What did id software mean by this?
What did id software mean by this?
That's how you're supposed to treat modern women.
not gonna lie this glory kill was pretty boring and generic compared to the others
This. There is basically no real difference between the demon and """human""" females.
muh dick
have sex
dial 8
what's next?
More like wincels
Post the one where you push her to the ground from behind
I miss old phones so much
>not the snake sashimi one
What about it?
Imagine fucking her neckhole haha
>Removed tits just so she could be featured in a commercial
unironically the first time I saw this glory kill thought of some of my fem friends, they get sexually crazy for this type of shit so there's technically nothing wrong with this statement
>Removed tits
pls don't bully my wife
They get turned on by having knife in the back of their head?
The only reason Im a failure is because of women. They are keeping me down. They cause my suffering. Ugh. Really though I could be a winner if it wasnt for them.
Unironically you are correct, women have deemed you unfit for breeding and made your life worse.
My favorite glory kill is ripping the Prowler's spinal cord out
Thankfully best girl still has her tiddies.
You have a lot to learn about women friend.
i wish the camera wasn't wooshing around so much in this game. the glorykills make me fucking seasick dudes.
that's a big brain
I mean I know women like being choked and slapped, but I never thought to stab them through their mouth with something besides my dick
I legit met a girl with a fetish of getting stabbed with a knife in the bellybutton.
Hoes are insane, man.
Go through a divorce or two and it will change
It means shit. You just kill a snake demon from behind.
>All the porn of Kahn Maykr cropping up
I am enjoying the game but the fact that it takes so long for the glory kills health drops to be collected and a demon can 1 shot me frame perfectly out of the animation is fucking dumb
Considering that I play on nightmare this happens super frequently + always being quite low on health because a lost soul can basically 3 shot you doesnt help.
This game's difficult scaling is fucking horrible, bigger numbers doens't make bigger challenges
they were terrible though
Just play on HMP, theres people who will call you a wuss or something but you got nothing to prove to random niggers on the internet my guy, have as much fun with your game as you want
I c wut u did dr
I always like to play difficult games and/or on the highier difficulty but this game just seem unfair to me. The flame sword demon can LITERALLY one shot you out of nowhere at full health and some armor too
>>What did id software mean by this?
>grab it
>put in
>throw it away
its woman instruction manual user
she cute
I'm thinking it might be symbolic of snake's tongue.
>unsolicited/unprovoked statement about women
Yep, I'm thinking incel & virginpilled.
Shut up, simp. I like when guys tug on my hair.
>Shut up, simp. I like when guys tug on my hair.
mirin' those traps desu
probably something like scrape and shread
And here we see the simp turn on the vagina when he's slapped down
more like hair pulling demon ladies like an absolute gigachad
Although it's technically possible to finish the game on both Ultra-Violence and Nightmare on a run where you keep picking up upgrades and unlocking weapons, the latter difficulties are mostly balanced around having all upgrades, weapons and masteries functional in your arsenal. Master Arc Complex on Nightmare would most likely be the most frustrating experience to go through the moment you unlock it, while most campaign missions feel well balanced on HMP and Ultra-Violence.
>being so deprived of sexual interaction with someone other than your right hand that you sexualize that glory kill.
please kys
Glory kill cutscenes are so fucking retarded, why do you zoomers like this shit?
sometimes they're nice to watch, other times they get too gory for my tastes
Because they're cool as shit, nigger. Do I really need another reason?
What would a sexy whiplash look like?