Animal Crossing New Horizons thread
Anyone have perfect fruit?
Animal Crossing New Horizons thread
Anyone have perfect fruit?
>perfect fruit isn't in the game
fuck off retard
Reposting in this thread
Turnips selling for 548, all i want is turnip drawings in return
anyone have good turnip prices
How do I'd perfect fruit???
I got 62 4 u
finished my updated Fatal Cutie hat if anyone wants it.
looking for islands with good turnip prices
i'll tip gold nuggies
>switch is fucked up, order a new one to replace it
>wipe old Switch + give to little brother
>apparently AC save doesn't transfer
Is there no way to dupe anymore? I just want to catch up to where I was
Wish I could the item catalog worked like the Able Sisters dressing room
How the fuck am I supposed to find some of these colors
i don't think they are in this game
>being a filthy cheater
fuck off
i keep getting interference bro
Is LewdACAnon still drawing the buttsexing villagers?
also gonna post some others I made
Reminder that you abandoned your New Leaf town.
>start up game
>sahara right outside my door
>selling crop circles floor and shutter wall
>try to open gates
>ninty sub expired
OK this is not okay. We have to talk about racism in the Animal Crossing community. I just visited a man's town... his name was Derick. When I got to his town and he saw my brown skin, he immediately felt threatened and wouldn't let me out of his sight. No matter where I went he followed me around. I bet he thought I was going to steal his turnips or something. I wasn't, but his racism was actually changing my mind and I considered it. Anyway to top it all off he had a colored only section part of his town where he put all of his Ape and Monkey villagers. The way he treated my favorite villager, Jane the Gorilla was just inhumane. It was fenced off from the rest of his town, filled with trash, and had run down furniture that was customized to be brown... like the color of my skin. I just rage quit right there. Can't deal with this racism. How do I report his ass to Nintendo?
You're a retard
>Locale full
Shoot. I'll try to get in and repay you with something nice when I can bro
at least I'm not a cheater
I named my Island after this little patch of 'grass' that crackheads hang out on in my city called Turbo Island
truly a magical experience
nice try but I'm only upset about my 14 year old Wild World town
I keep time traveling forward a year at a time and nobody wants to fucking leave. Help
Full already, fuck
>Crop Circles Floor
Could I have a pic user?
So is anyone going to explain the waterfall locking exploit?
i would imagine having a physical copy and not updating the version will help with the dupe
never did local play though so i dont know if enabling that will force a game update or not since you need 2 people to dupe.
Gonna try and keep my island open for a bit, dont worry
>get nan 3 times in a row on mystery islands
i dropped the game after 2 months or so.
i dont fucking care.
Duping is just "hehe crown go spin" and you suddenly have 20 million bells.
Turnip trading has you making shrewd decisions, making friends in nipland, fighting to get in Yas Forumsbros servers, dealing with nintendo online, and posting Yas Forums memes. It's fun.
Take your time man, if I get it cool, if not, meh it's only Tuesday.
Frankly If there's anything I've learned from all this is I'm never buying more than one full inventory of turnips ever again, all these Dodo Codes are way too much of a hassle.
I can’t decide if I should just bite the bullet and use amiibo to kick out an ugly ass villager or just roll with the punches. Ugly villagers make the good looking ones look better but fuck I hate looking at her.
turnips down to 36 each...
this means there's a spike coming.... right bros?
Still open?
fuckin hell you can't be serious, what would be the odds of that
Reminder that you will drop this town eventually.
Anyone want anything here(
definitely, that's a ridiculous price for only tuesday
On my 3rd day, when do I get tulips so I can Yas Forums my shit up
will using an AC amiibo instantly kick someone out without having them wait for them to leave on their own?
>Jane the Gorilla
She isn't even in this game, what awful pasta.
.......... 10 nook tickets. All uggo villagers. What a waste of miles.
post dodo I want that tux
Anyone have Chevre in their town? How much to steal???
Imagine being so fucking cucked you pay Jap ransoms for bells.
Lmaoing at any idiot who does this.
On Sunday from 5am to noon only if the Nook Store is opened up
Pretty good shit user.
Dodo code?
Thanks user. That looks fucking awesome, wish I could visit
Gate's closing for now, Gonna wait a couple minutes and re-open!
How the fuck was I supposed to know that faggot. It's still funny.
I got Nan on my island and she is a thirsty bitch. She's constantly sneaking around past my fence, and flirting when we chat. I don't know how to deal with this slut.
Anyone have 3 star fragments they'd be willing to sell?
I don't, I got a moderate profit off of a Yas Forumsbro's island selling 345 bells. But it's fun seeing people posting about talking with nips using google translate.
>no switch so no NH
>fuckit i'll play NL
>can't find 3DS or games
>using a pasta for something you dont even know about
fake fucking faggot
From what I understand when you have 10 houses the third visit from a character via amiibo let’s you kick someone out if you let them move in. Doing this instantly puts who you select into boxes and they’ll buy the plot the next day. theres also a glitch involving these kicked out villagers so don’t invite anyone that got amiibo’ed out
You force yourself to socialize with others online and trade. I know, its bullahit after they tout around the customization option only to find out THAT YOU CANT RECOLOR NOOK TERMINAL FURNITURE.
all I wanted was a white drink machine
Does anyone have 4 giant clams or a clan bed I can just buy off you? I need it for an amiibo villager I scanned in
Thanks, I'll be waiting
I fucking hate it
well i hope thats true because i was about to just start time traveling just to make these ugly faggots leave quicker.
How the fuck was I supposed to know that Jane the Gorilla was no longer a villager in this game? How could I reasonably be expected to know that even if I have played the game? And I have idiot.
You wouldn't happen to have either a grasshopper-head model or a wasp-head model would you user?
no, but i can make you a gold fish model
>find a DIY recipe for a “stack of zen cushions”
>requires 3 zen cushions
>don’t know how to make those
Ok game.
Not him but I have the grasshopper head. All I want is tickets or a tip but you dont have to
Tomorrow is a big content day for me
-KK Slider
-New Fishes
-New Insects
-Bunny Day
Just post your dodo, I'll happily give you 3, I was just checking for certain furniture to finish up a room in my house, no biggy if you dont have them.
Yeah I think that's the thing that pisses me off the most
Feels like everything I have isn't customizeable
Really lame
I have Pink or I'd trade you one
I reported the guy who was blocking people from leaving the airport.enjoy your online ban
This, what the fuck were they thinking?
if i get a good spike ill open it up to Yas Forums first for free
we're in this together
Let me give that other user some star fragments and I'll swing by. DESU I don't even need to keep it, just visiting someone to pick it up lets me catalog it later.
Your pasta is still shit
Will you be open in like half an hour? I would like to buy some of those clothes
I dont play the switch much at all
Whats the best way to get screenshots onto my computer/here?
Nice, have one I made.
Game is downloading and i've never played an AC title before. How do i fuck up as hard as possible?
Tell me the waterfall exploit to get stringfish in great detail or I'll call your favorite islander ugly.
Make a twitter
Upload images to twitter
Save those images and post them here
Hey Im rerolling for villagers right now, anyone wanna make some quick bells and sell their tickets for 50k each? In and out quick
Make a throwaway twitter account, link your switch to it and just press the screen shot button
Make a Twitter and just link it and post there
I love it
CJ is available for fish and Nook's has some items available if you're interested. Just killing time at the moment so please come. You'll find CJ on the higher part of the island with an incline near the shop. Messages on the board are appreciated.
>spend over an hour sprinting around my island looking for Stringfish
>on the verge of giving up, go sell all my shitty black bass to the twinks before one last circuit
>golden trout and then a stringfish on my first two spots
Stick with it Yas Forumsros
No, it's genius I think I'll write some more pasta.
You got it
Sell all your bugs and fish, fuck museums
nan is based though
>How do i fuck up as hard as possible?
you cant really. You do whatever you wany in Animal Crossing. If you never actually DO anything, that's just the game
you could also link it with facebook and just not let anyone else see the posts, thats what i did
Reminder; other players cannot sell or commission from CJ/Flick.
Yes, it's fucking stupid.
are you seriously telling me i absolutely have to let this ugly shit live in my town?? this is my first campsite visitor
CJ and Flick ignore visitors.
break all the rocks on your island
does anyone have a wallpaper you think would go well with this room? willing to trade. if you do take a photo and let me know
>Finally had CJ on my island and made over 600k on stockpiled whale sharks and great whites
Today has started off well.
sorting hat really fucked you over huh
Fucker thought he was going to get me.
i took a plane to an island that has stringfish, i can just wait around until 4 right?
>game has a pet bed and kitty litter furniture
wh-who uses those
That sucks, well I'll keep my island open for a bit if you guys want stuff from the shop or available fruit trees.
when you start, your island's main stuff will be located on one segment of the island separated by rivers. You will get a "vaulting pole" to cross the rivers and eventually be able to build bridges, but initially only one part of the island will be available to you
what i did was only build on that one part of the island, so now it's totally packed with villagers and shops. I recommend spreading it out more, that's what most people seem to do. Even if a villager cant get to the rest of the island initially, i guess that's no big deal lol
>my campsite villager moved in
>go to mystery island
>no random villager to recruit
What the hell is this, I thought they were supposed to come back
I am at work, man, it sucks some items are town exclusive, I want a yellow gas station thingy, mine is black and it clashes with the rest of my town.
I'm coming
my wife, Olivia
cut down all the trees, without the tree branches you can't make the basic tools
you need to put down a plot of land
I got Chops and I hate everything about him. I'm hoping issabelle can just kick him out after he moves in
do you have a plot for them?
just sell turnips at Resetera you idiots, this place is a nightmare for getting into islands.
Mystery islands don't always have villagers on them
I'm gonna come over to grab that amp.
What is the worst fruit?
What is the worst layout?
Do they even matter?
I got lopez as my campsite villager, based cringe?
You have to set up plots by talking to nook
Posting here I guess, Flick's on my island if you have tarantulas to unload, plus Ables have a Pompadour. Would also appreciate anyone bringing an orange.
which one?
>Visit user's island
>Put an embarrasingly bad drawing on the billboard
>Quickly leave in shame
God I wish I could draw.
Why do so many people get this fucker as their first and only obligatory resident? I also got this pest
Look at the majestic white wolf in her natural habitat, outstanding!
>Carrie shows up twice on mystery islands in the same day
Game clearly wants me to smash this MILF but my island is in the northern hemisphere and I'm afraid if I take her home the backwards gravity will cause her to fall into the sun
If it's accurate, I'll host a couple tomorrow morning.
break all rocks, cut all trees and sell all resources asap, then spend all your money on useless shit and drop it on one nook island and leave it there then blow the rest of your nook miles on something useless.
11th nook ticket.
Wish me luck on a cute one this time Bros...
Worst fruit is pears, this is known.
Worst layout is something with two south river exits and multiple disjointed cliffs.
And yes it matters, if you have a shitty island you'll be ostracized from polite society.
nice, definitely doing this next time i see one. Their little startup before they run always fucks me
btw your villager is totally identical to mine, same eyes nose mouth hair and skin color. handsome lad
Worst layout is two river ends on the south side of the island, makes it harder to run along the coast when fishing or farming clams
there is none, but most people dislike pears.
up to you, most people dislike double southern river exits.
Those are both fucking awful, holy shit.
top, the bottom one's cliff placement will make getting around a nightmare
>Google sheet with forms
No thanks.
you let your bitch in your house?
I like top.
Oh goddammit. Thanks I didn’t realize
top is very unique with that island in the middle. Not as bad as people have said, that main land mass will be very nice
Second one, less rivers to vault over, but they are both shitty desu
Thanks to everyone who visited Greed today
I had a lot of fun and got some great drawings out of it
See you soon!
based opinion other than dealing with people outside of Yas Forums
No that's Cherry's house. She isn't allowed inside until she's toilet trained.
These both suck, reroll. Just imagine how many bridges you'll need to make that even remotely navigable.
I don't get this, you have two mouths no matter what, at least with the double south you have two full coastlines you can run the length of without interruption.
>traded turnips for 1.6 million
>leave drawing on anons board
>fly home
>get back and money gone and have turnips again
What happened?
should have turned it into a penis or swastika to earn potential pity points
You not re-opening? I need those awesome prices
Are the floors/wallpapers you get via ticket any different than buying from Sahara? Or is it just a way to get an extra item from her? And do you get tickets from each purchase or just the one? Both times she's visited I only bought the large rug, but wasn't sure if I should buy one of each size.
Fuck... should I just bite the bullet?
Okay, user
saharah is at my island if anyone is interested. if u can bring different kinds of flowers that would be appreciated but not required. thank you! CSBTW
I miss this runt
He'll give you the zuck
If you got
as your campsite villager then welcome to the "JUST FUCK MY VILLAGE UP SENPAI" club
what do you mean bite the bullet? Zuck is cool.
>he got bumped