How do we revive the MMORPG genre?

How do we revive the MMORPG genre?

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let's let it die instead

have lower stakes, be a random soldier / adventurer / crafter making theri way on the world.
Make dynamic worlds where you ca help your faction / community grow, add what everquest landmark was attempting where players can build their own structures in the open world.

Remove instances and themepark content, or at least don't make it the core of the game, make them agian MMO's where collaboration is more benefician than playing solo, not as hardcore as FFXI but along those lines.

Make actual MMOs again instead of coop instance RPGs with a fast travelable overworld lobby

New World going to save the genre.

kill WoW

This fuck themeparks. Make it like runescape

You mean the game with almost no PvE content that suddenly decided its pvp is boring so changes to full pve? Amazon studios is going to be a disaster trust me. Nice polish sure but garbage gameplay. I still hope LoTR mmo will be good but i wont get excited until i see actual gameplay

a boring sandbox? pass

Kill WoW-shit. Let the current MMO market die, as it is entirely compromised of WoW-shit.
After it dies, let something new take it's place.

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Genres dead unless it pretty much gets reinvented. Current day social media replaced the connected feeling people would get from MMOs back in early 2000s.

Also you don't really want to get an MMO too popular, then you attract the tryhard/memecrowd/ijustdiscovered4chan edgelords shitting up the communities.

Minecraft with the crafters and gatherers of FFXIV and FFXI world and pve like content, maybe wity not as harsh drop rates.

Star Citizen?

What are the key features of an MMO when compared to a Multiplayer Roleplaying Game?

> Player count
The ability to have thousands of players on a server has not been relevant since the 2000's. Bring back lower player count and creature actual communities.
> Centralized game
The jews that control the company also have your character and all your work. Bring back lobby based games where communities can create their own shit.
> Persistance
Goes along with the second point, you never lose anything you grinded... Except you do, arguably every patch, definetely every expansion. It all resets anyway. Leave behind this system and just let players run their own servers and reset them when they want if they want.

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you don't, social media got rid of the MMO hook, without that they're just RPGs but with more time wasting shit

Invent a time machine

Remove grinds. Or at least keep those systems in Gook Land.

it's a relic of their time. just like MUDs and Extreme Sports games. when's the last time you played those.

A) Blizzard needs to die
B) People making MMOs need to lower their expectations
C) Someone making a game needs to realize that the social aspects of MMOs are what made them great not dancing around giant monsters in pre determined patterns while someone keeps yelling "quiet on vent" MMOs should be graphical chatrooms combined with grinding.
D) instanced content and group finder queueing needs to go away. Right now doing a dungeon in WoW is like using a public urinal at a ball game. You wait in line until its your turn then its all " eyes up no talking" until its over.

I forgot to add there should be almost no solo content either. Everything, even leveing, should require a group.

Remake Star Wars Galaxy but with 2020 graphics and with complete VR immersion.


>to explore this area, you must be in a party!

Haha imagine being this gay. New World will literally be the most popular mmorpg on the market until its maybe dethroned by another amazon mmo. See you in the beta user.

>VR meme
Its not going to be a game changer so stop memeing it

Are you an amazon employee or a cope faggot? It will die after a week because its just a rust clone turned pve garbage with no content

Go back in time to when the audience was different.
There can be no revival, perceptions have been altered too far. The fun has been optimised out, and will continue to be so until the end of days.

This. Shit will never be like it used to

WoW Retail is perfect, what is there to revive?

>Having fun
>Raiding and dungeon is at its peak
>RP servers are gut-laugh funny

MMO is where VR is going to shine. Literally hanging out with your bros almost IRL but with just enough of a shroud of anonymity to be one's self without social anxiety getting in the way.

to save mmo's you have to kill the rest of the internet
wikiniggery and efficiencyfags are what kill mmo's, as long as you have these you're going to have guild leaders like these demanding everyone perform at the highest possible efficiency using only the one or two approved meta tactics

MMORPG are dead, most companies moved to Gacha where it's easier to grab money with less ressources.

Most F2P MMORPG are P2W who transformed into Gacha nowadays.

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Part of the fun of graphic rpg is seeing your character and gear. VR doesnt allow for that. Also shitty movement will lead to bad combat

Gonna come off as a boomer by saying this but I'd like it so that if I spend an hour playing the game - I feel like I've accomplished something.

Even if we're in a theme-park type world, make the game challenge you enough so you're developing some form of skill (skillshot landing, doge mechanics a la DS, maybe parries like Sekiro) and teaches you how to hone your skills, or use them in new ways as you progress. Make progression not just a time vector but also a skill vector. Make the game rewarding enough so you're not vegging out 3 hours doing the same shit for hours. MHW kinda had that spirit but it got tedious real fast.

I feel nowadays people expect instant results and gratification, and that's not because they're lazy but because people nowadays don't have as much time on their hands. Everything is beeping at you for attention and most of the things you can't ignore - so grindfest MMOs hardly appeal to anyone anymore aside from shut-in neets because they have nothing better to do.

Make an MMO that is actually rewarding and isn't a monotonous timesink.

They can just add a selfie mechanic that you can use anytime

MMO VR won't be feasible until hardware advances to the point where you don't get below 90fps in a 100+ player scenario

kill them all and salt the earth

I would say making it more like enemies that are within a level range to still give you experience would beat the shit out of you without a group. Kind of like how EQ is for warriors and clerics but it would apply to everyone.

while its a sad Im happy I got to experience it


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We dont. The internet is mundane now. Theres no novelty to hanging out with random fags like there used to be. Everyone has their friends they want to play with and shit they want to get over with so they can get back to doing what they like


Make rewards last and focus on horizontal systems, not just vertical systems that amke every accomplisment of the playersirrelevant every X time.

>Make rewards last and focus on horizontal systems
the only game really made this work is EVE. every other MMO that tried this either flopped or eventually converted to a ilvl system like FFXI.

>What are the key features of an MMO when compared to a Multiplayer Roleplaying Game?
Exploring a world together with others and progressing in it. Once that is over the game is pretty much over.

C) Someone making a game needs to realize that the social aspects of MMOs are what made them great not dancing around giant monsters in pre determined patterns while someone keeps yelling "quiet on vent" MMOs should be graphical chatrooms combined with grinding.
I think that is how all games end up after the game has been figured out. Once the exploration and experimentation of the game is over it loses its magic. That is the core gameplay of MMO's, its cooperating and competing while exploring the game and its mechanics and attempting to become powerful and unique. You believe you can be unique be at the start of the game, but once the game gets figured out, you either do what works or you dont get to play. Figuring games out ruins them, or at least the MMO

Squad based shooter, different factions can gain/lose any and all territory on a server.

Wouldve been better if the combat wasn't so bland and shallow, and if they removed helicopters and flying mounts because with them the world the devs crafted has 0 threat and 0 navigability

Too costly. Too many multiplayer alternatives. Too financially risky.

Then there's clearly not enough work put inot it. FFXI was at his peak when it had several years of the top level being 75 and having pieces of lvl 40 gear being relevant because they had unique characteristics.

I'm having fun with lost ark but there's no new people playing so I'm stuck doing most dungeons solo. Is anyone playing any MMO that isn't wow or xiv?

>add what everquest landmark was attempting

They couldn't pull it off. There were technical hurdles they couldn't overcome and they were bleeding money.

MMO's you're looking forward to? That new ashes of creation update looked cool, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Imagine, kids born in 2010 won't really know how good MMORPGs once were.

>C) Someone making a game needs to realize that the social aspects of MMOs are what made them great not dancing around giant monsters in pre determined patterns while someone keeps yelling "quiet on vent" MMOs should be graphical chatrooms combined with grinding.

I think that is how all games end up after the game has been figured out. Once the exploration and experimentation of the game is over it loses its magic. That is the core gameplay of MMO's, its cooperating and competing while exploring the game and its mechanics and attempting to become powerful and unique. You believe you can be unique be at the start of the game, but once the game gets figured out, you either do what works or you dont get to play. Figuring games out ruins them, or at least the MMO

Technology progress, and that one team of devs didn't manage it, does not mean that another cannot do it.

I play WoW BFA, Classic and FF14
You are powerless against me

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Old MMOs had shitty design. Stop pretending like they were perfect games. If they were they'd still be around using the same design from then, but they're not

they where only good because they where new, unexplored and novel.

I had way more fun with combat in ms2 than any tab targeting MMO i've played, the boss fights were great fun with a challenge of party composition while also platforming and puzzles

Financially, the AI stuff they were doing was too expensive and generated an insane amount of pathing data. A lot of the stuff they talk about wasn't even working properly when they announced the game. I firmly believe AI is the future of MMOs but that is too goddamn costly and the ROI is low.

stop using the same image you fucking nigger

all the other popular mmos besides wow look the same. I got tired of the eastern mmo artstyle real fast.

Too bad the game was so fucking brain dead easy, a 4 year old could play it. You walked from NPC to NPC spamming F to level to max in a day.

sounds like you just want Private Servers which already exist m8

>That is the core gameplay of MMO's, its cooperating and competing while exploring the game and its mechanics and attempting to become powerful and unique

This is what made FFXI at it's peak the best MMO that ever was.

i wish we went back to the time where the player was a mere adventurer traversing thru the vast landscapes of the ingame world with a huge emphasis on interesting classes and proffesions. none of that YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE bullshit

You're not going back to that because you cannot go back in time to when these games were new and unexplored.

>I have shit taste

player interactions are also of utmost importance, a world that is devoid of drama and different proper guilds a shit

Small scale 'artisanal' games, sold as a niche game, aiming for a 5 figure player base.

Wakfu is the only MMO I can enjoy these days.

Like nearly every single other MMO, leveling is a formality up to a certain point. Max level hard mode dungeons and raids were actually difficult. Leveling didn't even take that long either in ms2.

how is Wakfu in this day and age? I was a hardcore Dofus player back in the 1.29 times (several 199's) but i was also a part of the Wakfu Beta when it was first being announced

All those vast landscapes have already been datamined, catalogued, and put on the wiki. Your interesting classes and professions have been boiled down to a minmax meta and you can play your own way as much as you want as long as you accept you will be fucked over for it.

Are you guys playing any MMO that isn't osrs, wow, BDO or xiv?

FFXI had its own share of problems with its horizontal system like bots contesting the BiS spawns, class balance being totally whack with gearing that you straight up don't get invited to anything if you pick the wrong class or you didn't get your 1% drop rate item, and the content stagnates once you do obtain your set because there's no reason to suffer grinding anymore.

Anyways, at the end of the day these type of PVE exclusive games peak and fall quickly. Publishers see this and tell the developers to move on from the game or find a way to monetize it better if they want to keep their jobs. This is why the game stops receiving major content support or it ends up changing drastically to fit the monetization model that you don't recognize it anymore.

Nah. MS2 was so laughably easy compared to other games it was ridiculous. It was as if they designed it to be a fancy chatroom and combat was just "there"

Hentai VR MMO with USB dildonics/fleshlightronics.

And how will those games keep the lights on? MMOs are costly

b-but we can always wish for new exciting games and worlds right...?

See As opposed to forcing connection via server, make it an optional, but helpful way to play.

To give you an example, The Old Republic could have made for a much more enjoyable experience if given the option to play by yourself. Why? Because you already play the game by yourself anyways. You don't even need a party to run the game's equivalent of dungeon content anymore.
>inb4 TORtanic, the memes will never die but the game went back around to being profitable

If the game had an actual singleplayer component, however, that would have made it much more compelling. Right now the game is plagued with spambots that flood chat, and frankly seeing other players running around isn't worthwhile enough of a feature to justify forcing multiplayer upon it.

To put it another way, seeing other people is great and all, but it usually doesn't help any. Even in Final Fantasy XIV or World of Warcraft, arguably much better quality games than TOR, all quests are soloable. The whole experience is a solo experience aside from the forced dungeon encounters in XIV, unless you're on a PvP server in WoW, in which case it can become a frustrating solo experience.