Enemy on other team is very clearly aimbotting

>Enemy on other team is very clearly aimbotting
>Team refuses to kick him so they can "win"

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>We win regardless

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>OP pretends he wouldn't do this

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x341, 19.65K)

git gud


>Shoot guy with a dirict rocket dealing 70 damage
Wow I am such a good shot....
>Guy kills me with his splash rocket dealing 90 damage and killing me
Fuck this game.

>playing tranny fortress
>in 2020
>when every server is filled with uwu discord tranny communists and 1488 swastika loving edgelords
>when vac is useless against commercial injectors
>when the most fun weapons and weapon combos got nerfed into oblivion because the devs are braindead
>when you'll encounter autistic manchildren using their ebin heavy+medic pubstomp combo on every server so you have to switch to sniper just for your team to have a chance
very sad...

F2P was a mistake

>I vac pocket the spinbot Heavy
>doesn't say a word the whole game
>after the round he says thanks

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Not him but I fucking kick obvious cheaters on sight, Valve needs to do fucking cleanup on all the goddamn cheaters infecting this game. Why the fuck has it gotten WORSE in recent years is what I want to know. This game is fucking ancient, why cheat now?

>team refuses to kick him because "its an ebin grief XD"

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>He denies it
Nothing more pathetic than a cheater.

rockets have ramp up.

Maybe you're just bad

t. hacker

Ok overtranny, make sure to dilate your neovagina while waiting for your healer queue.

>find a group of fellow cheaters
>join a lobby together
>terrorize the same server
>we make sure none of us get kicked
>camp spawn for the entire game
Yep. That's an epic gamer moment.

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We were at the same distance

>enemy on other team is very clearly tryharding
>Team refuses to kick him so they can "win"

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>own some negroes playing as the 4th sniper
>they cry "aimbot" and try to kick you
>I'm playing lucksman

well clearly not then.
90 damage splash is like hitting you at your feet point blank.

>charge up machina bodyshot and wait for him to shoot first

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>he shoots you first in the head
>you die
Nice plan retard.

>hasn't heard of AA
oh no no no..

>why cheat now?
The funny thing? many cheaters nowadays either play competitively or have thousands of hours on their main acc.
It's like they got tired of the game, know that valve isnt doing shit to stop them, so they partner up with their furry friend on discord and go on a massive ego hunting spree
I have vivid memories of one blatant aimbotter and "her" boyfriend carrying high-tier (pre-glitched) unusuals. "she" was CONSTANTLY typing in chat how "her" aimbot was actually her own algorithm she programmed into a custom injector, and "she" actually plays competitive.
Then when we started winning against their team, "she" claimed that she wasn't even trying. "She" spent most of "her" time typing shit into the chat to keep inflating "her" ego.

It's so fucking surreal to see how multiplayer culture has evolved, TF2 has become a shitshow and noone is doing anything about it.

I head shot a spy like 3 times while he was cloaked and he called me an aimbot. Shit was funny.

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Not reliable. You'll still die.

You're going to see a lot of accounts with "I'm glad my 2000$ account got locked"

>wait for him to shoot first

>he shoots you first in the head
>you die
wow you sure showed me

i made fun of trans people in chat and immediately some angry mentally ill freak turned on his cheats just to prove a point to me or some shit lmao

there isn't a hack that lets you shoot faster

I know, and I know what I see on my screen. There are times where it takes 5-6 shots to kill a medic point blank with the scout, and another time where a sniper tanked three shots point blank only to turn around and melee crit me.

I've thought about burning an account just to see what playing with cheats is like, but honestly I'd probably play like shit with or without them.

You literally said you're waiting for him to fire first. He will not miss you when he fires, so you're not ever going to get that precious bodyshot.

You're probably retarded and meant to say "wait for him to shoot someone else" in which case good luck.

>The funny thing? many cheaters nowadays either play competitively or have thousands of hours on their main acc.
I know, it's goddamn hilarious, especially since I've actually occasionally seen people get VAC banned while in game, imagine that
on a larger scale, I take great happiness from faggots like that getting banned, they deserve it more than smurf cheaters desu.

>Hey guys wanna hear a joke? trans rights

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>soldierfag complains about w+m1 whenever he gets killed by a heavy or pyro

Sounds like you're lagging. Do you have a CFG installed.

Based, gonna try on this on a casual server sometime

Any oldfags remember Bames Jond?

>You're probably retarded and meant to say "wait for him to shoot someone else" in which case good luck.
yes waiting for one of the 11 other people on my team to peek him will never happen

>admin allows his online gf to cheat on the server

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>client side muting the admins GF sends a message to everyone on the server

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He can see through walls though so he already knows you're scoped in. Not only that but you can always set priority on a certain player above others, and since his UI tells him that you're a sniper you're gonna have to be really careful. It's not as easy as you're making it sound.

>He can see through walls though so he already knows you're scoped in
you are seriously overestimating how smart the average hacker is and if he's just staring at me waiting to shoot he isn't shooting my team.

I tried a bunch before. Clean reinstall them before trying another, adding stupid numbers to make sure I even installed it correctly to see the effects. I know it has something to do with lag but I am starting to think it might be something on my end with just having shitty internet.

There is no such thing

>killing admins GF is kept count in chat and you can get banned for too many kills

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I'll do this at best once just to see how assmad the other team gets but after that it's just really boring for the game to turn into "Stand near the cart and do nothing while the aimbotter kills everyone" and even more boring on defense

It happened to me years ago.

I joined some random goldrush server, and some chick was blathering about her day with loads of beta orbiters.
I just muted her because I didn't really care.

>all the beta orbiters "user WHY DID YOU MUTE HER!?"
I'm muted so I actually can't say anything
>Admins GF says shes going to unmute me so I can explain myself
>just start laughing into mic and disconnect

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>admins gf is playing medic
>get banned for "focussing the admins gf"

>some dude is cheating on enemy team
>toggle on my own cheats and focus him
>dab on him until he ragequits
>toggle off
pssh.. nothin personal.. kid..

>just start laughing into mic and disconnect

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It rings a bell. But I don't remember exactly.

faggots like you are why the game is dead

>team has a shitload of chances to push threw the enemy team
>team pushes at the last 60 seconds

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>join community server
>spray a nice image a cute girl with phat tiddies
>some soiboy immediately spends the next 5 minutes bitching to the admin that was online about it

>that anita sarkesian era where strangers would walk up to me playing Dragon's Crown and lecture me about "the sexualization of women in video games".

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>custom sprays
Now that's toxic. Glad nowadays we only have the approved sprays (inside lootboxes).

I don't kick him just because I don't see hackers that often and it's kinda funny seeing him cause salt in the chat

I don't need a cheater to slam a tf2 pub against randos

>still playing tf2
>in 2020

Or the paid sprays in CSGO.

what to play instead

I see ya!


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