>Be me
>Exited for Doom Eternal to come out
>Join Doom Eternal thread.
>user says "The game looks like shit," and "I wait for the RE3 remake to BTFO Zoom Eternal
>Doom Eternal comes out
>Reviews are about 90
>RE3 comes out
>Reviews are less than 80
Be me
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Just torrent it and see for yourself you absolute mongoloid.
who cares, they're both AAA garbage catered to the lowest common denominator.
what are you playing right now user?
i'll enjoy both games while you retarded cope in this retarded board
Digimon World
A pretty niche game called Fire Emblem: Three Houses. You probably haven’t heard of it.
exactly, just like the OG RE2 was, right?
Both games are shit. Get some taste.
Don't worry, both games are shit in their own ways.
This is my "taste".
Behold, the best enemy of doom eternal.
AAA garbage fuck off
Demon version pic.
He is a true bro, he puts up shields so you can explode groups of enemies with your plasma rifle
no, video games up to 7th gen were a niche hobby.
Now it's all interactive movies for normals.
>He gets angry hen niche thing he likes get' popular.
I hate these ugly, fat, bellyslapping fagits
I'm not angry, just not invested in it anymore. I play retro games and the occasional gem here and there.
He cucks your shots, then he cucks YOU
Actual AAA consolized normie trash
It's like you can't think for yourself.
As much as I don't care for doom eternal. DSP is a fucking retard and quite clearly missed both those shots like in the re2 webm with the dog.
the majority of this board proved how utterly shit and casual they are at video games when doom eternal released. if doom eternal is for the lowest common denominator then this board has somehow managed to go lower than the lowest point possible.
nigger Doom is just Quake for zoomers. Only that Marauder fella is somewhat challenging.
yeah OG RE2 sucks, probably the worst game of the PS1 trilogy it practically plays itself
marauder is easy stop being trash at video games
cept quake had level design
like doom did
and wasn't a horde of enemies dropped on you in an arena styled area with which when you won, you moved on to the next arena styled area.
oh and you double jumped and climbed some walls that you couldn't use for momentum or attacking from.
>muh review scores guyz!
>5000000 enemies on screen at any point
>Super shotgun holds less ammo
>Every gun holds less ammo
>No pistol
Always do the opposite of what 4chins residents say, remember most people here are miserable social outcast losers, smart happy people don’t end up in that position
while likely that the majority of the crying was directed at the marauder, this board essentially shit their diapers over every aspect of the game. the doom hunter, the gladiator, the platforming, the chainsaw/glory kills to refill health or ammo (that last one probably saw more butthurt than the marauder honestly). Yas Forums proved beyond any doubt that they are a lying bunch of casuals and HATE difficult games.
Low speed weebery
>he's playing on medium
>darksouls is hard
>doom is hard
lmao. what a pleb. Stop playing FPS games with a controller faggot.
Game is tedious brainless arena shooter. Don't get the appeal. If I wanted to shoot shit I'd rather play against real players and not mobs
Boring overhyped garbage
>I'd rather play against real players and not mobs
You can do that too though
Gaming stopped being niche in the early 2000s when the PS2 was being bought as a fucking DVD player.
What difficulty is he playing on? Cant be higher than UV. I'd be surprised if it was UV to be honest.
Once again, Eterniots presume people only ever shit on a mechanic because they are bad at it, never because they think it isn’t fun.
I for one enjoy constantly changing between weapons and making constant decisions
2016 felt mindless in its combat it just became boring
Remember when Doom 2016 came out and people were excited to play a shooter that abandoned all the RPG elements that had contaminated the genre and get back to game where all you had to do was move quickly and shoot accurately?
its probably something like 1% people that genuinely didn't enjoy the game, 2% trolling, and 97% casual shitters that came to this board to complain about the game.
No because DOOM 2016 has RPG elements too
Wait, R3make came out already? Lol
Comes out this Sunday.
Only the demo is out right now, unless you're talking about the early leaks like where .webm-related came from.
oh my god.
>Una vergototota
And so rather than abandon those elements, it doubled down on them? Would you have expected that the parts of 2016 that were controlled by mass-market appeal and focus-testing and corporate vetting were all the running and shooting? That after the game’s success and Hugo getting carte blanche to make whatever he saw fit, he would go
>FINALLY I can stop catering to mass market demands and put in the MMO hotbar cooldown cycle I always knew this game really needed. Those suits and their obsession with pure, unadulterated gunplay were holding DOOM back!
>RPG elements
Imagine not actually understanding what a "Role Playing Game" is
But DOOM 2016 had a cooldown system as well
RPG ELEMENTS my dude, at least the other shitposter could understand that much
holy based
that shit eating grin gives me the giggles