Aim Assist for controllers killed this game and you are actually retarded if you defend having AA in a PC version. Soft hack do not equate a skill gap you are literally just getting an unfair advantage over people with mouses.
Aim Assist for controllers killed this game and you are actually retarded if you defend having AA in a PC version...
>PC retards trying to act like Halo fans
>plug in XIM to PC
>all the advantages of PC + controller AA smooshed together
>make entire lobbies of controller niggers ragequit
EZ money
>playing Halo with mouse and keyboard
>playing the pvp outside of LAN with friends
M+K is superior but literal hacks trump any form of skill. Why are you people so retarded?
so you fags are saying controllers should get 0 aim assist?
and you call me retarded?
>use KBM
>get 25+ kills every game of slayer I play
Sounds like you losers are just bad.
>so you fags are saying controllers should get 0 aim assist?
and you call me retarded?
There should unironically be queues based on input. I don't care if it splits the availability of viable matchmaking further.
Even with aim assist KBM is still better.
I mean I am not really mad. The game was built around controller and that is why ut fucking sucks. If you want an arena shooter just play daibotical. It was made for people who don't need 10minutes to line up a shot.
this, its mostly faggots who have never played halo before. Dont know how any of the maps work and using Counter Strike techniques
You will almost never lose a close range encounter because you will never miss.
t.has already used controller and its fucking stupid
kbmlets too retarded to realize how insanely overpowered the ability to whip 180 degrees and have perfect control of the sniper is compared to some aim assist. Maybe if they play Halo for 10 years like every controller player they could compete? Sorry your wins can't be handed to you lol
The grinding
The AIm Assist
The DMR starts
The lack of content
The Lack of Maps and the bug that made it so you played the same maps every day
and no forge
This killed Reach on PC.
Halo 2 is going to be owned by KB+M. Using the BR outside of red ret will be Halo Online tier rape. Halo 3 will strike a good balance.
woww you realized Reach is fucking awful
bizarrely Cod Warzone is the only game I have played to get the Balance right.
>Set aim on target
>Start strafing and dont touch right thumbstick
>never miss
75% of this could have been fixed within a week
You're right but you're also hard coping.
>play ce on pc
>doing legendary playtrough
>its really easy, have to double check if im on legendary
>try anniversary on the xbox
>can barely get past the first level with a controller due to the shitty aim assist
No it couldn't have and it never will be.
Halo 1 is even worse. It so painfully fucking slow it hurts my brain. It makes sense for an xbox controller. But on PC I would rather play something a bit fucking faster.
>aw yeah halo on PC i'm such a huge halo fan
get out zoomer, CE is not made for slow brains
>multiplayer shooter on pc
>no community servers
what a joke
>CE is not made for slow brains
this is ironic given it is the slowest fucking arena shooter I have ever played by a metric fucking mile. CS/ and Siege are 10x faster and they are supposed to be tactical. Hell fucking Arma is faster.
I'm convinced these types of post are from seething Xtards seething that their console officially has no games and is complete paper weight.
>Maybe if they play Halo for 10 years like every controller player they could compete?
This is a good point. Pretty much everyone playing Halo on PC has been playing it for fucking decades, literally.
The conundrum of the PC fat
also PC fats
Yeah seriously, what's more likely is they're getting ran over by people who know the maps and tricks like the back of their hand. A majority of your skill in Halo is strategy and knowledge, the aiming is a tiny portion of actually killing someone. You absolutely cannot just run around and think you'll out aim everyone when people who've played the game for 10+ years basically have ESP.
This is me. I use a controller on PC but I know the real trick to me always landing 1st or 2nd is knowing how everything works and is laid out on every map. My headshot ratio is near perfect regardless of weapon or geography.
Yea Reach is fucked but Halo CE is fine.
Been dominating pretty hard with just the pistol. Feels just as good as back in the day when the original released but you don't have to aim in front of the dude's head anymore since they fixed the netcode. Didn't take long to get used to.
No one ever says this.
problem with that is I don't want autoaim.
It's not just that I am killed by it. It id that I personally do not wish to use it because aiming is a fun part of the FPS experience.
This especially when shit like AR are literally just spray and pray. It would be different with complex spray patterns small hitboxes, cover mechanics one shot headshots etc.
Halo is not an arena shooter though.
ive been having a fun time playing CE as well. Well over 50 hours into the campaign and a little over 20 hours on multiplayer for CE
I fucking abhor DMR starts. Turns every match into a game of peak-a-boo from across the map.
itt shitters
I mean it has two modes
arena shooter for console kidies.
and arena shooter for console kiddies on huge maps with vehicles. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Blood Gulch on Custom Edition back in the day. I just can't seem to enjoy it now.
Combat is very similar to your average arena shooter br from afar run in switch to AR throw grenades in rush etc. especially Slayer on small maps is literally just an insanely slow Arena shooter.
Reach just shouldn't have happened for MCC. 2 is going to be similarly pretty scathing with the BR but 3 should be a really nice balance for everyone. I played MCC on Xbox recently and 3 is still as fun as ever.
The problem is that it doesn't have many good maps.
All I'm asking for is dedicated servers and a 24/7 blood gulch CTF host.
I'm looking forward to ODST. I wanna do the vidmaster achievements again.
Yeah, I mostly just liked seeing reach on pc with improved graphics. Halo 3 matchmaking is what I'm really waiting for.
Why are peecucks so bad at Halo? They don't even know how to strafe. Just running in straight lines. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Peecucks are trash.
>bragging about killing low rank retards in socials
>CE is not made for slow brains
You're partially correct, just get rid of the last 3 words. CE's multiplayer wasn't even done when it came out on Xbox, and it was never meant to be played by groups of people who weren't already friends. The multiplayer you claim to have liked all these years is a product of gearbox, and it's always been trash. But don't let me stop you from fishing for false-oldfag cred.
>>make entire lobbies of controller niggers ragequit
You mean PC players, lol. Thanks for killing the game btw
Yeah they do
Nope, Reach is a terrible Halo game and Halo on PC has no audience, this is why you guys fucked off to Zoom Eternal, stop acting like you're a Halo fan and stop trying to fit in.
it came out 2 years after CE
This. Doom is objectively better and should get the bigger audience. "you think you do but you don't" really does apply to Halo.
zoom eternal is shit though
Halo doesn't have an audience on PC because most Halo fans already own an Xbox / only care about the campaign. It has nothing to do with being an inferior game. They don't even cater to the same groups; Halo is mostly about its story and party modes.
It's pretty good. Not as good as 2016 but still really good. For online You might as well just play diabotical tho. What didn't you like about it?
Halo was always asked for on PC because alot of people got into pc gaming betweens Halos prime and now, so they have nostalgia glasses from before they played a real FPS.
>Halo was always asked for on PC because
people like the campaigns. That's all. It doesn't have an audience for the multiplayer on PC.
Lore person here. AMA.
I mean I like the campaigns but they were always a small part of the hype.
> his spartans head over his head on facebook
no one cares you stupid faggot.
>What didn't you like about it?
Damage sponge/shit damage weapons to stun enemies for forced glory kills every 5 secs to stock up on ammo and health.
The upgrade shit and cooldown abilites are unnecessary too.
>halo online
For me, it was the purple DMR
The hype for Halo 2 was mostly campaign related. Campaign hype died down as the campaigns regressed and multiplayer became the bigger focus. But people who have nostalgia for the original trilogy mostly remember the campaigns, with some people liking the custom games browser but definitely not as many.
the port has more problems than controller aim assist also reach MP is shit in general outside of custom games
glory kills are short animations and the purpose is to keep you moving through the map tho. It is like Sonic the FPS. The upgrades and abilities added depth and a lot peo liked them. It's take it or leave it for me.
I've played the CE campaign on legendary with both kb+m and xbox controller on PC and they are both playable.
No one will ask you shit about lore because this isn't the thread for Halo fans, it's the thread for faggy secondaries to whine that the game doesn't cater to their meme platform.
I'll make a lore thread.
This I fucking hate PC fags so much
>hhhuuur FPS games should have aiming
>huuur games should run at high frame rates to be less cinematic
>huurrr 900p is a bad resolution
>huurr we should compromise artistic vision by allowing mods
The autoaim defenders would have a point if it was crossplay. But it is not. It's literally just pc vs pc.
>glory kills are short animations and the purpose is to keep you moving through the map tho
Why do they need to force me into glory kill animations every few moments to keeo me moving through the map? It's retarded. I can do that myself using the movement keys without getting taken out of the flow of combat with faggy cinematic GLORY KILL (tm) cancer.
> The upgrades and abilities added depth
They should've given you the weapon upgrades fom the start insead of having to unlock everythng. The abilities are just
And the fire ability doesnt even do any damage.
I expected a shooter, not some light RPG with forced animations.