ITT we call someone's name and ask them to play a game

>ITT we call someone's name and ask them to play a game
Victor go play some Bloodborne

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Trevor, go play Marathon.

No, fuck off, I don't own a PS4

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Nobody has ever said my name in these threads because people don't care about balkan names. So fuck you all.

Adewale, go play Runescape.

nigger go play super metroid

Martin go play Oblivion

Marcus go play some Bannerlord.

Cringe thread alert

Alan, go play Devil May Cry 3.

Travis, Brian and Kevin, go play a random Nickelodeon website game

Emily, go play The Sims 3.

Michael go play rugby live 2

Mohammed go fuck a goat

Chad go play some Bannerlord

Play Deus Ex

James you dumb fuck go play some Animal Crossing

Enrico, go play Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Go heavily mod Rimworld and play it. Don't start until you reach 300 mods.

Dovakhiin, go play Morrowind.

>tfw normal name
>No one ever calls my name

Anyways, Richard, go forth and play Morrowind as an Argonian.

Why aren't there any good LotR games where you play as Gandalf besides Return of the King?

Risovalda, go play Dark Souls 2

Linus, go play some Salt and Sanctuary

Jim. Play freedom planet classic mode

Guess what Derek, you are going to play nfs most wanted 05.

James, play Serial Experiments Lain

Dongus go play some SonicMania

Esteban go play some gacha shit

I want to make one of these threads sometime with some new rules.
1. Post one name and one game.
2. Your first, middle, and last names all count, if they're called, and so do all alternative spellings or regional variants. This means all Ians count as Johns.
3. You get to choose your games, if one of your names is called multiple times.
4. If you can't or won't play your game, do as many push-ups as the final two digits of the post which called you out.
What do you think of these rules? I think they'd make it easier for rarenamefags like myself to be called.

seems like you put some thought into this. I always appreciate a thoughtful user

Scott go play Cities Skylines.

>very common name and most popular boys name for my birth year
>still never gets called

user this is gonna be a really fun thread!

DeMarcus go play starflight 2.

Final Fantasy X, Josh

Sancho go play tropico 4

What about foreign names such as mine?

Artyom, go play Metro Exodus.

OP, go play your bf's dick

Milo you no longer get to slack on Red Dead Redemption 2

kvetoslav play a game of minesweeper

If it has an English version, you're alright, but otherwise, I guess there's really nothing to do on an English-language imageboard.

Khabib, go fight Tony you bitch

Gerome go play persona 5

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Brent play fortnite

>because people don't care about balkan names.
pretty sure it's because of a lack of exposure, not because nobody cares
>So fuck you all.
make a name for yourself instead of seething on a balkan babyname forum

Jannick, go play factorio coop with your boys
My friend Jannick refuses to play factorio with me.

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Fes go play Bannerlord

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Ralph/Raphael go play Koudelka

No one ever says my name in these threads

Bill go play some Animal Crossing. You need to do your dailys.

Clay, its time. Avenge your brothers in Gears of War 3

Xavier, go play Morenatsu.

Danny go play some Doom

Nemanja, go play Handball 17

Well, do I play deus ex or bannerlord?

Bill is a pretty common name. Now go play Doom Eternal.

Chris go play Kerbal Space Program
It's DRM free, no excuses

Rafael go play Bad Rats

Hey. Jacob. You're at the top of the common names of the 90s/2000s lists motherfucker.
You're playing Katana Zero. Main story and hardmode (under 2000 deaths).
Good luck.

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mother fucker

I already fucked your mom

My name isn't Bill, I was just contributing to the thread.

Though my name does start with a B

fukn FINE

Branislav, go play Dwarf Fortress.

But the little Dragonborn isn't old enough to play it yet.

ciao jakov

>have normal Anglo name
>Never gets called
Get some imagination Bros.
Hint: starts with J

I've tried, but I'm too dumb to build rockets. Give me something else please.

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Miguel go and play bloody roar 2


He's like 8 now, he can probably handle it.

someone call my first or middle name already I wanna play a game god damn

Deep Rock Galactic

Zach go play Kings Field

If its mineJustin you're playing Deep Rock Galactic.

Dovahkiin go play some Skyrim

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