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Ah yes, an American...

fat fuck

>Quarantine to prevent the wuhan flu
>Get obesity and diabetes instead

If you don't enjoy donuts then gtfo

Do Americans really?

>be borderline underweight
>always wonder how fatties do it
>see OP

I had Mario Kart on the Wii U, is the switch version more enjoyable?

>and this is where I keep my genetics

Dios mio...

Why is everyone so bitter over a box of donuts?

The lack of social skills is too obvious here

The greatest

>This reddit picture that is old as the hills

Fuck off, OP.

Based diabeetus

Glazed or maple for me. I don't need that exotic shit.

>Quarantine setup
>Dozen donuts

Americans really do

>fresh store bought bagels

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>People on Yas Forums are so underweight with sissy appetites that they can't put away a dozen dounts

Lmao'ing at your life. Can you people even finish a burger?

Do you live in Fayetteville NC?

>buying unhealthy food that lasts maybe a day
You realize COVID targets fat fucks right?

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Those are Donuts, ESL-kun. I don't know if they serve them in your 3rd world shithole of a country.

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Those are from Duck Donuts

Does this guy live in some kind of pine straw hut?

>get case of stout since isolation procedures are announced and St Paddy's was coming up
>finish case and another 8 of tall boy stouts solo after most of a week
>don't step on the scale for fear of what I might see
>weigh again after a week
>back on track (5'11", 163lb)
>can't decide whether or not I want to be sober for much of this affair
>get 12 pack on Friday
>finish in the weekend
>get box wine yesterday
>keep buying sweets
I'm not gonna stoop too low since I was a fatty growing up and know those pains, but it's vexing since I thought isolation was gonna be good for my weight loss
Now I feel like I'm just eating and drinking more in place of the socialization I was getting from work
Even my daily 2 mile walk is annoying because the pan handlers in my area of the city have only become emboldened due to lack of other revenue

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I don't mind donuts, but for one thing is that bacon on some of the donuts and twelve of them at once?

>be a fucking pig is a skill
LMFAO no, cooking is a skill. You don’t get it do you? We don’t just mock you peasants for eating too much, you also eat corporate premade slop. Literally pigs to the trough.

Think I'll be okay

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Are those from duck donuts? if so, i highly recommend the french toast donut, it's the best thing there by far

Tfw Europeans and canadians dont have donuts

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>The rifle laying out on the floor where it can be set off by accidentally kicking it.
2/10 gun safety

>has the autism racer contraption

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>Hurr I can just BAKE my OWN donuts.

Good for you, Jose.

When it comes to systems, I only have a penis and play with it constantly.

who is she

that food came from the outside not soon you made this post. If you call this true quarentine then I hope you don't complain if you happen to eat COVID19 from one of those donuts.

either way full quarentine is stupid and counter productive. If everyone did quarentine and never stepped outside not even to work we would all fucking die.

Canadians totally have donuts though.

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>Exercise machines
>VR headset
>Autism race car set up
>Gun laying out in the open because why not
>Meme gaming chair
>Shitty orange furniture

Wow, you strike me as a massive normalfag. Get the fuck out of here.

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is that bacon on a donuts?

>exercising at home
fucking disgusting man

its a mild dry coof. me and my kid had it like 15 days ago. its a giant nothing burger.

Yes, the maple bacon donut is godlike

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Is this one of those "My girlfriend suprised me with this gift" picture from Reddit? I see them all the time and I find it amazing so many women in relationships actually do this for their boyfriends. I don't believe it at all honestly. Do girls really just go out and buy video games, donuts, beer, etc for their boyfriends on their birthday or for some special event?

I always thought the pictures were just the guy SAYING all that happened for upvotes.

90% of the people who got this shit in my country is treating it at home, so I believe you.

I got people in my family who had it and already cured it too, my aunt didn't know she had it until a doctor told her it was already over.

Call me a fatfuck but goddamn does that look good. Pizza, pasta, breadsticks, etc.


Is that bacon on those donuts?
and if so where the hell in the country can I get them!

not a surprise

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But noone eats them there, though.

Yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm ready.

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> icing on a sealed pack
do they not add icing themselves or is that an American delivery thing

I got snacks and I got vidya and literature.

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you must have a real shit time with girlfriends if you aren't getting tribute from them.

I'm stocked up

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See, I have no self control. So I'd eat all this really quickly compared to it lasting people a month. I could probably eat all that in a week or two. For others it would take them over a month to probably eat all that.

damn... you got all the comics and graphic novels?

stop pretending your lives have changed in the slightest. you were stuffing your faces and beating off to Chinese cartoons long before the quarantine.

based timmies

I've never had a girlfriend. I was just asking if girlfriends actually do that for their boyfriends, because I always thought it was fake. Sex and shit is one thing, but donuts, video games, toys and what have you seemed a little far fetched.

i envy some anons
wish i could eat all that candy and stuff again

Bacon on donuts is retarded.

americans are the only ones dumb enough to eat stuff like donuts regularly. literally no nutritional.

1 donut is around 300 calories.

Eating a dozen donuts would be 3,600 calories; that is 1 pound of fat.

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Reddit is a mental disease.

>all these kids posting sweets

>1 donut is around 300 calories.
>Eating a dozen donuts would be 3,600 calories; that is 1 pound of fat.
You don't eat them all at one time.... Brits, honestly have no food culture.

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>that is 1 pound of fat.

there is no fun in posting celery and fruit user

the vitamins get me, this is how actual americans eat. gorge themselves on processed snack foods then take a multivitamin as if it's going to save them lmao.

This. I'm convinced at least half of Yas Forums is obese while a good chunk of people lie about it to fit in or not be ridiculed.

Most people don't give a shit, unless you're not American. Americans probably consume 2,000mg of sodium a day and don't even realize it. Some people eat ramen everyday and don't realize they're ingesting a shit ton of sodium everyday on top of the soda and other junk food.

>You don't eat them all at one time

Says you. A lot of people could eat a dozen donuts in one sitting.

>I only eat rolled oat and leafy vegetables and drink onions milk and I'm vegan too!
No one is asking for your opinion, faggot Yuropoor. Suddenly, everyone in this board is a tranny hypochondriac who recoils and hisses at the mere sight of some sugary treats.

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Thankfully Dominos still delivers.

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I work for the National Guard during night shifts(1800-0600) and it's at HQ so mine's would just be a Switch with Smash and DOOM 64 on it and some bagged lunch.

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Right. NonAmericans are exceptional always.

Too much pepperoni.

>lists a bunch of foods that cost more than donuts

too much


Is that dog retarded?

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>posting F1 reaction pic

Nobody is judging what you spend your meager and highly taxed non-american wages on

Dominos is legitimately disgusting and you have the palette of a nigger if you’ll actually eat it let alone pay money for it.

only you are dumb enough to believe that the majority of americans eat fucking donuts regularly.

wow do you live in such a shithole that you need a gun next to you at all times in your own fucking home?

I just had a orange juice with banana and protein powder and I was fine for the night. You guys really don't have to eat all of those fucking callories to stay alive.

Is that fucking quadruple pepperoni?

im american we literally had donuts every friday in middle and high school and even the skinny kids would stuff their faces. american culture is built around eating garbage processed foods.

Sodium isn't that bad for you, unless you have high blood pressure. It just goes through your system and you piss it out. It doesn't stay in your body like cholesterol.

That is the most alt-right "library" I've ever seen.

whats the twist? breast milk in the cereal?

>Just fucking dump it. All of it.

>when you see pizzas in a fat fuck's shopping cart

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I’m sure these fat fucks are going to burn through it in a day too.


not really, he has Halo comics and novels in there too.

>being a snob about fucking pizza of all things
that is so middle class

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