Omg, no thread already?
Get in boys, we're getting remake on this gem, and also on PC too!
Omg, no thread already?
Get in boys, we're getting remake on this gem, and also on PC too!
Brother BAD
best track, tied with shadowlord
Can't wait for more Nier/Emil art!
We've had nonstop threads for days now.
Keep up.
Fucking glad to see Replicant get released here in west too. Stocked of the "1.5" upgrade as well.
Brother better
N word
Dad design is dated. Brother is the superior choice.
ungabunga me relate to father figure more despite me manchild
I'm so fucking excited for this game, so far I played Drakengard 3 and Automata from this series, I had the original Replicant downloaded on rpcs3 for months but now I don't need to play that version anymore, really wish they would remaster the Drakengard games as well or better yet a remake because I heard the first 2 games have awful gameplay
Thanks for the beta so(n) yboys!
I'd also like remasters of the Drakengard games even though they're kind of bullshit
I just want to see Devola and Popola in HD.
Is that 9S or a different type of android??
I dunno, but he's wearing the same outfit 9S wore in the DLC. So they might be related somehow
>homosexual is better
Yes, Emil is indeed the best character
It's Nier.
No relation to Nines
he looks like a fag here but his post-timeskip design looks really cool, maybe that was the idea
No shit sherlock.
He's also a literal kid.
Lorefags can you answer me this, how do replicants age? They’re artificial beings. I know the whole process about going to Devola and Popola if you want a kid thing but why would Brother Nier age?
just read the comments, everyone is asking where the father Nier is.
There's no way they won't have a Gestalt version too.
Yes, we're aware that the game we're discussing is called Nier, but that doesn't really answer the original question. Who knows he could have some sort of relation to 9S, they look pretty similar. That strap on his head could be from his old blindfold even
>There's no way they won't have a Gestalt version too.
Why? We've already gotten that shit, and Bro-Nier is the true version.
>Who knows
No, (You) don't know jack shit, but (I) do.
If you don't wanna get spoiled, stay offline or put filters on the Catalog on anything Nier or Taro-related.
stop what? i'm just trying to discuss the game. or would you rather this thread go back to fighting about old man vs twink?
>gay prostitute is the true version
For you maybe.
ooga booga me prefer brother despite never having played replicant ooga booga
i'd rather this thread be about you crying when i kick your fucking teeth in you miserable little cunt.
reminder that this remakster is releasing this month.
For literally everyone. And you've been shitposting about gays for days now.
you sound mad dude. you ok?
i'll be okay when you stop breathing you fat fuck
Are you lost? This isn't a forum or reddit, there are no screen names, only anonymous here.
I literally just started following these threads yesterday.
I wonder if this is good or bad timing if I just beat Gestalt a month or two ago. Game was pretty fun but grinding for materials for sidequests was ass.
Sure you did, mate.
I sure did you gaylord.
Enjoy your tranny character, I don't care.
>No, (You) don't know jack shit, but (I) do.
I played Nier just like the rest of you guys, and 2B is one of my favorite videogame characters ever. You don't need to act like i'm some secondary; I know my lore.
That's gonna be a problem since I can't just stop breathing on command. I'm sure there's some people out there with that skill, but not me, unfortunately.
He's a straight, young boy (male).
Keep dilating.
They're still organic in some way.
Does this count as a pandemic game?
>prostitutes himself for money´
no its not there wasnt even a release date in the teaser. we get this maybe in the summer
What did Taro mean by this?
they said they're trying to get it to launch in its 10th anniversary (that's 22nd of april)
the twitter tranny who leaked it
I hope they at least include a Gestalt Costume. He was a much better designed character. Having an ugly, worn down old man as the protagonist was a subversion of the trope. Plus he was THICC as fuck and rocked those fucking sandals
i mean who translated the stream they had in japanese*
I find that really hard to believe
i doubt we see it this month but that would be a nice treat. with all this corona shit going on im sure it has slowed down development
It's not a remake, it's just a remaster.
It's not a remaster, it's just a port
They explicitly said it's something between remaster and port.
It's not a port because they're updating it to Unreal Engine 4 (original is on Unreal Engine 3) and adding new content, most likely implementing the cut content mentioned in Grimoire Nier.
And making a connection with Automata
nier is objectively not a fun/good game
if they fully remake it to be like automata i might be interested, but automata wasn't that good either, and it had ass. this doesn't have ass.
Yep, 9S and 2B VAs are confirmed to make an appearance
it has balls
I guess he's saying anyone who makes april fools jokes tomorrow is going to get people mad.
i hope the combat is better than automata. didnt really enjoy the combat in that game but i am enjoying my first playthrough of gestalt. kinda wish i was playing the brother though something about the dad just isnt as much fun
It's been a while since I played Nier, but as I remember the lore the Replicants were supposed to be bodies that humanity's souls would return to. Artificial does not mean they're made of metal and bits of electronics.
The combat in OG Nier was complete dogshit compared to Automata. To make it better they would have to scrap and replace basically everything. I'd love it if they did that (and succeeded at it) but I wouldn't expect such huge changes from a remaster.