Just curious on your thoughts
Just curious on your thoughts
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People are actually clamoring for the worst WoW expansion?
i mean wod exist, and fuck off contrarian don't reply to me, saying that wod was good
>if I make unpopular posts, people will think I'm smart for having a different opinion!
here's your (You)
What's worse: taking a shit on a beautiful work of art, or taking a shit on shit covered art?
Burning Crusade is what ruined wow. Every expansion afterward was just BC 2.0, 3.0, etc.
Mists was much worse than wod imo, maybe it's because I hate china and kung fu panda idk
WoW is dead, all expansions after LK have slowly ruined the game. Until now, it's just a mess that can't even decide what genre it wants to be. Fuck Blizzard.
You're joking right? The only bad thing that came out of tbc was flying, game started getting shit when LFD and LFR came around
Not gonna say you're wrong but I'd rather stay on a official server that may or may not get to WoTLK than some private server blizzard will sue to get down
if transfer to BC server is a thing they need to put a cap on gold and boe items
current state of vanilla is a joke and by naxx the whole tbc economy will be totally ruined.
Imagine legitimately thinking Pandaren were worse than elf overload.
And arena
Like retail? Yea tbf Flasks of the titan are going for like 150% more than they ever did back in 2006
I just stopped playing. After ten years of my life, I just stopped fucking playing. Fuck them.
I was pretty much purely high fantasy, that includes the original Warcraft RTS games. Now it's some weird fusion.
It was WoD that totally killed it for me, that stupid fucking timeline bullshit. Fuck them.
I just love the loreand feel of the game, sadly the only game that came close to it was Neverwinter but that's just a pay to win now
Especially if the content is in its most nerfed state like in vanilla classic, I see little point if vanilla characters with Naxx gear transfer over. It ought to be FRESH to have meaningful progression.
TBC, in addition to simply featuring more and better content, is effectively a direct upgrade over vanilla, though, executing most "vanilla-esque" designs (like asymmetric balance or relevancy of leveling content - even post-2.3 1-70 TBC is longer than 1-60 vanilla, and TBC questing and world content is just generally more endgame-relevant) better than vanilla itself ever did.
Still at least it wasn't "ching chong your opinion on china is wrong"
Just like WoW became.
Fucking pandas man, fucking pandas. Yes, I know they'd been in lore since RTS days, but in those days they were Japanese-based, not Chinese.
They're going to BC? So is Blizzard just redoing all of WoW?
I guess they learnt well from Bethesda.
How has WoW become a p2w? Unless you mean buying gold from odd sites then that's hardly fair since that shit has been in since day one
Why even bother with this garbage just skip to an actual good expansion like wotlk
Hopefully but hopefully they don't add LFD, LFR and that stupid ass skill system when you just get perks and whatever
You can literally pay for things like level ups.
That's what I hope for but Blizzard is too lazy to do all the dlcs as their own servers
LFR is shit but i dont get the hate against LFD, classic showed that everyone who hated LFD is a complete retard
>neutral city
>portals to every city
>tiny dungeons
>heroic mode
>blood elves
>homogenization of classes
>homogenization of factions
>railroad leveling experience
>daily quests
>world PvP completely ruined
There's more, but I can't be bothered to try to remember everything I experienced 13 years ago when it launched.
OHHHHH yea that, ok true
The absolute state of gaming, especially online games.
Nea what are you talking about I looooove running between IF and SW yelling "LFG LFG PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I NEED DECENT LOOT"
Agree with all minus neutral cities because BB and gadgetzan exist
Not him but you also can legally buy WoW tokens and sell them for money. That way the dumb whales keep putting gold in the market and inflation is on the roof.
I just want to be able to play my characters on both. Rather than having to transfer my character or start from scratch.
I would see arena as a pro. Now, I don't think the game should have picked the instanced PvP route but irrecoverable damage was already done in the 1.5 patch, and arenas at least act as a containment ground for PvP tryhards such that battlegrounds, which are at least closer to what MMO PvP in my mind should be like, aren't ruined to the same extent. Plus, if we care about the feelings of PvP-tryhards even a tiny bit, they were happy and that has to count for something.
Balancing the game around e-sports is one thing, but while there are non-zero changes that were influenced by PvP, TBC represents the peak in class diversity among other things - hardly a game where e-sports considerations were allowed to dictate anything. If anything, vanilla is closer to the dreaded homogenized PvP-balance (it's just that it's bad at it).
HEY KIDS WANNA BUY A LOOT BOX - Every company ever now
Those aren't cities.
TBC Classic will kill wow.
Community will split.
Also TBC is fucking shit fuck flying mount and arenas and 25 man ""raids""
The setting was better than any other expansion, wotlk was good too
Oh wow that's retarded, things have changed a lot then (Stopped during cata)
>classic showed that everyone who hated LFD is a complete retard
Obviously. Anyone with half brain know that "cross-server, automated and teleport to dungeon (etc)" is the problem of the LFD tool. These kind of games really need a decent way to find groups.
so much for classic+
Really who the fuck liked this. Depressing as fuck.
I'm only (lol) 24, and remember when gaming was about actual skill, not about moolah.
"Raids" where bosses are killed in 15 seconds are better?
Serious question from someone who doesn't play WoW: When they're done coming out with all of the vanilla content why wouldn't you want to move on to BC? Won't you be out of things to do?
What does TBC even have over wrath, wrath does literally everything better
WoD is actually a better setting.
When did that shit come in?
b-b-b-b-but look at all that G R E E N A N D B R O W N... it's fucking fallout 3 all over again
big booty elves that nerds can fap to in rp servers
TCB is ugly as fuck in general.
I'll concede that draenor was cool but blizzard was no longer based by its time.
If they just put in the premade group finder from retail that fix any lfd issues but le #nochanges go spam chat instead
wasn't BWL beaten in like 10 minutes in classic?
Imagine liking Mists of Communism.
Sir we need you to step out of the vehicle, you're clearly on crack
The option for no TBC.
why not resserect your fukin grandma whilst you at it you plebs. zoomers, fags, fat cunts
>this show was so much better in first two seasons, after that it became shit
>dude this anime was great in its first three arcs, after that it was just garbage
>dude this video game was great in its first three expansions, after that it turned to shit
shut the fuck up you cocksucking faggots
pre Legion there is literally nothing to do in the fucking game, you raid and its fucking over
pre MoP you couldn't even collect stuff properly because shit wasnt account bound
You're all nostalgiafaggots, eat shit and die
See you on TBC servers
zoomers love pandaria. fags.
Imagine being this much of a retard.
>months, probably a couple years of millions of subs from classicucks for barely any effort
Gee I wonder why they want to push Classic TBC after everybody get bored of Naxx.
mop is good because you can pvp on multiple chars and the pvp is pretty good for wow. legion adds rngifcation of gear and artifact power ""content"" for zoomdrones
>faggot has no argument and is forced to realize he's an actual cocksucking nostalgiafaggot
mini game distraction that nobody including blizzard cares about
if it was that popular it would be getting massive updates, but it almost never did
Legion added mythic +, the best system in this game
feel free to say you dont like it, you'll just out yourself as a complete shitter
based and truthpilled
For starters: T8 > T6.5 > T5 > T6=T10 > T4 >>> T7=T9 - Half of the Wrath raid tiers are utterly worthless and ICC is mediocre. This is a particularly big deal, since in Wrath 5-mans are also beyond worthless, world content is completely irrelevant, leveling is less of a thing (even without heirlooms, leveling to cap, or through new expansion content, takes a lot less time in Wrath) and so on - Wrath is the premier raidlogging simulator, yet most of the raids are shit. This is pretty damning.
Moreover, even to the limited extent they're relevant, most of Wrath zones are a fucking bore (Icecrown and Boring Tundra in particular). Wrath is homogenized to hell and back, and even in terms of symmetric balance it's no better than TBC outside very narrow combinations of patch and gear (for example, comparing final patch BiS, there are as many specs are within 75% range of Thori'Dal BM hunters as there are specs within the same striking distance of SMourne Fury Warriors, and TBC doesn't even do symmetric balance). Professions are gutted (they no longer provide anything unique but identical stat bonuses... except that they're not, so you don't even get the freedom of picking what you like). You name it.
If anything, it's difficult to come up with pros for Wrath. Most (although not all) classes becoming more involved to play is one and that is admittedly a very big deal, and it has the best raid tier from the two expansions. But other than that, what else IS there? Something petty like @target macro parsing?