>final boss is FUCKING BULLSHIT
what other games do this?
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Git gud with Marisa.
Which board would each 2hus browse?
Yuuka - out
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Nitori - /diy/
Yuugi - Yas Forums
Prismriver's - Yas Forums
Kosuzu - /lit/
Sanae - /d/
user IN is considered one of the easiest games in the series
Quit embarrassing yourself
>Human runs that aren't Youmu
what the fuck was ZUN thinking
This post smells like TD cope
I'd actually argue that Marisa solo is both easier and more fun than trying to go Team Magic.
Solo Reimu and especially Solo Sakuya are pure fuck tier though, they don't have Marisa or Youmu's sheer shot power, so they can't break through familiars as easily and it really hurts them.
He's not wrong. The danmaku can get complex, but the mechanics really make the game a lot easier.
Kaguya - Yas Forums, /vg/, /his/, /w/
Rinnosuke - /g/, /his/, /toy/
Reimu - Yas Forums
Your favorite - Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /lgbt/, /vip/, Yas Forums, Yas Forums
it's not the boss patterns it is the characters. Reimu+Yukari alone have an absolutely ridiculous bomb that lasts forever
Alright, fair enough
Yukari also has a really powerful homing shot, probably one of the easiest boss killer shots to use in the series that isn't busted in some obvious way.
user thank for the dose but I think you got the wrong thread. The megaman thread is 5 block down.
The fucker who designed Ys 1's final boss should burn in the deepest pit of hell
A third of the game is resetting on this guy.
Keine/Akyuu - /his/
Kaguya - Yas Forums /jp/ Yas Forums
Reimu/Joon - Yas Forums
Yumemi - /sci/
Sakuya/Yuyuko/Rumia - /ck/
Meiling/Yuugi - Yas Forums
Aya/Hatate - /news/ /p/
Nitori - /g/ /diy/ /o/ /k/ /m/
Sukuna - /toy/
Chen/Tenshi - /s4s/
Yukari - /trv/
Keiki - /ic/
Satori - /an/
Thanks doc
Doesn't it have a non-standard game over that can occur even if you don't use all of your continues?
You can only use 1 continue or else you can’t do stage 6
Nope. There is the "time limit" but its only a thing if you use continues. Either way, its a very easy game, you can death bomb about half an hour after you get hit.
Gonna clear this up quickly.
Instead of using traditional continues, IN uses time. The clock advances between stages. If you lose all your lives and continue, the clock advances. Clearing Last Spells sets the clock back. If you run out of time on the clock, you get a bad ending. If you use any continues, you can't go to the Final B (the true final stage, and the only way to get the good ending), and if you run out of lives at any point during Final B you get booted out to a bad ending.
Dumb zoomer
Second try, I'm a little rusty.
Eirin is pretty easy though.
If you want a bullshit final boss try Junko or Byakuren.
>final boss is God
Don't remind me
>game is an overall joke
>except for Stage 4 and 6 which are SA tier
one question, why?
>Artist stops drawing your favorite series
Bomb more
Ol kigurumis
*forces you to waste all your bombs at the very start of the fight*
*coats screen in semi-random death lasers*
When did Koto Inari decide to quit making 2hu? They just came out with 3rd Eye last year.
why would sanae go there
For a few months now at least, everything on their twitter lately has just been art for Netflix and Amazon Prime shows or some shit.
Magic Missiles > Persuasion Needles
>Magic missiles
>Not Illusion Lasers
Illusion Lasers > Magic Missiles > Persuasion Needles
Doesn't contradict what I said at all.
Fair enough.
Still think this is a dumb mechanic. Getting the time bonus for stages is unlikely unless you're very familiar with the level, meaning you're less likely to need continues in the first place. That's fine if you're being rewarded with points or lives or endings, but continues should be considered a crutch for players who need them, not a reward for players who probably won't have to use them
Then again I think the mechanically simpler touhou games are always better
Wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the retarded continue system, or the fact that you need to complete a stage before it's unlocked for practice. I ended up downloading a score file so I could practice stage 6 properly instead of grinding out 2 life attempts at the end of a play session, with no regrets
Time as a mechanic for continues was pretty silly, yeah, but I think ZUN just wanted to do a thing where the player could run out of time at an unexpected moment if they relied too much on continues, so I kind of understand.
As far as time giving the player a reward goes, remember that it also factors into how many of Kaguya's final spells you get to see, so there's actually incentive to collect extra time if you want to see them all.
At least Kanako lets you know how bad things really by the first nonspell are unlike Aya who only has really bad spellcards and joke nonspells
>That one spellcard with the incredibly wide fan of homing knives
Oh boy, time to throw out 2 bombs again
What's the point of Marisa's lasers, really. They don't do more damage than missiles, they have laughable horizontal range and the piercing property is useful only in a in extremely specific cases
At least Master Spark is usually the best bomb in the game
They're cool.
In the classic Windows games, the main draw was honestly the ability to have Marisa's speed while also having actual range. It's a relatively low spread, but it makes a huge difference over Missile's lack of range period in stages. Plus it still does decent damage, even if it doesn't murder things like Missiles do. Piercing was always just a nice bonus with some niche uses, again notably making stages easier. That was kind of the logic behind the choice, really, missiles are better for bosses and laser was better for stages (and get a better bomb as a bonus).
In later games though laser and missile just kind of get used interchangeably, notably MoF and UFO lasers don't have spread at all and are functionally your magic missile style forward focused shot type.
If you want my honest opinion, I'm actually not terribly fond of the illusion laser incarnations found in MoF or UFO.
>Marisa solo easier and more fun than team Malica cannon
How is this possible? I never tried any solo runs in IN, so I'm not doubting you or anything, but I thought the Malice cannon was supposed to be OP.
The piercing property is the point. It's extremely satisfying to just sweep left-right across the screen and melt waves of fairies.
They are also very easy to use in UFO, since it enemies can't block you from killing the UFO; I'm sure there are other uses like this that I can't think of now.
UFO is arguably the game where her lasers work best since there are plenty of obstacles (mainly ufos) just like said
>and melt waves of fairies
But most fairies already die in 1 hit, it doesn't make much of a difference
I've always found Malice cannon overrated myself. It requires you spam focus, which itself can make movement a bit more difficult, and I don't think the damage increase is enough to offset its inherently awkward nature. I'd rather just use solo Marisa and play normally, since without accounting for Malice, Marisa's shot is just objectively better than Alice's in practically every way that matters.
Also, you'll never accidentally trigger Alice's completely garbage bomb, which is nice. God, Alice is just such a hot fucking mess in IN.
>I'm sure there are other uses like this that I can't think of now.
It's kind of cheating to mention this, but the fact that Marisa's level 1 pierces in PoFV is amazing, and is half the reason her level 1 is probably the best in the game.
I know, but I still have issues with it in UFO.
Her bomb, while being immensely powerful, is really difficult to utilize in ufo collection thanks to it tanking your speed. As well, the lack of spread really hurts in several fights, notably against Shou, who moves around like a motherfucker during most of her spells.
Dr. Yagokoro, I'm ONI
>2hu Cheating Detective
>Chapter 4.1
>Oh, Suckuya and Patchoulli did it
>Chapter 4.2
>Loljk they did it but they're the ACCOMPLICE of the crime, it's actually a spoopy ghost possessing them via liquid.
When you move quickly from left to right, the laser always strikes the top of the screen instantly, while shots need 0.25 seconds or so to travel. It can be nice to quickly dispatch a frail but dangerous enemy you weren't expecting.
One of the reasons why Malice is so busted is that you can attack slaves with it. See video for an extreme example
TD laser is total shit tho, it doesn't do respectable damage or even penetrate.
>But most fairies already die in 1 hit, it doesn't make much of a difference
I just enjoy the feeling of it. With magic missiles, you often can't fly across the screen at full speed, since some fairies hide behind other fairies. Note that I'm not saying that lasers are better or easier to use, just more fun for me personally.
>I've always found Malice cannon overrated myself. It requires you spam focus, which itself can make movement a bit more difficult
I like the shift spam. I never use it when I have to move, since it makes movement more than "a bit" difficult for me, but it feels good to spam shift whenever there is a large opening that allows you to stand still for a little while.
TD laser is just the unfocused spread shot to Marisa's missile shottype, it shouldn't really be treated as a true laser shot in the traditional sense.
I agree that it's pretty weird but they had already foreshadowed pretty fucking hard that it was something related to the underground.
user, I...
Jokes aside it's already foreshadowed to be related to the underground, and it's pretty much a FS/WaHH plot anyways
Who cares? We got Flanaly got Flan being Flan as canon.
>Stage 5 boss
>Has the spellcard difficulty of a stage 2 boss
No wonder everyone views her as "helpless"
If it ends up being Koishi i'll actually scream