It only took him 6 years

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yanderes are the worst.

>Only less than 1k dislikes.
What happened? Is the Twitter's fotm of something to hate over? He even got VA to help with the video, no matter what happens to this dude, will still milk money.

I wonder if any of the posters he showed in the beginning are still here.

Cum chalice redemption arc

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who pays for this it unironically looks like shit

He's been making it since the dawn of mankind, you need to be really invested in it to still give a shit either way.

im surprised he was (and still is) so much of a retard he thought that shitposting was positive feedback

its so pathetic


Just look at the fucking comments, they are all clearly kids.
I just feel bad for their parents, wasting their money for this.

His entire fucking video is just cringe-enduring and the fact that he needed 6 FUCKING YEARS for this is just sad

What even happens when/if this does finish anyway

So the new mode is a school massacre simulator?
oh boy here comes another storm

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Time stops working

He'll put it on the market. It'll be pirated. But he'll probably still make a tidy profit and be able to say he accomplished his dream.


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it took yanderedev 6 years to add a mode where the screen turns into the fucking virtual boy, you walk around slowly, and just kill people.
lovely, absolutely lovely, i always wondered what playing yandere simulator on my virtual boy would be like

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the aesthetic of it is actually pretty cool. too bad the game is shit and will never actually exist

>since the dawn of mankind
zoom zoom

Osana never ever

Alex, I know you're reading this, you fucking nigger. Listen to me. This is you:

>"I'm hard at work on the core gameplay loop!"
>"Everything I'm doing is to get Osana in working order!"
>"...but here's an entire gameplay mode that isn't fun, and adds nothing to the gameplay!"
>"Also, LUL bodypillows XD!"

Why make an entire extra play mode if there's no benefit to go through it? You essentially turn the game into a walking simulator during this time. Why not put in some extra objectives, and have those extra objectives help you when you return to the checkpoint?

Like, finding something hidden during snap mode or killing a certain number of people, or finding and killing certain people, these could reward you with knowledge of elimination methods, or small items on the next attempt. This way, snap mode is both something cinematically fitting AND an organic way of adjusting difficulty to the player's needs. The player could turn these assists off, or just not choose to use snap mode. Or, snap mode could hold fewer beneficial items as the game goes on and rivals are meant to become more difficult to eliminate.

Just, for the love of God, don't spend 6 months adding this new play mode if it doesn't add anything to the actual gameplay. I was already bored of the edgy 'lost sanity' shit after the second or third murder, can you imagine how bored people are going to get of playing through this extended cutscene over and over again through multiple rivals and playthroughs?

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OP is the developer who is advertising his game

the bodypillows segment legitimately made me uncomfortable

post webms i don't want to give him views

he is still working on it. He sure has dedication


It might be his only redeeming trait.

If he were actually working on it the game would've been finished years ago

The apocalypse.

his problem is not that is not working on it but he puts too many new features into the game

hey alex, stop shilling worthless features on shitty project on Yas Forums

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No shit retard. He comes here to get shit on all the time.

he isn't, trust me. yandev is too fragile to go to something he doesn't have control over

So what will his excuses be now? The last thing he needs to implement according to that checklist he posted 3 years ago is a save feature... no way it will take him 6 more years to add a SAVE feature... right?

So he made a glorified cutscene?

Why is adding voices to Yas Forums posts so cringe to hear?

because user voices should all sound like Microsoft sam. Anything else is cringe

because Yas Forums has things that you say in the moment, your previous posts dont matter in the future unlike shit like reddit and twitter. you can be a nazi in one thread and a tranny in the next. when you actually put thought into it it kind of loses it's touch.

so on the very small percent this game is ever finished, what is the actual likelihood of this game not being a piece of garbage?

people moved on to idubbbz

Hey Eva, what do you think of this character design I've been working on?

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kinda want /ourguy/ to bully this loser

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It's alright, I know you're jealous over how you'll be dead long before I am. Try not to get the boomer remover grandpa, I know you're extra susceptible.

youre right, dunkey should make a video about him

It's always been good ideas held back by incompetent actual work. So maybe some of it will still bleed through?

Or maybe he'll end up releasing patches of the game for the next ten years trying to make it a true experience.

Because most of the shit posted on Yas Forums is cringe as fuck.

keep saying it

what even happened to him?

the game concept is good, but the overall structure of the game and the man behind it isn't. for example, once you pick something such as gossiping, sabotaging, or expulsion, you're set in stone on that path. i give shadow the hedgehog shit for it's mission system but atleast it allows you to pick and choose what stages you want to go through most of the time.

oh y'know just bullying another cuck like old times

so he came back from the grave just to call the guy who fucked him over a cuck

What does Eva do these days anyway?

>Everyone just stands around while she's killing people
Looks retarded.

oh shit, he back

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I feel like another major problem is the fact that every elimination method is supposedly going to be available right from the get-go. Which means every rival will feel same-y. Going back to Shadow the Hedgehog, you could at least feel some difference in missions depending on if you went true evil, true neutral, true good routes. Here, every rival will likely be the same with the only actual obstacle being the time it takes to unlock the same optimal elimination method. At a certain point, all the feature bloating has made it so actually exploring the game feels near pointless because why would I not just do the same elimination method every time?

Yes. And he won in the end lmao

what happened to him?

Why does he still sound like a prepubescent?

indubiously based

he's a cuck now

>6 years
>Only a quarter of Snap is actually done
Can't wait until 2026 to see Snap but for being expelled

shit.. how the tables turn

wow would you look at that, a new shitty gimmick that ultimatly amounts to nothing

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>same animation over and over

What is there really to hate him for? Sure he's incompetent, but if he wants to waste a whole chunk of his life trying to finish this game that's his choice.

>people are paying for the privilege of looking at the nudes of the girl he fucks for free
Doesn't that make him the bull?

Tetra? What does Tetra have to do with any of this?

The fuck is SNAP mode? Not gonna watch a video of this loser.

now THIS is coping.

>Took him 6 years to add something simple
>Gonna take him another 6 years to add in the next character

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A non-standard game over where you kill everyone and then yourself.

Basically let’s you full Columbine

They aren't even nudes at all. This entire "controversy" is fucking retarded

Why not? All our replies were featured

t. verynewfag

let me say it another way
he got his gf breast implants who wants to fuck another dude and is now doing softcore porn because he is too much of a beta for her

you know what, i hope he actually finishes it and it becomes a smash hit, just to spite you gags

His GF has has an only fans which is basically an ecchi Instagram so people are saying he's the S word, you know the S word, the one from Twitter

He's scamming thousand of dollars out of dumb zoomers that are too naive to realize he's scamming them. He's a piece of human garbage.

Remind me why this guy lives rent free in Twitter's mind?

If you are okay with your gf posting this to pleasure other males you are a cuck

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Fuck sake, I thought we were done with him

He makes money out of those videos. It's his main source of income, even bigger than the patreon.

Reminder Leafys nudes are just a Google away

Snapchat mode duh

People will jump on a chance to viciously attack someone who is (or at least appears) to be in the wrong. It gives them self-satisfaction and the ability to act like the spiteful prick they are inside.

When I look at the attempted game design of this game, all I see is a shitty version of Hitman.

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>2020 is the year of Leafy nostalgia
I want off

You cannot stop or control their actions so the only move is to not give a fuck

So guys who are in a relationship with underwear models are cucks?


So after 6 years he is still adding gimmicky shit instead of advancing the main part of the game? What a hack.

I, user from 4channel, humbly submit a toast to EvaX, for successfully managing to implement SNAP mode so that we can continue to play "Yandere Simulator." Congratulations Eva... enjoy your Patreonbucks.


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He's the king of zoomers, all these YouTube commenters sounds like stupid teenagers

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The cuck is the one jacking off to her while knowing she's fucking another guy

>(or at least appears)
Fuck off Alex, you are the biggest scum on the internet.