ITT kino games nobody talks about

ITT kino games nobody talks about

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A lot of really cool games were basically abandoned on the Wii or the DS. Really tragic. It was one of that last consoles that had more "out there" games that end up financially bombing but being cult classics years down the line.

I recommend this game every single time there's a Wii thread
Great game, got it for $9 brand new from a toys r us after wanting to play it for years since I had seen it in Nintendo Power. Hated the samurai girl boss.

Disaster Day of Crisis

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My delusional hope is that the Switch will be the anti-Valve era of 3's
>Bayo 3
>NMH 3
>that canceled game being revived is Megaman Legends 3 since it runs on MT Framework, which works on Switch
Wii and DS had tons of gems despite everyone just remembering the shovelware. Little disappointed we're seeing people just celebrate downgraded ports like Doom and The Witcher 3 on Switch instead of cheaper more experimental stuff.

>tfw no sequel
That shit ended on such a fucking cliffhanger

>Parents randomly bought this for me for one of my birthdays
Was pretty fun

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The most I can hope for is a remaster someday, but it isn't likely...

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The House of The Dead in general gets no love or discussion here, and I don't get why. The first game is awesome and it never got properly ported.


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The DS had The Dark Spire, which is still one of my favorite dungeon RPGs and an excellent entry on 'eastern hands on western fantasy.' Easily one of the most engrossing games on DS nobody talks about

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The story was pretty interesting if derivative. What I loved most about this was the sense of style, visuals, and tight controls. Watching the protags fast walk while shooting and doing rolls while blasting everything in sight was amazing.
It makes me think that if someone really worked hard into making an interesting narrative with strong visual direction, you would have an instant masterpiece.

I didn't even understand the plot for the most part, the game just had really great gameplay and variety in environments and enemies.
You go from a crumbling city fighting missile trucks to a dream-world nightmare forest with a basketball skeleton to battling a giant chimera while speeding down a desert highway

it's very reliant on kaiju films and 90s tropes. the story is there in service to the action. I'm saying that maybe there's a way to consolidate the story and the action

either way the game is absolutely fantastic

This game is stylish as fuck but it's REALLY bad. I mean, there's just so many great dungeon crawlers and this one has the shittiest gameplay ever. You don't even get to see which enemies you're fighting, just a scene that represents them. 99% of the game only exists in your head and I'd rather play a VN if that's the point.

Same, but then it took like 8 runs of the original S&P to get what the fuck was going on in the whole thing

>Best turn-based battle system since Child of light
>Delicious brown
>Huge build variety
>Killer OST

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I enjoyed this game a decent amount. I think typing of the dead on steam was pretty popular when it first came out
Fragile dreams was so fucking good, and it's painful how nobody ever talks about it
pic related, but the hands aren't mine

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Nights of Azure kind of brought this game's ideas back.

This, right here.

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>I mean, there's just so many great dungeon crawlers and this one has the shittiest gameplay ever
How so? Its systems are fine, and its exploration is great. The dialogue is really sardonic
>You don't even get to see which enemies you're fighting, just a scene that represents them.
...yes, and? the same went for earthbound. How is this any worse than the older FF games like VI, where all you had was a bunch of spritemen advancing and doing a small effect on screen?
>99% of the game only exists in your head
This was an intended design choice. The game's art is very smooth, and it plays like an oldschool adventure game. There's a reason why there's a vector graphics mode
>rather would play a VN
I like VN's, but the gameplay and exploration here isn't something you'd get out of most VN's

The problem with Fragile Dreams is the same as Rule of Rose - it's a 9/10 in all regards but actual gameplay. I appreciated it for its good qualities but playing it is like watching Kingdom Hearts try really hard to be Resident Evil, it's just a very peculiar strain of awkward.

1 was pretty good but 2 is utter fucking shit, I regret buying it on launch so much.

one of the only shmups that made me want to go for scoring because it's super fun to do so
and also because you unlock more of the story

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The combat is bad, but the exploration and ambiance of the game is wonderful. I'd say that given that, the story, and the music, it would have been much more appreciated if it had more money to market and expose it.
It's not that the game isn't deeply flawed, but that given its cult status, it would have been way more popular a la nier if it had more mass exposure

for me it's House of the Dead: Overkill

Earthbound has shit gameplay too. I want to play Dungeon Crawlers for the dungeon crawling, not to stare at pretty pictures every single fight because there's nothing else to it. The systems are generic so any other game does it better.
I'm bitter because I really wanted to like it but it fucking sucks.

From the gist of it, it's basically some bitch from another dimension fucking around with wannabe gods by creating super human soldiers or something like that. We don't even know why or why there are multiple Earths.

I'm honestly surprised a Sin & Punishment sequel came out at all after the N64 one was a late Japan-only game.

Loved this game as a kid

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Fuck knows how many Vita games fall into this territory even after getting ported off (if they were even that lucky). Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni, Firefly Diary, Yomawari, A Rose In The Twilight, Murasaki Baby, some pretty neat shit went under the radar on it.

>Earthbound has shit gameplay too.
Not really? If your only criterion is "it doesn't draw the action on screen" then I take that as a fairly shallow standard. The gameplay works because of the music, the atmosphere, and the relative speed of the encounters later on.
>not to stare at pretty pictures every single fight because there's nothing else to it
It really sounds like you have a hangup playing text based games that aren't VN's. What's the issue, given that the actual exploration and roleplaying in the dark spire is what grips you? The art is pretty and fits the mood perfectly
>systems are generic
what's more interesting is the dungeon crawling and conversations the system facilitates. The game is quirky to a fault and the system plays around this even though it presents itself as a self serious RPG
>I'm bitter because I really wanted to like it but it fucking sucks.
I mean, sometimes games don't click for you, but hey you don't have to try and make sure other people can't enjoy it user

There are people on this board that never played this game

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>these digits

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It was predated by a Wii VC release in America, which actually did see some minor fanfare. On that note, it's now been 10 years since SS, we're due for a new one.

Gravity Rush eventually got ported to PS4, and yomawari is on steam.
Soul sacrifice is never talked about and it's sad since that game has such good music and art

as soon as this quarantine bullshit is over, i'm getting it now just because of that provided it's still at the game store i go to

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Hey Firefly Diary was pretty popular way back when in vitagen. It got put on steam too.

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Most of those are on PS4 or PC. Few of them really benefited from the extra exposure though, they still went under the radar.

The Kagero/Deception/Trapt series

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literally wrestling with aliens, loved the shit out of it

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Seconding this, though I'm hilariously bad at it. Can't deny how fucking cool the premise and gameplay concept is, though.

deception combos are so much fun. i think iv's hell slut / thot aesthetic was a little too trashy, but it was a fun ride all the way through

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and the bungie game almost no one remembers and will never see a sequel, much less a successor

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It's perhaps too simple and long for its own good but I can't deny that the story's actually pretty good and the aesthetics are on point, plus it goes hard as fuck on the soul when it tries.

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what game, user?

which game is this?


Not him but it looks like Skygunner on the ps2.

its free now

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No matter how low the lows got in the 8th gen there are two things I will always appreciate it for - we got Gravity Rush and pic fucking related finally made it to the states because this series is based as all fuck.

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You can choose a simple control style that auto-rights your movement if you want an arcade-y scheme, or control the turning and the yaw separately, as well as be able to target squadrons or any enemy. It's a pretty unique but way too obscure flight shooter, and the game even gives the option for Jap with subs or the English dub instead of just sticking you with one, which was notable for a 2001 game.

Sin&Punishment, Pandora's Tower, I'll always have a soft spot for the Last Story, even if I didn't like the story as much as the original concept I read about
and Custom Robo

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Wii had a lot of great games that nobody remembers

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Man these games are really cool, it's really fun to fuck around with the fishing line mechanic the more you get better at it
The bosses are pretty bad though, mostly in the first game

God, Custom Robo is such a great game. A shame it died such a quiet death, though the creator's still working on Synaptic Drive, I think it's called?

>posts one of the most remembered non-first party wii games

yeah, but the last news is like, two years ago as I can find it
I spent way too many hours getting everything in Custom Robo Arena. Comet was my jam, the air hops were right up my alley, and she was the only model with them that didn't get downed in a single hit

extremely flawed but full of character and interesting ideas.
i would like to see someone actually do a redo of the entire game with a similar concept

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From December.

love this game

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honestly the more human proportions and stiff lack of animation or control polish from what I can see are kind of a turnaway. It looks a lot like one of those indie games inspired by something compared to former devs creating a successor.