He pays for games

>He pays for games...

Attached: Chaves-kiko-pirata.jpg (200x139, 6.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>He pays his rent...

Attached: Seu-Madruga-945x570.jpg (945x570, 51.78K)

>He pays...

Attached: tenor[1].gif (220x220, 902.7K)


Attached: 1546309433624.jpg (514x462, 41.54K)

Melhor episodio


Attached: SafeGrimAnaconda-max-1mb.gif (350x242, 360.59K)

el chavo is also very popular in most of our flat earth.

Attached: quico.jpg (210x240, 36.96K)

t. spic

jajajaja no puto

imagine being a poorfag

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we love you too user, best of luck whit corona chan

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Attached: Returning to an old server.webm (418x360, 850.02K)

>he is poor

Attached: file.png (750x422, 628.28K)

How does it feel to live in the same planet as us? Cope.

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I'm too lazy to pirate

Attached: alx_entretenimento-televisao-personagens-chaves-20141128-67_original.jpg (380x285, 12.32K)

I've pirated almost my entire gaming life. Buying some games feels like novelty

Is that the name of an anime set in Mexico

based chavo posters


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based thread in general

I had a good chuckle.

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yes, and?

Attached: mucho dinero.png (340x426, 299.5K)

Post em.

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Based Ron Damon
Rest in rent-free heaven.

How do you say
>I am
in spanish?

El chavo fue una basura, lo único que hace que les parezca bueno es la nostalgia.
Es literalmente indefendible, las mismas """""bromas"""""" todos los episodios una y otra vez, incluso repitieron gags a lo largo de la serie

Attached: 1585405556963.png (638x638, 770.47K)

why is that version running at like 15 fps? Have a non-shitty version, m8

t. puta

I see what you tried to do there

>During a trip to Peru in 2008, Roberto "Chespirito" Gomez actually did plan on a series finale of El Chavo del Ocho with the eponymous El Chavo sacrificing himself to save a child from being hit by a car. He decided not to because his daughter said it could make many children become depressed and even lead them to commit suicide.
>El Chavo was supposed to end with El Chavo getting iseaki'd

Attached: 1584607242280.jpg (640x480, 42K)

Yo based and redpilled

toasting in epic bread

Buying games=Cuck

what the fuck even is s4s? it looks like Yas Forums with less porn.

Tu vieja es la puta que crió un deforestado mental que siente que tiene que defender al chavo en un foro anónimo de bádminton norcoreano

it would be poetic
>no quico
>no don ramon
what was the point of this show without these 4 together?

Attached: chavosona.jpg (800x600, 497.26K)

I wish that Mother II romhack was real

Yo cebollas.

Yo cebollas

Respondan si odian a los cebollaschicos

no hay nada mas patetico que mexicanos siendo "despiertos" y progresistas

Thanks, user, I really needed that.
>he doesn't know

Attached: 584630.gif (250x250, 1.14M)

Se dice basadochicos, user.

13:10 is literally TORtanicfags on Yas Forums

Gib mexican gf!

Attached: 1577247612868.png (1038x751, 1.69M)

basado y chiquitolina pilado

it's literally Yas Forums for women

que orto mas rico de esa puta gorda que delicia de mujer

Yo, cebolla.

Yo estoy

Eu sou.

>mfw BRs stole something from spics and think it's theirs

Attached: 1439177360220.gif (300x300, 565.88K)

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We're good at stealing

How would I go about learning spanish?

yo sⲟy

Watch spanish dubs of your face shows
Id recommend Ed, Edd, Eddy, and Dragon Ball


I cant spell

watch Agallas, el perro cobarde

Why on earth would you want to do that?

>american education

based and redpilled
puro pobre veia el chavo lmao

Go to spanish class with Miss Rodriguez and have sex with her

I prefer to save money, buy my shit and deal with it