He didn't main knives

>he didn't main knives

Attached: mana.jpg (225x225, 11.62K)

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If I had the option I'd probably pick Vash or Wolfwood over him.

i did spear and that cool special move that was a big line of jap text over the screen

dont worry i know i am based

I picked fist because punching stuff to death is manly.

Could somebody briefly explain this game's crafting system to me?


Best taste

Attached: smug.jpg (900x810, 55.04K)

What's the difference? The game is easy as shit anyway.

dragon blood and elemental coins

You just throw stuff at an item until it turns out the way you want. Alternatively, read one of the old guides on gamefaqs or something.

Even on No Future, weapon choice was never really that important. The real dividing line is whether you believe the Jumi deserved what they got.

It may be easy, but it's still an excellent game.

reminder that the dragoons suffered far worse

uhhh you add monster items and element coins to your weapon and pray it turns out good. but I usually just ungabunga with a 2H sword without worrying about that since you can just craft a basic one that tears through hp bars without worrying about elemental shit.

I don't even remember using it, the game is already pretty easy.

I mained nunchucks.

It's extremely complicated. Basically every material has 2 slots plus a hidden slot. Depending what you put into the slots and what's already in them, you can accumulate essence but it's also affected by secondary effects on the materials. Just grab a guide, you need a phd to understand that system.

is it possible to do all the 3 main story arcs in a single game?

Yeah. It's easy. You can do every quest in one run.

I see. I must be doing something wrong. Usually Pearl and her cuck fuck off when I try to do anything else.

I think he's bullshitting. There are 3 distinct routes in this game and they all lead to the final arc once completed. As far as I know there's no way to start the others once you've proceeded past a certain point in any one of them. Expect to use NG+.

If he's not bullshitting I'd like to see proof because I'm not seeing it on google.

That game is amazing.

LUL, no.

Hands down the greatest mana game. They never even got close to with any mana game after

>Could somebody briefly explain this game's crafting system to me?

Attached: OIP.v5fgcFOkpCfiPMKtHPU2NQHaEK.jpg (474x266, 13.18K)

is the story bretty cool in this game?

You're a retard. You can active the mana tree midway through the game no problem and keep going. You can do all three major routes no problem, you fucking idiot.

>This walkthrough contains detailed instructions (with graphical maps of every land) on how to complete every single event in a single play-through

Elementals good, Fruits good, Crystals very good, Eyes bad unless you know exactly tf you doing

I was wondering what I was harvesting fruits for

>he doesn't paint his golems

You mainly harvest fruits for your pets, and also for the big dick energy points if you ever manage to make a Toadstoolshed (hint: without a guide, you won't), but overall fruits are also good and safe things to throw at your gear.

>You're a retard.
>you fucking idiot.
Yikes, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

No, I kiss yours.

>new ip

Because I'm at your moms house.

shut the fuck up underage

>people actually want a Legend remake after Trials instead of something sensible like Sword
Legend is the definition of SOUL and any attempt to remake it would be doomed to failure.

I'd take a picture of your mom to prove it but my camera only goes up to 4k.

A Legend remake would undoubtedly fail to live up to the original artistically, but it stands a decent chance of being much better to actually play. I'm willing to give them a chance considering how much better the Trials remake looks compared to the Secret remake.

Attached: 16613241.jpg (850x950, 228.19K)

The real question is if Legends has enough of a following to justify the money it would take to do it justice in 3D.


It's weird, if you look at a surface level it's weak, with only three main "arcs" of sidequests providing any meat to the plot, but the world is so full of zany characters, weird cultures, races and overall crazy shit, plus lots of lore elements only hinted at in the main story and lots of overarching themes that span the entire game. It's like the world could provide the setting for 10 different games but Legend barely scrapes the surface of it.

I agree. Sword would be a better choice to remake while Legends would make for a better re-release. I would love to play Legends on my Switch.

The spear is overpowered though.

Why would you want another remake of the first game? Square already released a remake of FFA four years ago on the Vita.

there was a sequel to legend of mana

Because that remake was ass and nothing like Sword of Mana. Sword was a full remake that changed a lot of things up while Adventures was a stripped down, faithful to the original game that really just updated the graphics to a shitty 3D mobile look instead of the beautiful Legend-esque style that Brownie Brown did for Sword. You can't even play was the heroine in Adventures and you can't be a fist mage either. Fuck Adventures. You wouldn't even ask this question if you ever played Sword of Mana.

use crt shaders at 4k+ or fuck off

Attached: Legend of Mana (USA)-200323-145655a.png (1317x1080, 2.17M)

damn not being able to see 50% or more of the game really improves my appreciation of the art

This is the best remake of FFA.

Attached: sqex_005.jpg (750x260, 166.5K)


>only one playable character
>half the weapon types
>no lil cactus, trent's orchard or watt's forge
Sword isn't just a remake of Final Fantasy Adventure, it was the closest thing they ever did to a Legend of Mana sequel. Adventures is a remake of the game boy game for mobile phones. The difference between FFA/AoM and Sword is like the difference between the original Trials and the remake.

Attached: t4ow66T.jpg (1300x1000, 368.3K)

Sword is more than a remake of FFA though. I don't want FFA, I want Sword. Give me magic punch gloves.

>it was the closest thing they ever did to a Legend of Mana sequel.
There was an actual Legend of Mana sequel, you know.

Attached: 20071221_260228.jpg (623x401, 81.48K)

I remember when SE planned to release the mobile remake to the west when they announced Dawn and Children.

I feel like there was supposed to be more to Sword. many ideas/skills/techs that never made it in.

Oh, user, you joker.

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I love how the game is piss easy already but clearly there was one autist Squaresoft locked in a basement and left him to his own devices when it came to Crafting and Golem making.

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anyone who developed games with high quality pixel art back then would agree, yes

>mobile phone game
I willfully forgot those games exist. Mana died after Heroes and the phone games were just animating its corpse.

>he doesn't have a crt monitor

Friends of Mana predates Heroes. It must have been a decently well-liked game, seeing as it lasted for 5 years.

Anybody who developed games with high quality pixel art would probably have wanted you to view their art in a higher quality instead of fetishizing low-grade consumer hardware out of a sense of elitism and pretentious nostalgia. There is zero chance you'd find a single developer from the time who would tell you to use something that was dropped like a rock the moment a superior alternative was found and made commercially viable.

Wew, this was definitely written by a bitter zoomer who gets angry that something OLD is objectively better in certain ways.

at least the workshop music was comfy