Has half life alyx proven vr is a gimmick?

Has half life alyx proven vr is a gimmick?

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i don't know

can you repeat the question?


Have you actually tried it? I predict in the near future every AAA game will have a VR option where you play with a controller if it's like a third person game or something not really suited for motion


I played it and I have to say I wish it was a regular game with a vr mode. It does have a wow factor at times with how you got the combine and headcrabs right in front of you but most of the time it feels like a gimmick limiting the gameplay and scope of the game. Its 95% set on small corridors and ruins with more load screens than hl2 because of this.

Also the low resolution of the headset ruins the great graphics and models this game has. Cant wait for gmod 2 non vr

The best game to play in VR wasn't even a VR game

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When she has the HMD on she is easy to rape

Unironically fucking fun and immersive.

Alyx has ruined me because all the other games feel like shit in comparison.
So you tell me.

if by "gimmick" you mean "included in the top 20 PC games OF ALL TIME" then yes.

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I bought and sold an HP Reverb just to play it. I spent about $150 to play one game. So, obviously value is relative, but I thought it was crazy fun. You get just hooked on this new technology. Well worth the experience.

Has VR landed? No. There's still too many little kinks that need to be worked out. Once the headsets turn into goggles and the motion sickness gets worked out (I really didn't think I was going to get this) then it will be pretty hard to ignore. I think we are probably 5-10 years out for that.

As for space, it would be nice if there was a pad/treadmill device of some sort that allowed you to move without moving but that tech is decades away. Once these technologies get worked out however, I can see it's going to be a huge part of our lives.

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>caring at all because game reviewers

No, it just proves Valve can't yet make a non-gimmicky VR game.
Hopefully they will learn before HL3.

I bet that you really care

This. I was really expecting Alyx to be the game that caries VR, but if anything it's the opposite. Outside of the novelty of seeing well designed and expensive set pieces and levels in VR for the first time, there really isn't much going on. The gameplay feels really shallow.

This may be semantics but I think that the gameplay is 10/10. I can't think of anything I would do to fix the gameplay. I'm not sure what improvements could honestly be made? They killed it.

If you mean the story I agree, but I've never liked Half Life's story. I think it could have been a little more creative. But Half Life's story has always taken a back seat to its gameplay. Also thought it could have been longer, but I'm not sure how much more effort goes into a VR game.

No, but IMO it didn't do anything better than Boneworks. It looks great, runs well, but BW did everything better IMO gameplay wise, way more engaging. Alyx played it too safe, no melee combat and the had too many same-y environments.

>get a rift s for alyx
>excited to play this since I really liked vanilla RE7
>find out it's psvr only
fucking why?

Because Sony always wins. They are the only ones that can afford exclusivity deals.

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It was a timed exclusive you can get it on PC now

Boneworks had one of the worst final levels I've seen in a game. I don't get motion sick, but all that bullshit with the game swinging your game body around was obnoxious.

Also enemies are a fucking joke.

No you can’t the PC VR patch never came.

>I can't think of anything I would do to fix the gameplay
More enemies, more aggressive AI, more open arenas, more variety in weapons. Less telegraphed/slow attacks.

Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the game and it's the best out there but if you already have some experience with VR it's certainly babby's first fps. They clearly made it for people who probably never held a gun before whether virtually or not.

For all its tech Boneworks wasn't a good game

Why is it not on the Steam Store home page?

its proven the majority of Yas Forums is poor and will seethe for eternity.

It's the same difference between pressing the lockon button then firing and actually aiming the shot yourself.

Let's go.

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Damn, even after Alyx released you still only have this one cope. You'd think there would be hours of footage that shows off how great the game is that you could use as an argument, but instead you can still only throw out one word like you always have.

Valve could certainly afford it but all the fuckery with Epic last year proves they just don't care about it

have sex, keep seething, imagine being poor

OBS fucked me again and set to 30 fps what the hell.

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HL1 was inferior to Unreal and System Shock
HL2 was inferior to Psi Ops and Far Cry
And now Alyx is inferior to Boneworks.
Why do people like this series?

VorpX runs it perfectly

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IMO it's the motion controls that are the gimmick and I wish VR games would start moving away from them. Motion controls have come and long gone as a fad (WII, Xbox Kinect, PS Move, etc). Sticking to this control type severely limits the game types to shooting galleries and simplistic adventure games as evidenced by the fact that these two genres are like 90% of VR games right now. There are a couple of games that have used these controls well (Lone Echo) but they are very far and few between.

My favorite VR games are the ones I can sit at my desk with a cold drink. Games where I just put on my headset and use mouse/keyboard controls like Elite Dangerous, Subnautica, Overload and Alien Isolation.

You can't judge it until you played it

I think people are giving Alyx a bit too much credit.

Being in a virtual world and being unable to use your hands is retarded, mentioning PS move or the Wii makes me thing you've never tried motion tracked VR because they're not in the same category at all.
I like cockpit games too, just saying. The Rift stated out exactly like you're saying and people demanded motion controls for a reason.

this particular release is the most useful sour grapes analogy I've seen in a while.

of course these people haven't used a proper headset. based on some of the responses, I'd be surprised if they even have a suitable gaming PC.

I've got a vive and much prefer cockpit games to motion tracked. Part of that is the shittiness of the vive wands, but a bigger part of it is that VR helps so much with making vehicles feel big and fast.

Opinion distracted

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is it because you're a contrarian?

there's plenty of footage but youtube playthroughs dont even do justice for regular games, naturally they'd do even less for VR games

motion tracked games are slow no matter what headset you use

No. The game was aight but putting it in the Top 20 games ever made list seems premature. That implies that HLA is the peak of VR. It'd be a pretty sad peak if that were the case.

To amend what I said, I think the big issue is that greatest games of all times list or whatever similar don't necessarily do much for dated games.
HL1 is frequently featured on such lists, but it's such a janky old game

Saying it's the peak of VR now doesn't seem unreasonable. Obviously there are a ton of things that could be improved on in the future but that future isn't here yet. We'll hopefully see some previews of what those improvements could look like, if Valve releases THE FUCKING SDK WHERE IS IT VALVE

What headset do you have?

Could see it keeping a place in the top 20 most historically important PC games, but definitely not most fun.

sort of, movement is still a problem, you either slide around or teleport.

I played it on a phone and it was pretty cool regardless of the limitations of my control scheme. Bet it would be better with actual 6DOF.

Yes. *insert image of chad gamer*

Pretty sure we know that anyone bashing HL:A are poor and fat.

>I can't afforrrrd it
>Huff, puff, huff, I can't keep swinging my chubby arms around!

I remember the same arguments over motion controls during the Wii era.

the funniest part is gyro's standard in every controller now and nintendo's still the only one really doing anything with it, a fair number of switch games make use of motion-controls (optional or no) and the motion-tracking's good enough it can replicate the wii's pointer without any IR sensor bar