I think it's pretty widely accepted that she's a Twili. What would her imp form look like?
I think it's pretty widely accepted that she's a Twili. What would her imp form look like?
>it’s pretty widely accepted
But she has the Gerudo insignia on her. This is the first I’ve ever heard anyone say she’s a Twili.
that would just make her even more twili
Why not both?
>Gerudo kidnaps a Twili male
>Rodeos on that dick
He's a retard and thinks twili came from Gerudo.
People are still doubting it? Midna is clearly based on Veran. They're the same race.
>But she has the Gerudo insignia on her.
So did Zant.
The president browses tumblr?
This is literally the first time I've ever heard anyone say she's Twili. And why do you think that all Twili have an imp form? You're a fucking retard.
>Thinking Zelda lore is deep
Cmon man
I say she's a Sheikah who took their "tribe of shadow" oath too literally.
God, when is her game going to get a remake? Fuck, I'll take a HW Sequel with her in it.
Never, because Nintendo likes to ignore the Capcom-made games. Very rarely will they ever bring them up beyond "Oh, yeah, they exist".
Has anyone done art of her in this style?
They use the exact same assets and engine as Link's Awakening so it'd seem like a small effort to shit out Oracle remakes
An effort that Nintendo doesn't want to show due to their general refusal to acknowledge the Oracle games.
>he can’t read and is out of loop
Aww,he doesn’t know
Asymmetric clothing turns me on
They have failed to make a 2d Zelda game that stands up compared to either of the Oracles games for decades now, if I were them I wouldn't acknowledge them either.
This is the closest thing I could find. Sorry.
I wouldn't mind her eye being like that
The Chibi style makes it more forgiving.
>Veran thread
Uncommon, but intriguing.
>I think it's pretty widely accepted
Yes user we know that you're an obese fuck but that doesn't mean that anybody else believes your retardation.
I wish Nintendo would loan out Zelda more often
It only failed with Phillips
I want a Zelda game where Link goes off script and joins the villain, ideally a Twili or Gerudo or Zora girl, then becomes dark link and you have to play as Zelda to finish the story
I've always wanted a game where some god-like evil corrupted a timeline, and Zelda gets courage, Link gets Power and Ganondrof gets Wisdom. Ganondorf is the King of the land and with his wisdom realizes something is wrong with his triforce, in the end reveals he uses the dark link of power to his advantage, and the hero Zelda must jump between multiple timelines to power the master sword.
Cia would've been the perfect opportunity for that.
>HW Legends retcons her death because women aren't allowed to die as unrepentant villains anymore
Fuck that! Veran will always be superior because she stuck with her evil ways to the very end.
yet they took nu daisy from a camelot game and never let her go from her cousin's look.
better her than her stupid fucking pop star counterpart.
She's a fairy, you dumbass. You see her true form in the original game.
I don't even remember that guy's name
I never even played the game, but it's General Onox.
We need more Dark Link
Who are the other two?
didn't they port Oracle to the 3DS?
they at least went through the effort of making a version that didn't need a password save
I know that the one on the right is from Wonderful 101, but I don't know the top one.
Only on Virtual Console as straight emulations. You still needed the passwords for all the secrets, and you couldn't even get the GBA bonus rings unless you used a password generator to put them in.
Is Grezzo confirmed to be working on anything?
we wont know until they announce the mario shit
Both also have exposed, lickable navels
she cute
I miss girahim, I can't remember the last time I encountered an antagonist that was gay as spring time and could whoop ass.
Took me a minute
Girahim turned me bi. I saw an image of him whipping Link while Link had a carrot in his ass and I just knew.
>She's a fairy
She has several forms