What are you currently playing, lads?

What are you currently playing, lads?

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animal crossing but I'm in need of a good fap, so I don't know what should I do

time to cooom

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those three qt anime girls deserve black cock

damn right, I love big milkers

What the hell is she drinking?

Boaba tea

bubble tea

Fap to the villagers of course. Two birds with one set of stones.

How long has this titties + tea idea been a thing?

meme non-tea

Meme juice

diarrhea water

black cock cum

futa cock cum

Bubble tea, a shit meme that should be ignored

Since titties and tea have been a thing

yummy liquid

Shit water + piss mixed with diarrhea particulates


fucking based, thanks user
looks like I'm really going to end up fapping

this is the one where she's freshly fucked right

Like late 2019 but the meme is already dead at this point

Bubble tea.

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I need to start max payne but he graphics and graphical bugs turn me off. I had to get a widescreen fix mod and it leaves the bottom part of the screen missing

Omega Labyrinth Life. I've been playing It nonstop since I've been quarantined and currently have 30+ hours put into it.

Attached: omega-labyrinth-life-switch-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 408.17K)

t. whitoid

Michael Bublé tea

FGO and RE1

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Could use better music taste but nice setup

Your mom's dick juice and my diarrhea.

bobatea more like boobtea lol

I really like this artist

I don't know should i get the RF4S for the switch, already play the 3ds one.

>gf is flat chested
>I didn't care
>she's regularly wishing her tits were bigger
>Starting to want her to have bigger tits too
Why couldn't she have just been happy about it?

what do you even do with all this shit in your fucking face
it just screams you think you're interesting and have a lot of shit to do but you have gacha garbage which isn't video games
I think you're incredibly boring irl

Wait a fucking minute, you're the user with the Rider next to the coke can! I've seen you in threads before!

Is that some samsung dex I see? My nigga.

I played yakuza.

tea bubble


how does a flat chested girl feel like?
all my gfs had huge boobs and it's really good but I always wanted to try fucking a flat girl

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Call of Pripyat, Metro Exodus before that

I beat all the 200cc races in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but now I'm playing Sonic Mania on my PS4 since my sick gf is playing using the Switch to play Animal Crossing upstairs. I managed to finally get Super Sonic but damn if the goal post blue sphere stages aren't fucking me up this game. I feel like the timing is off compared to old school Sonic. It's hard to explain.

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Like empty bags of sand, salty coins, and milk

i wish i had your money so i could spend it on better stuff

Meme juice

Bubble tea. wh*Te pipo just found out about it even though it was a thing all the way back in the 80s.

Mommy's Milkies

boba which means tits in chink speak. I knew about it before it was trendy from this nip substitute teacher we had when our chink computer lab teacher got pregnant.

bubble tea, every fucking Asian I know orders it

And everytiimes it went trend, something shit will happen to japan

Gonna start Persona 5 Royal here in a bit after I finish up platting Drakengard 3. I just have a few more weapon upgrades to do.

Binge playing all Silent Hill games. Never played them as a kid. It's not bad desu senpai

you don't know any asians irl?

I tried playing MGS VR Missions because my analog broke so I'm playing Dpad games.

Right this instant? Elite: Dangerous. I'm also playing Venus Vacation but only doing the daily missions because new weekly event tomorrow

Make sure you play them in release order.

sauce please

>Binge playing all Silent Hill games. Never played them as a kid. It's not bad desu senpai
are you me?
just beated SH 1 and i'm starting SH2 rn on appartments right in the safe box puzzle.

I tried XCOM 2 and bounced off it hard, back to Xenonauts for a while I think

No worries. Almost done with 1, going to play 2 after (not the HD versions btw fuck them, original hardware)

For 2, you have the PS2 Greatest Hit's version, or Xbox?

PS2 my nigga

>he only listens to anime and game soundtracks


Thx user.

World of Horror.... for some reason. It's okay.

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please dont ban me

I'd like to see a 3DPD version of this, if only to satisfy my curiosity

Persona 5 Royal
Loving it

I stream everything else

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Minus the knickknacks, how much is that entire setup, would you say?

Chihuahua on Saturday


Never, ever do this. Only villains do this

War thunder, then maybe world of tanks.


>tfw waging from home while everyone else gets NEETbux to play vidya

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Space Engineers. I'm building a fleet to work on auto pilot with some commands before I join my friend's server, Copy and Paste, and launch an invasion.


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Being a villain ain't so bad. Imagine being a hero for free.

WHere is this from? I see this all the time and dont know.