Nioh 2 Thread

Hideyoshi river boy edition

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>died tragically at the hands of Red Kappa

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That face doesn't look like it belongs on that body

It's pretty good for a souls-like, probably the best, Dark Souls is still better though.

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Can you cunts learn how to fucking play, so that Tecmo stop catering to your disabilities please?

>farming wooden texts so i can farm proficiency faster while i farm 500 human kills with every weapon

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Who cares besides (You)

>look at the popular youtubers making "builds"
>they play like shit

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Absolutely based ryonanon keeping waifus in check

Heavy armor = easy mode. You cannot refute this.

There's also Gyuki, Ryomen, Enenra, and Magara Naotaka. Though personally I had little trouble with the last two. Everyone gets filtered by something that they "shouldn't have trouble with".

>when your 10th+ concubine STILL won't produce an heir

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Why the fuck does a BOSS ENEMY like Shibata get nerfed when Gaki still do the most damage in the entire game

He shouldn't have trashed Hiddy like that
Any of these cute waifus could have got an heir

I never raped any waifus.
I just stand there clapping, jeering, and whistling while they bathe in the hot spring in front of me, just to make them feel uncomfortable.

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What non boss yokai would you have sex with?

I don't know what they nerfed in the first place
Some anons claim it was the grab at the start of the fight, but my host just died grabbed as soon as the battle started
grabs seem to be a common weakness for waifu characters

Why would he want an heir? That just means he risks not being at the top
Fuck that.

Flying Bolt
Nure Onna

>One of them suddenly does

Surely... surely, that is my son, right?

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Based volcel snakebro

The female yokai trapped within my tonfas

Because that would be admitting that his seed isn't potent. A thing he would consider a great dishonor

Imagine using anything other than light armor, hatchets, no yokai abilities, no burst counters, no ranged weapons, no yokai weapons, no tempering, no soul matching, and claiming you actually beat Nioh.

Fucking casuals.

>destroys your legacy for absolutely no fucking reason

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Because old ago. Also because clan/family was a much more important thing to a culture with shorter life expectancy and much less value on individual lives. See: Literally killing themselves to prevent themselves dishonouring their family.

Just punch them to death

>implying punching isnt easier than hatchets

rank the three unifiers in order from based to cringe

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>Hiddy slayer
>William pimp nobunaga
In that order

are you not following me, direct male heirs were treasured in the warring states period because they gave more power and influence to the current daimyo of a specific domain, since it gave them more potential to extend their lineage. yes, there have been occasions where the heir has risen up against the current daimyo, but daimyos who only had daughters were seen as weak and imcompetent by comparison.

hell, people would trade around their kids in arranged political marriages to further their own agenda.

for example, date terumune (masamune's father) had masamune marry princess mego (megohime) at 12 years old since megohime's clan (the tamura) did not have any direct male heirs to pass along the helm to, so they married her off to ensure the clan's survival at the behest of the date. the date accepted this to hopefully make the tamura castle another stronghold in an eventual fight with the nearby daimyos down the line (ashina for example)

>he doesn't know
Sweaty, bare hands are stronger than hatchets.

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The monster hunter thread is in the other direction good sir

Was it autism?


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With all the stupid gimping is easier or you talk about buffing yourself the fuck out?

>That's my boy!

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Yes, the way I see it, female Hide canonically has huge cowtits but their purpose is functionality over sexuality, you see Hide stores all of her yokai energy/amrita/anima, where else could she possibly being storing it all? Her big tits are the conduit of her powers
So yes, Hide's big tits are side effect a of her being half-yokai,
And yes, to answer your question like wise male Hide canonically has a huge balls full of yokai energy

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Why doesn't she protect her backside?
Red kappa is coming!

Hello, s- I mean, lord Hideyori.

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Yokai mana tanks?

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Why is Sengoku period Japan so fucking interesting? I know it's mainly because I'm a weeb but the political infighting and maneuvering is damn fascinating

Also Nobunaga basically shitposting in the face of ancient traditions is also pretty funny

>climate change isn't rea--

it's ok, she's probably into that

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then wouldnt Hide's breasts shrink or increase in size whenever gaining or losing anima

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>bro just get inheritable attack and orange inheritable bare handed attack for every piece of armour

Fuck off wirriam, you have enough waifus already
Leave some for the rest

Would a fully charged male hiddy cum buckets then?

>Kasha sucks the amrita out of Hide's tits

>communicate with other people
>make dupes

>because I'm a weeb
Yeah, that. People who were actually living in Japan doesn't care about history that much.

My Hide's post-game fashion
Thoughts behind it:
Considering the ending, Hide kinda loses everything related to being a samurai and Mumyo just takes Hide with her instead.
I'd like to think that he gets some hand-me-downs Sohaya shit and turns down the lord status look.
I put on the light Sohaya gauntlets I believe. They have these cool looking bone fingers that play up the demonic aspect, and since I am building my character about building up Amrita fast and going in and out of Yokai Shift a lot, this fits well.
I wanted a more bulky look since none of the looser hakama look anywhere near as cool as the unusual hakama from Nioh 1, which is unfortunately not in Nioh 2, it's my favorite piece of armor in the entire series.
Due to this, I decided to go with the Sohaya medium chest for the top. It plays up the traveler aspect due to the large cloak thing.
Since the Unusual Hakama isn't in, I had to go for some different bottoms. I picked Kintaro's first since it has a big nice pelt, but it's just slightly too colorful for the edgy sort of look I wanted.
None of the other legs really seemed to fit, but Shibata's seems to do the trick. It has a pelt/fur hanging off, but the piece is overall darker and fits better with the rest of the set.
For the boots I just went with the medium Sohaya I believe to pair it with the bone aesthetic of the gloves. And the Night Raider helmet, it fits together with the chest and legs quite well and has a homemade sort of look.

Please Team Ninja, give me Unusual Hakama.

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Kasha licked my character's midriff and stole her some amrita, imagine how much would she steal licking the tits

>communicate with other people
fuck off normie

Because Japs have made a tradition of romanticizing and "mythologizing" their history. The west is held back by an obsession with surface-level realism and historical accuracy. If more devs treated the Western histories as folklore and legend, we could have more engaging games in that vein.

Assassin's Creed is really the only thing of that nature right now, unfortunately.

No, monkey. You're a cuck.

Did Wirriam-autist fuck off from these threads? Haven't seen him around the last few times.

That's pretty normal stuff. Why do you think that all female mages have huge tits.

>I know it's mainly because I'm a weeb
Yes, it's because of that
It was like that in the rest of the world, just take a look at europe, the middle ages were a fucking mess

>Twilight mission is the poop castle
this mission is fucking exhausting

>Assassin's Creed is really the only thing of that nature right now, unfortunately.
And I'd argue Assassin's Creed really fucks it up in that aspect to be honest.
Oh what could've been.

as someone who grew up mostly on AAA western titles, this single image confirms why women in Japanese games are superior

Sadly the technically for tits of that magnitude does not exist yet and we simply have to wait for nioh 3 on the PS5
The base PS4 would crumble at near suggestion of having to render Hide's double G yokai milkers after she's collect a 1 million amrita

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You guys can make all the sexy looking waifus you want

But nothing will beat Okatsu's legs + feet in the boss fight from the first game

I think I saw him last thread

there is also space for more Hiddies in Wirriam's harem

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I like it because Azai is a great boss and I like the three tiers of fortifications you have to go through in order to get to the castle, the castle inside with the cylinders in the middle was also cool.
It's just weird to me that they would give this twilight mission again so soon, is it randomized?

sepukku yourself footfag

Why does everyone fucking suck at this game? Modern gamers are an embarrassment.

I don't really think Okatsu is that attractive, her face is not very pretty.


Just run right through everything with tiger running scroll. You can get to the boss in like 1 minute.

>has been used since the dawn of time
>hand signals, grunts, body language
>jump forward to modern day
>make a small suggestion that takes little effort
>user on an imageboard, actively communicating with people in threads, calls others "normie" for doing exactly what he is doing even though it would solve his problem
Sometimes, you just don't know how others operate.

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Okatsu got humiliated by pretty much every waifu in the last thread

has anyone made an accurate Okatsu yet?

>is it randomized?

Hopefully it is. Otherwise, whoever chooses the missions is a dipshit.

now THIS is a waifu

>that Fuku

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What chest piece is that?

wow, really makes me think that we live in a society


the gaymers are playing Nioh 2 though, that's why so many are playing as girls

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golden gourd

oh she cute

Favorite part about this image

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Itll be years before technology is advanced enough to handle that level of Hiddy Tiddy

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He cums a jet of liquid amrita that makes women orgasm so hard they can see spirits.

Looks like she got YAZURA'd

post code NOW

>plays games on a ps4
Opinion discarded