it's not April 1st yet bruh
E-celeb threads aren't being deleted
pretty funny joke right
you are the joke
booty booty booty booty
it's still march, dumb euro
My only hope is that it doesn't happen because it's almost always shit.
This is an American website.
East Coast America rules the world. We are the real time.
everything is in cali bruh
Tomorrow dumb Eurofag
Cali doesn't hold the soul of America though, just a bunch of street shitting degenerates.
Quarantine. Every IP will be barred from posting on any other board than the last they posted on
>faggot third worlder thinks his country matters
>Cali doesn't hold the soul of America though
You're right, that's the Midwest
The joke is that the ps3 actually did have a few games. That loss wasnt actually so much the quintessential comic by Tim Buckley but used more for its jarring tonal shift until it became memetic. That while the intention of a generals board for video games was indeed sensible it has not in fact even remotely improved or affected this boards ability to talk about video games. That frankly the only thing that matters about the format you play on is if you like the games you have on it and that is basically fucking it. That while it is easy to claim video games are in a general downward trend in quality this claim has been frequently made by prior generations going right back to the 60s and thus is highly suspect. That getting a 1/10 chance was in fact just better as dubs than singles. That I just want to talk about video games and have done for a literal decade and a half yet am still fucking here eight now and will be tomorrow because unfortunately I love you guys.
4chanx shitting itself for me right now.
Means they are probably messing with the site right now for it.
works on my machine :)
Guess your machine won't get the april fools joke then B^)
the joke is the world is unironically ending
It is, in every country that matters.
Look in a mirror
I cant I'm blind.
>survived through black death, spanish flu, plague etc.
>but no it's this pandemic that will end the world
Hiro, on top of not giving a shit in general, is really wasting the potential of this site. If I was him I would be running experiments non-stop.
it isn't in the only country that matters.
the joke is that there is no joke
The joke is that this board is about video games when it clearly isn’t, as evidenced by pic related
I wish we dont have one this year as a joke
>getting triggered by interracial couples
Never forget minibros
Will you kill yourself when that doesn't happen?
You are the joke
Maybe wait until April 1st, champ. 3 hours to go.
You don't know either of those people.
Be careful what you wish for. Tomorrow is going to be terrible.
>april fools
wtf is that on the bottom right?
do you need to watermark pasting a png over a wojak?
It's still March retard
yeah it is
>waiting for april fools
>It's already noon in subhuman australia
Lmao meanwhile it isn't even 9pm in the real world yet
>not wanting a full day of all out shitposting
Post more
>almost noon
Almost 1pm in worst-australia
This. Fuck off non Americans. Goddamn
>wanting shitpost
Why do you fags have to use april fools as an excuse to erp like sissies?
Why do you post frogs?
Based peepfag
Except it isnt, faggot. This is an AMERICAN imageboard, aka the only country that fucking matters. Is it April Fools in AMERICA yet? Fuck no retard, so therefore it hasnt started yet. Sit your irrelevant ass the fuck back down and wait until the masters of the world are ready to experience April Fools.
fuck off, you europoor.
already? time fucking flies
faggots gotta faggot, its also why Peeps are the master race. Everyone trannying it up when they make their own path
Better than no shitposting, Yas Forums would be boring without it
wait nigga wait
>get a little hard last year from the ERP because I kept pretending it was women
>every time I went to nut, the stupid sissies started talking about their sissy dicks
Is it so hard to ask for a faggot to pretend to be female?
america stopped mattering when they stopped paying attention to china
>[00:18] this years april fools is brought to you by dr pepper
What did they mean by this?
The joke is who is handling the worst pandemic in a century.
>AMERICAN imageboard
ah, that explains all the sissies, futafags, worship of black cock and just general faggotry
Considering that nearly 80% of this board is full of trap-porn masturbating literal actual faggots, they probably thought they were helping
Something to do with Steins;Gate
>Dr Peeper
I dont speak subhuman, sorry
I don't care what it is as long as it isn't as shitty as last year's
Have fun with your collapsing economy
>It is, in every country that matters.
Funny that the guy who says this doesn't know how to properly use fucking commas. Pottery.
>being quarantined alongside eceleb posters
>your opinion is invalid cause you don't speak my language proprely
It's gonna be some shitty play on the corona-virus, no porn/oc this year bros.
It's just a joke dude
see u tomorrow bb
See you next year when we're still on top and youre seething about it as per usual
post more tigers
remove spellcheck and make fun of all the retards that cant spell
so what will it be this year im hoping for more princesses
Here you go.
Yas Forums doesn't have spellcheck you phoneposter
at what time does it actually start?
It literally does though
about 2 hours from now I think
>April 1st
>oh my god i'm such a slut please let me suck your cock daddy
>Aprils 2nd