What's the worst type of Sonic fan

What's the worst type of Sonic fan
Hard mode: No "all of them ha HA"

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Fans who only like one game and hate everything else.

>What's the worst type of Sonic fan
>Oh but don't say the correct answer

Comicfags by far
I don't understand why Sonic the Hedgehog needs to care so much about its fucking "lore"

Everything about the comic is worse than those furry webcomics that at least throw a little bit of fanservice to keep you reading

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Any with autism

>Sonic games should not and cannot have serious stories
The worst types of fucking faggots I fucking swear.

You just broke hard mode, bro.


>Oh I grew up with Sonic, I watched the cartoon a ton as a kid ahaha!
>Sonic would never work in 3D ever, rooocky start!
>too many characters
>Haha Rouge boobs looool
>Dude Sonic fans are all autism oc makers
>Sanic Game Grumps!

people who unironically think heroes is worse than 06.

adventurefags or modern fags
especially after seeing that sonic movie
sonic as a concept is fucking retarded and shouldn't be taken seriously
should have as much plot as mario maybe less

>asks a question
>forbids the correct answer

Kill yourself, OP. All Sonic fans are the fucking worst.

Most of them outside the ones who like /hmofa/ with Blaze, Rouge or Vanilla. The rest can eat rhino shit and get put in an electric chair.

Honestly? The fans that like one select part of the series and then go "FUCK YOU FOR LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE, EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS". As someone that owns every single mainline game, some multiple times over by accident, but never beat '06 through Colors, I have a wide appreciation for the series and even see the positives in the deepest of lows, and even I hate Lost World and Forces. But I wouldn't shit on people for liking them, or even '06.

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>sonic as a concept is fucking retarded and shouldn't be taken seriously
a dead amnesiac cat that saves a ginger from dead over and over with the help of a dog sounds absurd as fuck and yet most people on Yas Forums claim Ghost Trick has a competent story. It's not so much the concept but rather the execution

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The ones who were introduced to the franchise with Adventure 2 Battle

all of them he HE


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all of them ha HA

Classic cucks

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The ones that don't admit that Blaze is the best girl.

people who insist that the 2d games are intrinsically better than the 3d games because ???

The "Sonic must be like Mario" fags, even worse when they're not direct and try to make their point in a roundabout way.
But they are a complete blight on the franchise

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As an Adventure guy i'm ok with people preferring the Classic games as long as they have valid arguments. After all, 3K is quite the masterpiece

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How could you not shit on someone for liking Forces and 06? At what point is a person clearly just a completely irrational idiot? There must come a point and if that isn't it then where the fuck is it?

Because I'm a contrarian faggot.

Hating 3D Sonic is the opposite of contrarian

People fucking love SA2 and you know it.

(You) and the ones who don't like Zavok

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>classic fans are cucks
>they got a game just a few years ago
>meanwhile the modern game released alongside it was fucking horrible
based retard, you're afraid.


I love SA2, like 70% of Yas Forums does, but the whole "1/3" opinion is more prevalent than you'd think these days

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human male on female anthro

The correct answer
All those idiots parroting what some mentally retarded faggot who instead of paying attention to a game when it tells him important information is instead talking about how he wants to suck a dick and then blames the game for not telling him what to do. Those so called """fans""" are all 100 times more autistic than Chris-chan.

Sonic should have as much plot as a slapstick cartoon, no postmodern humor cringe and no discount shonen written by people who forgot how to write that stuff ages ago

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Didnt arin die to chaos 0?

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>they got a game just a few years ago
literally who

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Lurk more

Oh my god he did

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The delusional ones who think the Adventure games were anything but mediocre at best. The only good 3d Sonics were Colors and Generations.

Arin also died in Emerald Hill.

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Niggers that use the shitty CD jump sound effect in fangames and romhacks.

And people listen to this guy

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Mostly just underages


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surprisingly based

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>Hard mode: No "all of them ha HA"
So you don't want the truth?

Adventurefags can get on my nerves sometimes despite loving Adventure 1 and 2 just as much as them. I agree with their desire of getting better stories but they can be obnoxious about it. Especially when something classic related shows up.

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This. Fuck the CD jump sound, what were the dev team for that game thinking?

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In all honesty, Sonic fans actually chilled the fuck out and are mostly petty cool. If anything, Smashfags are more cancerous in my opinion, though that might be because of all the different fanbases getting represented within them and the rosterfaggotry.

all of them ha HA

People who think Sonic can only be one thing and that being the thing they grew up with. They're also the ones most likely to say classicpedo, adventuretard, boostshitter, etc., but can't actually articulate beyond that. It may be hard to believe, but there are faggots like that in this very thread. is also a good answer, but I wouldn't count them as Sonic fans at all.

Do you seriously think "casually enjoys the classic games" is in the same degree of autism as "mostly cares about who's writing these games' stories instead of worrying about the actual gameplay and also faps to gay Tails porn"?

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I don't think anybody actually takes anything Arin has to say about video games seriously anymore. The Mega Man Sequelitis was a long time ago.

purists/erafags/whatever you want to call them
anyone who goes beyond just having a preference for any particular part of sonic and dives into autistic screeching over the superiority of their taste and how everyone else is objectively a peepeehead with doodoo opinions for liking the "garbage" parts of the franchise

This. I can't stand Adventure and most of the 3D games but you won't see me going out of my way to tell people off for liking shit I don't. In fact, I still know things about the games cause I played them and could talk about the stuff that happens in them without pretending they're the worst games of all time. Hell, I listen to their soundtracks and could backseat play them with a bud and have a laugh about how I don't like them that much.

Live and let live breh,

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Big head mode for april fools in sonic runners revival today lol

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Furries and comicfags