Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain

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Euthanize all sniper fags

10 man when

Heres what every artifact does so far
Artifact of Spite - enemies drop bombs on kill
Artifact of Command - Choose your items
Artifact of Honor - Enemies only spawn as elites
Artifact of Enigma - Equipment randomizes on activation
Artifact of Chaos - Friendly fire is enabled for survivors and enemies
Artifact of glass - deal 500% damage have 10% hp
Artifact of dissonance - enemies can spawn outside their usual envirnments
Artifact of evolution - enemies gain items as levels progress
Artifact of metamorphosis - always spawn as a random survivor
Artifact of sacrifice - enemies drop items on death but chests no longer spawn
Artifact of vengance - your relentless doppelganger invades every 10 minutes
Artifact of kin - one type of enemy per stage
Artifact of swarms - doubled enemy spawn rate but have half hp
Artifact of death - if one survivor dies all allies die
Artifact of frailty - fall damage doubled and is now lethal
Artifact of soul - wisps spawn on enemy deaths

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where the fuck is the scorched acres tablet

Mystery Niggas

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Cope. He's in.

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Brainlet that hasn't played in months here, how do I get artifacts? Can't wait to get command and glass

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i posted too late in the last thread
engineer's turrets dying spawn items with sacrifice, whether it dies from enemies or from placing a new one

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Fuck aureolianigger
This game is trash


gang gang

There are some tablets with patterns on them hidden in all of the stages and realms, and you input the patterns at the new 5th stage, sky meadow. At least that's from what I can tell, I haven't made it that far myself.

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>Artifact of vengance - your relentless doppelganger invades every 10 minutes
Is it a 1:1 clone of you, including items?

Can't wait for you CoD kiddies to get BTFO'd when based Paladin wins.

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how in the FUCK do you get the new engineer unlock if enemies constantly spawn in before the teleporter is ready?

and they can't fucking predict one of the msot basic behaviors till now.
Ffs Hopoo, if you make every enemy adn entety be the same kind of entity for modular changes that means you have to check every single thing each time.


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Get to 99%, leave the bubble, kill the boss and everything else.
Hope there isn't a retarded beetle or jellyfish hanging around the map

>not chosing mistery nigga to rework providence moveset into a usable class

Thoughts on new skills?

give me the lowdown on acrid's new passive bros


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any vids or screenshots of how command works?

Enemies stop spawning at 99% even if the boss is alive

60% dps dot, but it stacks and is lethal

bandit wouldve been much cooler, sniper is a fib fab schnib schnab

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where child?


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dont get where all this sniper hate is coming from considering the ror1 Yas Forums threads always liked sniper

>character with a unique glass cannon playstyle
>vs yet another melee clone
guess which on Yas Forumsbabbies will pick

how do you get the artifacts?

Everyone knows Sniper is shit in a 3D-space on a game so chaotic like this. That's why he was scraped.


euw vanilla many artifacts enabled clusterfuck
hopoo kicked everyone again

Seemingly every stage has a tablet with a 3x3 pattern code on it
A platform under the new stage, Sky Meadow, has a place where you can input these codes
Input a correct code and you'll open a portal to a Hidden Realm
Complete the challenge there and you'll get the Artifact corresponding to the code

As a hint, Glass's Tablet is in A Moment Fractured, while Command's is in the Bazaar
If you're too lazy to find them yourself, here they are
Diamond Diamond Diamond
Diamond Diamond Diamond
Diamond Diamond Diamond

Square Square Square
Square Square Square
Triangle Triangle Triangle

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is it affected by any items? can it proc anything?

host where

The rosterfaggotry is inescapable because they put a fucking poll up.

why do they look so droopy?

>Spite is back
>Glass is back
>Sniper is back
Time to instagib bosses and watch all the meleefags get obliterated by the ensuing tidal wave of funballs.

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>clear out all the enemies i could see
>tele is at 99%
>walk back in and a beetle spawns in

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anyone know if the lewd mod is still getting updated?

>We’re comfortable with Scavengers being a bit BS at times
Fuck you devs

Funballs aren't back.

people seething and coping

they are


I refuse to play until Aurelionite is removed from the game

How do I join?

everybody in this game is made of glass, there's only one defensive option and it's the fucking bear, no armor, no regen, nothing besides bears matter for defense.

Where da children

>Artifact of Spite - enemies drop bombs on kill

>Blazing clay templar
>Horde of many
>999 clay templars also spawn on the map

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>go into discord to vote shortly after release
>codes for all artifacts already in an image
I hate nu-gaymen comunities so god damn much

>see parent
>get instagib'd

copy the number, click join clipboard lobby


t. fried by the capacitor multiple times

109775240991715315 US EAST


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just dont use them you retard

Fug I've been lied to.

Just found this, if this is a code then holy shit are these well hidden. Spoilered in case you don't want to see.

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>Artifact of glass - deal 500% damage have 10% hp
game is finally good now.

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looks like they took OSP out if you have glass on, which makes sense

Do 10 mans, bazaar and such still work?


The new Engi skill maybe makes mobile turrets viable.

why him specifically?

1 more spot

Don't forget which way is right-side up
Your picture of it is skewed by 90 degrees

classes are cancelled virtually everywhere in the world user, nice try

How is it that this game continues to get worse and worse balance wise with every major update?

When it was first launched I easily sunk 200 hours into the game because I could consistently fight my way through hordes of enemies but now it's like if I stand still for a micro-second I'm dead even on Drizzle. Shit is starting to get really fucking irritating.

Anyone run the numbers on Acrid's new poison? My impression so far is that it's shit.

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naw, all classes are just online now

>wtf streamers who have played the game for thousands of hours think it's easy? Time to implement bullshit unfair garbage that instakills you to teach them a lesson!
Same reason why path of exile is shit now

You're just terrible. They've only made the game easier since release.

Okay, so funballs are back, but do we have any way of dealing with them like ropes from RoR1, or are melee characters just fucked with spite on?

What does acrid new passive dO???'

>dying on drizzle

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I'm making a master list of achievement triggers for this patch. If you have skills and items unlocked, please post the achievement section of your save XML, and the triggers themselves if you can find them.

Filtered. Just uninstall it desu


>artifact of command applies to drones
jesus christ

how do I get sacrifice
I stopped playing this game because looking for chests after fighting is so fucking boring

>all those open chests in sky meadow
kino level, i want to live there

>Dying on drizzle
I refuse to believe people can actually die on drizzle. You have to run into a horde to even have a chance of death

by putting some letters in your achievements list

fuck you they've nerfed everything good

Because he listens to discord trannies and streamers who no life the game. While simultaneously nuking all defensive options for lolsorandum slot machine type feels.
>Same reason why path of exile is shit now
basically this, you're not allowed to be tanky in either game, you're only allowed to be ZOOM ZOM EXPLODEY META GLASS CANON

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git gud fgt

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10 mans are broken at the moment.

2/4 again

Changes your poison from max-health percentage damage to DMG scaling, can stack and kill. Feels weak though

nevermind it's shit, guess you are still forced to play normal and take shaped glass every single fucking run.
Do these devs never fucking learn?

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steam achievements that are retroactive with your current progress when

Same function as sacrifice in 1.

>tfw just read the new character is supposed to be a monster paladin that wears a spaceship hull
>tfw that sounds interesting as fuck
>tfw sees the poll results

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Anyone voting for scopy commando is a retard that needs to go play an FPS. Hotpoo didn't pursue finishing Sniper for a reason.

CHEF is Ascended-tier.

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where is the artifact in titanic plains? I'm trying to find them all "legit", so don't just give me the code

This is the best update hopoos made yet, if not just for the fact that we now have artifacts.

He has 0 chance, doesn't he :(

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Some games do that.

You can easily die on drizzle if you get clustershot from the overtuned enemies. That gattling gun faggot is always dangerous on every mode you fight him on.

it's just phasma but with items

Chef isn't my first option, but I'll vote for you chefbro

I don't even play on Drizzle outside of testing how new equipment works. 99% of my runs are on Monsoon but you have to be pants shitting retarded to think that Malachite enemies or the literal dozens of enemies in the game now that have hit-scan abilities that will literally one-shot your ass at any point in the run and the fact that Monsoon will literally force itself to a point where you straight just can't kill anything anymore without cheesing the fuck out of equipment items like Missiles or Lunar equipment.

Not even Engineers have it easy anymore since their turrets will instantly combust the second they spawn after their 2nd cycle.

They wouldn't need OSP if the game was balanced at all.

yeah but when is hotpoo going to make it happen in ror2? 1.0? 1.1?

god damn the shrooms are fucking evil