
What went wrong?

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Quite literally everything, to fix it you'd have to completely remake the game from the ground up.

Is that even possible?

It was nice. With a lot of mods.

SJW bullshit.
>can't have each race be unique, that's racist
>shoehorn in some intergalactic collaboration between the races that were supposed to hate each other? sure why not
>self insert of community manager that's a wheel chair bound mary sue for the shit main story that shouldn't exist in this type of game
>remove cool legendary weapons and temperature mechanics
I have like 600 hours in it and its all mostly from alpha/beta. 1.x was a mistake. the only good thing to come from it is the mods that, try as they might do nothing to actually fix the bullshit of the base game.

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They killed the fuckin dog, for starters

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>600 hours
>mostly from alpha/beta
Jesus was it really a completely different game than what we got today?

Wasn't that made by person who left Terraria team because someone or something hurt his ego? People like that rarely have genuine talent.

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I think it was getting caught using FF sprite models.

superbased and sums it up perfectly.


Why do you keep making this thread every single day

Iirc the default terrarian character stance and jump is literally ripped off/traced over from Final Fantasy 1 character sprites.

I had to walk 15 miles to get this fucking game for my friend and I.

Big Fatties isn't a part of the core game.

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What the fuck

Fatfafs are fucking cringe stop posting.

Mod of the Century, familam.

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What shithole do you live at and why would you walk somewhere to buy a pc game?

What mods are essential then to fix up the game?

What happened to Ashton Raze? They had some sort of spinal boneitis problem and trooned out but seems to have disappeared?

Probably joined the tranny suicide rate.

Well, it was a bit more barren but you had awesome shit like bubble tech that would let you fly around so exploring planets looking for costume items and unique biomes was easier. Also no shit story or gutting of survival mechanics.

The only thing that didn't go wrong is unfortunately stuck in this shitty game and with Chucklefuck indefinitely.

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Frackin universe and races, iirc the frackin races mod adds back the unique race specific features that were cut on top of adding a ton of races (some are furry trash but whatever)
Some call it bloat but FU is really great. You can do so much shit while ignoring the main story. Sadly I don't think there is anything to outright remove the main story, wish there was.

>Frackin universe
Confirmed for garbage taste.

>they added floran grill to wargroove
>removed her cleavage on top of putting her in a game with 100x more tumblr onions influence

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What would plant pussy taste like?

what else adds as many unique biomes and planets as frackin?

Nothing, but what else gets up its own ass more than frackin?


On the topic of modded Starbound, can someone explain to me why there's so much focus on the avail race? They're so ugly.

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Furfags, unironically disgusting, puppy killing animal raping furfags. That's what populates the steam playerbase that you can see right now.

furshit probably
recognize the name... I think the mod itself actually adds a good bit of decent stuff, like avali unique towns and even a space ship with quests. if its the one I'm thinking of.
So well done furshit that goes well with the rest of the game. I used it just to add more unique areas to planets instead of the same shit over and over

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Theyre furry and they have a lot of shot already so more people see it as their only option and hop on

Personally I really dig their technology aesthetic, not so much them but I live with it

Is there any community with a worse aesthetic sensibility?

I regret having spent money on this fagfest. I got banned from the steam forums a dozen times for repeatedly calling the devs and everyone involved colossal mega faggots. I will renew that statement every few weeks.

Never in my life have I seen a game with a promising and fun alpha/beta that then ruins itself with 1.0. It's incredible.

The funniest thing about the furfags who won't let go of this game is that they forced Chucklefish to keep updating it even though they just wanted to just release it and sweep it under the rug so they could move on to other projects, but instead they were forced to stick with it because no indie company can just ignore a player base of a couple thousand

It's like karmic punishment

Simply epic. +1 internets to you, sir.

Ha, a proper albatross around the bastards' collective neck

Furfags usually criss cross every other type of community. It's like a fucking rainbow of autism and degeneracy.

>tiny set of fans forces a dev to do anything
What kind of fanfiction life do you lead?

No stop interrupting the circlejerk

Furfags dominate the player base. I remember lurking about the game's forums in the early days and they were everywhere. No surprise a race of cutesy raptor people are popular.

Shit like this helps me to avoid getting into game developed cause I can't imagine the drama and stress working with and for ppl like that

Furfags ruin everything as always. Isn't there a recent horror story about furfag couple with one being a tranny killing a couple of people and skinning their dog to make their atrocious furfag costume with his pelt?

they make crafting, mining, and building worthless

Real talk; furrydom wouldn't be nearly as bad if it wasn't for the core insistence of radical inclusionism. It's legit made it a harbor for attracting and breeding psychopathy and sociopathy.

Why not make your own game? You don't have to fraternize with these shitheads if you don't want to you know, just don't be a shithead yourself by making this or Day of Dragons.

>oh boy a starbound thre-
>furfags furfags furfags
>furfags furfags furfags
>furfags furfags furfags
>furfags furfags furfags
>furfags furfags furfags
Rent free.

Go back to raping adopted puppies to death with splintered wooden stakes covered in fireants you fucking fegenerate.

Blame furfags.

All evidence of this seems to be erased, which pretty much proves it.
Does anyone even have the pic of the puppy next to the chewed wires saved? I've had no luck locating it.

>furrydom wouldn't be nearly as bad
No it's still bad. These faggots are the result of parents "not saying anything" and letting their childrens faggotry run rampant, and alao the lack of actual bullying to beat the gay out of them.

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Rent. Free.

>disagrees with the point
>literally proves the point instead
How does he do it?

The dog didn't actually die, someone from the staff adopted it

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Fags in charge. Women hired to be "Developers"

It seems the devs were just spit balling ideas. they spent so much time creating lore for the different races but in the end they decided to just insert you into a generic notStarfleet rather than let the player be thier own character. Really hampers the roleplay potential when you are the chosen one. I'd prefer to just be a generic human colonist or wandering Floran trying to find their way rather than be their luke Skywalker.

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>600 hours in starbound alpha/beta

nigga what the fuck why would you not just play terraria which was and is superior in every single way

I understand why some people don't like them but I don't get the HATE.

game dev literally abandoned it, since modders are doing "fine" job with it, they feel the game doesn't need more groundbreaking content anymore so yah blame modding scene LOL
(just kidding, I think the game lost it popularity and it sold less than what terraria makes nowadays its not worth to compete)

This game unironically was the first game growing up that taught me the dangers of getting hyped for something, I remember being excited for most of middle school for this game to come out so me and and friends to play it only for it to be shit and only get worse as time went on

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People are obsessed with furries

Leading sign of Western cultural degeneration on the internet.

Nobody in charge of decision making on this game had a coherent design philosophy. They didn't add features pointedly, they added them arbitrarily.
Good game design would be thinking of a problem, and then adding something to rectify this problem. Take Dark Souls, coming from Demon's, healing items in that game were entirely counterintuitive to the overall design of the game and would allow you to grind out 50 grasses to brute force your way through any challenge, negating said challenge in a way that doesn't fit the direction of the game.
The designers realises this and so in their next attempt came up with a system more in line with the rest of the game. Even then Demon's wasn't the worst, compare grasses or estus to food in DD, Estus is a mechanic built into the combat system. In DD (and many others) you can pause and heal up any time you want, which means your health bar is functionally your one shot defence and your actual health bar is your food supply, which exists seperate to the combat system and negates everything in that system. Estus/Grass on the other hand is a healing system that is built into the combat, you still need to find an opening to actually use it, and you need to choose between efficiency/risk due to those limitations. If you chug after every hit your "effective health" takes a massive hit because you're wasting half your sippy on overhealing, but it also means you'll likely be able to find an opening if a boss catches you badly because you're always at max health. If you wait till you can get full use sippage you have more effective HP, but you're also risking a boss bludgeoning you to a death you would have survived if you weren't being autistic about efficiency because you fucked up and didn't make a proper opening for yourself and lost 70% HP while at 60%. Absolutely fantastic, cohesive design choice. They saw a problem, they made a solution.
Starbound does not have any semblance of this sort of decision making.

Collectively venting disgust for these subhumans that are now on the news for killing innocent people and skinning a dog they owned isn't "obsessed" you stupid furgin.