in Diamond City to shape the Wasteland in the way the Institute seems fit, also for observation purposes (i.e: "Is someone close to find out about the location of the Institute?")

In reality, the writers didn't even know and it's a wasted concept that's a little bit better explored in Far Harbor


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It doesn't even look bad, but the lore for it is fucking retarded. Why the FUCK didn't they just explain it as some BoS designed upgrade kit for T-45? That's unironically how it was originally designed.

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>buying the game after the shit that was fallout 3
Why did you do it, i'm curious?