Best race in Warcraft lore

>Best race in Warcraft lore.
>Blizzard won't do shit with them like being playable in WoW.

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I have never once seen the female ogre model in game. Where are they?

Private servers are your only chance.

Too simps and no female.

>rosterfagging in wow

Mok'nathal are superior, don't need to deal with overly ugly and grotesque models and have average looking females.
Don't need to deal with twin headed ones either.

Attached: rexxar.gif (133x103, 58.66K)


Attached: wow empty races.png (760x930, 915.71K)

Does it really matter at this point? Ogres naga whatever race people want wont suddenly make the game not shit. Just move on

its bizarre they added fat humans before ogres
but other again the fat people were added for some body positivism hogwash and not just because fat ugly bastards are funny

>exactly one Mok'nathal model in the game and it's character specific
>all others are just orcs with giant growth potions

>race cant be female
>banned from being playable

they need to throw their armor fitting data up on github and crowdsource dress-up autists to fix it, then they can put interesting races in the game, really most this game should be on github since it's in maintenance mode now

more people would rather play as a human/humanoid than some novelty ugly creature. ALMOST as delusional as the high elf fags

I think the general consensus is that ogres are too big. They're way bigger than even Tauren. It'd be difficult to design interiors with them in mind.

However, I think a good compromise to this would be Mok'Nathal.

If fuck it, Rexxar is BASED

Attached: RexxarArt.jpg (612x580, 229.8K)

horde is unsalvageable
undead were tolerable
blood elves ended it all
no more monster faction for you

>They're way bigger than even Tauren
Ogre size is variable as shit. The ones in Duskwood are about Night Elf height, the ones in Dustwallow are about the size of Tauren

Make the Horde scary again.

Attached: The Horde.jpg (1128x925, 163.51K)

I can even pick Arakkon for the Horde.

Attached: arakkoa.jpg (4368x3240, 1.89M)

reusing Rexxar's model would work just fine in the near future.
He uses a modified KT rig.

Attached: rexxar.jpg (1033x900, 177.39K)

Remember when Blood Elves were simpering faggots ruining the Horde's monstrous reputation

early arrakoan concept art and the original model got one thing right.
The new models have a lot of exposed chicken skin, it makes them look like retarded poultry.
They should have had feathers to the edge of their beaks and hands.


>a modified KT rig
There's only one skeleton for all races now and has been since WoD

rig, model whatever, i don't know the exact technical term but clearly this model is based off the KT.

>Have a canonical reason to dislike the Horde
>Been a fan favorite since their introduction
>Still not playable for the Alliance

Attached: Ethereal.jpg (1000x801, 176.38K)

Ethereal are meant to be neutral, they wouldn't join the pathetic pig skins.
They also already took the Void themed race slot up with the Void Elves, Alliance will never get another void themed race again.

>Ethereal are meant to be neutral

So were goblins

>Too big

Attached: diaperbaby.jpg (555x560, 35.93K)

true but Goblins were part of the Horde in WC2 and even designed and engineered Orgrimmar in the Founding of Durotar campaign in WC3.
What can you say about Ethereals that makes you think Alliance?
That being said Ethereals are one of my fave races and I wouldn't mind some new dumb lore to force them into the game.
Their facial customization is going to be absolute garbage tier, but then again we already have diaper gnomes...

Cast him.

vulpera are pirates, robbers, murderers, assassins, cannibals and probably commit a few other atrocities
blood elves on the other hand dont even make sense post TBC ending because the sunwell was restored and they no longer have to resort to drug addiction and deals with the devil to survive
and while we're at it forsaken have no reason to not go back to their human families in stormwind, if fucking death knights who committed genocide 5 minutes ago are welcomed I see no reason why unwillingly-risen peasant workers aren't
pandaren on the other hand make no fucking sense in the horde and were just blizzard being lazy and not wanting another playable race from pandaria despite having so many good options(monkey dudes, fish dudes, mantis dudes, etc)

Too many fucking races. Cut the Draenei, Elves, and Orcs.

The hilarious thing would be if ogres were made playable the females would probably be the human model with a human head and the same kind of eyes they gave female worgen

undead are not tolerable on classic because they are almost the majority

>tfw the kike overlords working on hearthstone have given more love to ethereals than the WoW team ever will
I could be here all night posting all of the god tier art they got across all the hearthshit expansions, the main bad guy is even an ethereal with a funny accent who canonically steals dalaran and resurrects galakrond to destroy the world before 1v1ing him and winning and bragging about it to the survivors

Bloodelves are still shunned from the Alliance, those pig skins are extremely racist. The elves have also proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted. (bad writing but it's there)
Forsaken led by Sylvanas would never go back to Lordaeron, the book completely explained this plotline.
Pandaria had a lot going on, a brand new class as well as a brand new race. There's no way in hell they could have fit in another new race. Just look at how ugly the Hozen and lazy the Jinyu are.

I meant to post this image

Attached: 400px-Zerek,_Master_Cloner_full.jpg (400x533, 37.37K)

They were mercenaries, and of course they would design and build a city if they got paid for it. Ethereal would prefer the Alliance over the Horde simply due to Kael'thas' mana forge fuckery (even though Kael'thas wasn't acting on behalf of the Horde, it soured the Ethereal view on blood elves).

As to why they would join up, it would be pretty easy to come up with a reason in the current events which are, to put it mildly, apocalyptic. In fact, they could pull something concerning the Jailer siphoning souls from the twisting nether out of their ass, which would obviously be a bad thing for the Ethereal who use the nether as a sort of highway for transportation, so they would want to join in on the effort to slap his shit.

>who canonically steals dalaran and resurrects galakrond to destroy the world before 1v1ing him and winning and bragging about it to the survivors
There's absolutely nothing canonical about Hearthstone.
It's a 4th wall breaking tale in the tavern at best.

hearthstone and warcraft aren't canon to each other but hearthstone allegedly does have canon, I don't really know how it works to be honest with you
I like him though

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>Best race in Warcraft lore.
Not even.

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I wish we had more practical armor choices. I understand wanting to walk around like a Power Ranger but I sometimes want my guy to just look like a Knight, yaknow?

>aren't canon to each other
fair enough, the funny thing about Hearthstone is that they purposefully cross the line between storytelling, a real plot line and just entertainment from the tavern.
I guess it's good to keep it ambiguous for the sake of marketing.

Nothing's stopping you from transmogging more sensible gear, of which there is quite a lot in the game. Unless you are playing classic, that is.

I know but a lot of that gear still is not so practical. I guess I'd just like them to make more weapons that seemed sensible; swords that weren't as thick as a dick, sallets, shoulder pads that weren't so huge, yknow. Stuff like that.

copyright dumb ass

>Bloodelves are still shunned from the Alliance
They only joined the Horde in TBC because they had to hamfist in the Night Elves attacking them for literally no reason. They were in the middle of leaving the Horde and rejoining the Alliance in MoP but they had to hamfist it with the Sunreavers helping Garrosh attack Darnassus and Jaina going apeshit in Dalaran.

The only reason they're still Horde is because Blizzard will never have the balls to make a dynamic storyline where the status quo actually changes

No they were never included simply because the chinese would not like them or play them.

I always thought Ogres and Naga were no brainers. I'd unironically play retail if Naga were playable.

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yeah it could absolutely be described as stupid but I really like the atmosphere of the storytelling for the most part, it's far better than wow lore nowadays anyway
now if only it werent JEWISH AS FUCK

Blizzard keeps apeing off Warhammer which includes stupidly heavily, impractical autistic looking armor that would maybe look appealing to the underage. Most WoW players dont give a shit because as long its a purple pixel they'll eat it right up.

>amputee chara
what they were thinking

I care.

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What about the stormwind guard set? The weapons being thicc is unfortunately a stylistic choice in line with the rest of the aesthetic.

Everquest handled this in 1999 by having larger races squat down when passing under shit
Suppose it would make for some visual jank with abilities like sprint though

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Forsaken Elves and lightforged forsaken elves.

are you going to forcibly faction change half the horde to alliance?

I play on Moon Guard, the Roleplaying server. If I wear that, I'll blend in with the Stormwind Guard guild, and they're a bunch of nonces.