Rain World

I'm like 3 hours into it right now. Slowly progressing through the second area. God, this game is incredible, one of the few times when I pick up a game because of the endless shilling I see here and its actually good. Thank you, my fellow Yas Forumsrigins.

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No problem, OP. Have fun and don't look up guides.

>don't look up the movement guide
shit advice

May as well look at a world map and story summary while you're at it. Actually, refund the game and watch a walkthrough.


On my last play sessions I figured out how to do Salto, they don't seem that useful right now. Maybe I just don't see where I should be using them.
I think I heard something about Roll-Boosting or something like that from the times I visited Rain World threads before. Should I look up how to do it or I don't have to worry about it that much?

You can beat the game without knowing any advanced movements. Just fuck around with the controls in various contexts, see what changes.

There's a video on yt explaining all the movement tricks. The game will never ever tell you about them so feel free to look that up.

>not figuring out the movement yourself
I figured everything out by myself in like my first play session, don't over-sell it. I had to google that you can wiggle the stick to swim faster without losing breath because I was drowning too much in the sewer/drainage area

No problem lad. Let us know when you play Hollow Knight and Noita too.

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>Hollow Knight

I'm in Sky Islands and I'm getting my ass kicked. I played for 2 hours yesterday and made no progress.

There are those flying bug things that you can hold to make you jump higher, and I've heard of some grappling hook worm. Are those things necessary in some parts of the game, or can everything be done if you can platform precisely enough? Because I'm convinced I need the floating jump to make it to certain areas in Sky Islands.

I stopped trying to progress in Sky Islands after a while and just made my way back to Outskirts and then to Farm Arrays.

I came from Farm Arrays.

Oh, after I beat the game I just took a break, should probably check out Sky Islands eventually

I'm sure there must be a way to clear some jumps or climbs without the help of the insectoid fellows, but I did it with them. Just grab one and try to carry it as far as possible with you.

I think there is one jump you can't do without a squidcada or grapple worm. You won't find any worms in sky island though. There is an alternative way to do said jump but if you are good enough at movement to do that, you wouldn't be here.

One of the very few things you are explicitly told to do in this game is to go west past the farm arrays, and you fuck it up.
That would never happen to me again.

you can overdose on shrooms and jump farther, that'll get you across some gaps. but it's far safer and easier to use a squidcada, I dunno why you wouldn't want to since they're a godsend in getting you out of tight spots with predators.

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This is the part I'm having trouble with. The upper part of this area, specifically.

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But there's these two lizards who are pretty much impossible to get around without a lot of luck. I might try going here first and trying to kill them, before bringing a bug with me.

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Based contrarian

yeah, you're gonna need a squidcada for that one. annoyingly the top bits completely hide your slugcat from view so you have to kind of wing it on where you are, but they're spaced out just right to simply jump jump jump without walking and still make it.

There's a different route if I remember correctly. Explore.

Not him but by the context it might sound like those games play on the same league as rainworld.

Rainworld just broke the vidya paradigm of whats good and interesting.

Sky Islands was my fav area. I made a save copy and just fucked around in Sky Islands genociding all the lizards and vultures with my scav bros. Then I hunted the scavengers.

>overrated tedious metroidvania
>indie fotm

I think Garbage Wastes was my favourite gameplay wise. Visually, the Wall / Underhang is kino.

I went through the entirety of sky islands with the grappling worm and didn't think anything of it, then I came back after I'd lost it to one of those bird monsters and I had a hell of a time. I think you should get a worm and learn how to climbs vertically. Apparently I scummed sequence broke the game in many places

On replay I 100% agree with you, but on my first playthrough I treated the garbage wastes as an excercise in NEVER EVER GOING TO THE SURFACE because vultures spooked the fuck out of me. By Sky Islands I'd learned to conquer my fear and take some masks.

best game ever, not joking. i love The Wall.

I've heard there are grapple worms in Chimney Canopy? But I've never seen them. Also I don't really know how I'd get out of The Leg with a grapple worm in tow.

>majority of the steam reviews that are negative are
>too hard = bad

How do you get to that one unlockable on the floating island in Shoreline? the one across the platform with the Flower?

I’m playing with keyboards and I can’t do a backflip down spear throw or a slide spear thrust

OP here, just moved to Chimney Canopy. I hope I took the right path lol.
I was originally trying to get through the 5 karma door on the right of the industrial complex, but I'm not good enough yet to get 3-4 hibernations in a row without dying.

It's much easier on keyboard actually. Keep trying. Remember to press down.

>I was originally trying to get through the 5 karma door on the right of the industrial complex
Since you’re new you don’t wanna go there

I think that's by design.

Yeah, i figured. It was just the first karma gate I stumbled upon in the Complex and the way back needed only like 1 or 2 karma, so I thought that I'll probably be able to comeback easily. But I couldn't even get in lol.

I went to Five Pebbles through the top of the wall with a worm instead of the intended route, I still went through the underhang because an user told me I missed the best part of the game. I still enjoyed the wall Massively. One of my favorites of all time

gotta drag a squidcada from literally halfway across the world, have fun!

>I figured everything out by myself
>I had to google
Which is it

I figured everything out myself but I had to google one thing. Bitch

So in other words your opinions are influenced by an inverse view on acclaim. Got it.


Things had to align just perfectly, so that a vulture killed one of the two lizards and I maneuvered around the other.

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Careful with the kelp now.

Watch out for the mind-flayers or the trip-mines too. And the leap of faith, but I doubt you'll get there

Actually I died. Of course, OF FUCKING COURSE, there was a blue lizard on the next screen and couldn't dodge him.

I love Rainworld but Hollow Knight was an overall better experience for me.

WARNING: Do not open

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You motherfucker.

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You are going straight to your doom.

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God, imagine being a slugcat

Only a vorefag would want to be a slugcat.

God, imagine doing a slugcat

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This slugcat better have a cute penis or else I'll be upset

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Ok, well I'm pretty sure there's nowhere else for me to go. I know each area has multiple entrances, but do they all connect together? Or are they sectioned off, like the Farm Arrays -> Sky Island part is separate from the Industrial Complex -> Sky Islands part? If so, I must be missing something.

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Also I too recently got for real into this game, and my main and only gripe is the fucking rain coming whenever and me not being ready for it. Love the beautiful sceneries and jumping around like it's DKC though.

Japanese games are way better than this indie trash meme gimmick platformer.

>but do they all connect together?
Yes. As in, if you came in from one side you can come out the other way, it's all a single area.

Yeah, that's why I meant. Thanks.

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hold space and the dots remaining around your karma circle in the bottom left will tell you roughly how long until the rain comes.

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I laughed not going to lie