Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

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Her stupid grandma for dying

the self centered cunt

come on, the game's volume could've easily been lower

The autistic attention whore with the dead grandmother

Stupid cosplaying faggot couldn’t pause a goddamn video game to pay respect to a girls grandma who died, gee I wonder. They should have banned him for this shit


She wanted to get gang banged

talking about the unnecessarily loud game noises that drowned her speech


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The staff for letting some dumb cunt in KNOWING she'll cunt away the whole fun

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this was literally 8 years ago, so you for being obsessed desu

You’re right but it also wasn’t the time or place for her bullshit. They’re both massive autismos but what do you expect at a speedrunning event.

Good thing the only women there now are men in dresses.

ban women from vidya

>Girl tells story of someone close to her getting cancer
>Begins to cry
>Dude no only doesn't stop, but doubles down on all the Stroke Link sounds
>Literally can't hear anything but "WAA" HU-WAAA" "YAAAA" "AAAA" while she's going on

Truly a glorious cacophony of autism.

Hello i have missed this it seems.
care to explain what it is about?

for what i understood it's a dude playing a vidyajames when someone is reading a eulogy or something?

is there a video?

Isn't there a video where he talks about what happened and he clarifies it? It was a spredrun to raise charity to fight what killed her grandmother. It was encouraged to talk about it but he was in shock or something and she was upset.


Thank you kind sir, i asked and you provided quickly.

You are the hero we do not deserve.

I was already watching it to reconsider who was in the wrong. I gotta say homeboy could have waited 2 minutes to start instead of spamming buttons and scowling.

maybe she could have asked to turn down the volume

The people watching

Bruh he was four hours into the speed run at that moment


it's a video game event, not her therapy session.

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The girl. It wasn't the time and place to share that shit and it's a fucking speedrun, you don't just pause a speedrun. Keep that shit to yourself and if you wanna have a breakdown go to the bathroom.

>"Maybe one day I MIGHT get cancer! Feel sorry for me! *Bursts into treats*"

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speedrunning is stupid and watching speedrunning events like these is low IQ

I've seen it before and completely forgot what happens in it. All I remember is that it's extremely cringe inducing, so I'm not going through that again. Obviously this is a speed running event which is not the time or place to share that sort of information. Anyone saying otherwise is baiting.

God I love being white.


"Ummm...can you stop?"


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Go back to plebbit retard

i know this is supposed to be anti-white but this is actually saying the opposite.

I seriously hope this crisis will make it clear why other humans are there to serve us.

dropping the cancer bomb is ALWAYS innapropriate.
Grandma and father died from it and after that a friend of mine had his sister die from cancer too and i was like ''now i understand why everyone leave when there is cancer in your family''
YOU deal with it, not other.
you dont know what their life is about and people giving shit to Link are the ones who never had to live traumatic stuff.

The dude is the mute hero of time he cannot just STOP.
he has to save us from ganon you vapid fools.

Everyone was in the wrong for attending a speedrunner event in the first place.

>just remembered it's for cancer prevention
Still not the time to announce it. That was an awful move on her part. I'm assuming she thought he was starting a new run or something.

Just watched the clip, judging by the girl's tone of voice when she's starting and asks him to stop, she's planning to make a big display. She doesnt start crying until she gets a little way into her speech. Not emotional until she starts reading. I mean its normal to get sad when thinking about someone you were close to who died, but her tone shifted from angry bitch to sad about dead grandma. She clearly intended to make a scene and knew it wasnt conducive to the event.

So my conclusion, she did it for attention, she wanted that room full of clapping, and guy on the couxh probably sensed the tone of her voice early and reacted in game not knowing the waterworks were coming.

All in all its a sperg event i dont care about, but it was neither the time or place to pull a big attention crying moment and its absolutely her fault for making a scene and making it awkward for everyone in the room.

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This guy

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>girl starts knitting
>not getting the attention she was seeking she states she asks the speed runner to STOP
>When he doesn't states she has a high chance if dying from cancer
>Proceeds to go on about her grandma during the entire session until everyone clapped

Notice how she led off with "if you're wondering why I'm knitting" as if people had been watching her the whole time instead of just saying "I'm happy we're doing this charity Thank You". Instead of being a buzzkill she could have got with the chat before or after the event told her story and fucked off.

"I dunno if you've noticed but I'm knitting..."

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lmao this literally reminds of the NY subway. there's always people pouring out their sob stories begging for spare change or food and everyone just looks at the floor.

She was an audience member, not even on the couch. She wasn't supposed to say anything. McDressedAsLink didn't expect it at all and was probably confused more than anything. Even though the event is for charity, it was incredibly inappropriate to unexpectedly tell a big sob story in the middle of the run.

where is she now?

>white people are making them do all those things

No the guy had a job to do and wasn't going to stop. That's the thing with these autistic events. Fighting games, Battle Royals, First Person Shooters. They take this shit so seriously and forget games are meant to be fun. They have all these rules and if you deviate from one your disqualified. This mentality is probably why the guy playing didn't pause.

So it's homo?
>guys face
>painted toenails
This isn't anti cis. It's anti gay lmao

Oh man what a classic.

The person in the Link costume. It was very rude of him to keep playing while she was talking about a serious issue like cancer. She also spoke for like a minute.

the dumb bitch
event is about vidya not dead old cunts
no one watching tuned in to hear about her dead gram

I just like the idea that he hopped out of bed and consciously decided to dress as a kids game character. He thought today was gonna be a fun happy day where he could play his favourite game and raise money for charity.

>Im the PRINCESS of the nerds! teehee!
>Im gonna tell a sob story and everybody going to clap and pat me!(But I'm not fucking any of them!)

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Someone should have made her fuck off, and by that I mean pretend to be nice and listen to her struggles while escorting her out. Her crying was painful but the fact that nobody did anything to stop that shitshow was even worse.


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>telling someone to stop for a minute at an event where the whole point of playing the games is to try and save as low as 1/60th of a second


Link here represent all those kids that kept on playing while traumatic things happened in the background.
Is parents probably judged him for the same reasons.

''get off your damn nintendooo''
but lady, if he get off he'll have to spend time with you.

Then after years of training at his favorite vidyagame he finaly get to show it to the world.
making these traumatic events part of the past.
nothing around him he will break the world record.

Then this event is recorded and people go :

And just like that he realised that he did all this for nothing because no matter what he does he will never get as much attention as any vaginabeasts.

At that point why care?
why not become the legend we all waited for.

He is the missing Link.

She was talking to the blue hair loser on the couch, not the guy speedrunning but he didnt know if she was talking to him or not since y'know, hes in the middle of a run which is what the point of the stream is

The speedrunner has spoken about this publicly. He explained that he wasn't sure what to do because this happening was completely out of left field, so he chose to remain silent but also not tell her to stop. He also was unable to hear her say "Can you stop?" and only understood what was going on when the room suddenly got strangely quiet. Keep in mind he can't see behind himself or hear very much over the game and all the other stuff from his seat.

In short she chose a really inappropriate time and he wasn't quite sure how to respond to it in front of an audience of 50,000 people when he'd rehearsed his own plans for this run prior to this curve ball.


she did. that's why she said CAN YOU STOP because link in the game was going YAH YAH YAH YAH YAH over her sob story

what happened to the stupid bitch?