>eat food to restore health
>it only restores like 1% so you have to eat it dozens of times
Eat food to restore health
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Imagine how this creature defecates after
Wow that's a lot of burgers. I hope she dies.
everybody dies
Seething white roasties
>eat food to restore health
>it only restores like 1% so you have to eat it dozens of times
>but you get full after like 4 bites
what a fucking god awful game
I quit playing after that Minecraft update.
this is fake translation
she says "Fuck American, their food is fucking gross"
Well, Yas Forums?
>trying to eat more weight in burgers than there is in your entire torso
Is this the IQ of Asians? Thought they were supposed to be smart over there.
Any speedrunners here?
Japanese people would NEVER say "fuck"
I'm a Slav, take a guess.
they say fakku
She has explicitly stated in her videos that she blows the toilet the fuck up
Only if they take that single quarter pounder back and replace with a double quarter pounder like I fucking ordered.
>no sauce
>dry burgers
I'd probably fail but it's a free meal.
link bros?
I'd try it but 2 litres of coke in 90 minutes seems hardly possible
chugging that much soda would make me sick, but i don't see myself struggling with this "challenge" at all
also slav
Sure as long as I was allowed to throw it back up after 10 minutes.
yeah sure, just give me the free food bitch
Drinks are the hardest part of this. At least the food gets compressed as you chew it, but that's over 100 oz of carbonated liquid to get through.
Is this supposed to be a challenge?
I'd feel like shit afterwards, but 90 minutes for this amount of food is manageable.
The soda might be a problem but I chug down 1.5L bottles of Coke Zero on the regular.
I do it for 10 bucks, but it has to be on a friday
if you fail you have to pay
I assume. that's how these things usually work
though no one would ever offer you 3500 for that meal anyway
Post the watermelon
The nuggets and fries are easy. The burgers and drinks are the extremely hard part, because I don't like burgers or soda. I guess I could take $1750 instead?
ay, friday is mcdonalds night
Sure, give me a couple beers and a shot of vodka beforehand and I'll probably order some extras.
Are thsoe merican nuggets? Are they always so dry looking?
you dont even lose anything if you fail
why wouldnt you do it
>all these fat fucks replying they could do it
lose some fucking weight fatties
I mean, wow. Not quite what i was ordering tho.
I once ate an entire pizza by myself.
The soda is the hardest part. After the second cup, all bets are off
Imagine being at computers....
They are, that's how they eat all of that, their brains burn through all the calories
>still daytime
I don't think I could do it. I could could probably only do the nuggets and fries because I find it really hard to stomach burgers.
If everything stays hot for the 90 mins, i get some sauce and that's cherry coke, yeah I'd fuck that up for less.
DYEL skeletons go to the same camp as fatasses.
Do Slavs really?
You'll steal the burgers and the money after calling a few friends to beat up the guy offering?
Well between this and Kate Ovens putting out new content, I guess I better bust out the lube
being fit doesn't magically make your stomach expand. even when you're bulking, it's about what you eat, not the amount
Are those supposed to be his friends ignoring him or is he just fucking shouting near random people? Is this supposed to make us feel sorry for him or proud of him for going to McDonald's alone despite no one wanting to come? Does he actually act like this in real life? And why the fuck is he a blue bear?
given that there are 62 empty wrappers and 38 burgers left in front of her, I find that hard to believe.
a man can only dream
Competitive food eating is among the highest form of degeneracy.
>90 minutes
Am I allowed to throw up?
REALLY depends on what the drinks are. If that's Coke or Pepsi, that might be a hard pass. Make it Dr. Pepper or Root Beer and that sounds more doable.
Also depends on if adding anything extra is allowed because McDonald's nuggets REALLY fucking need some sauce. Put some pickles on those burgers too.
Chick-fil-A is only #1 because this list didn't have Firehouse Subs, the true best fastfood joint in the entire world.
No, I'd eat it, let him pay me, and then beat him up to steal his wallet and buy even more while writing it off as reparation for his Nazi ancestors.
Well, food can restore health in real life, but over a long period of time. Zinc rich foods, such as nuts or shellfish may help you heal faster from an injury.
The best
I wish I could be reborn as a cute Asian girl mukbanger's toilet
I just evacuated all of my bowels and I haven't eaten in 20 hours. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't sick to my stomach right now I could down all of that. You don't gotta be fat, just hungry, to eat all of that.
Well they're clearly not his friends
after that, I couldn't tell you user, I don't know how dosbon's mind works
>name is Kinoshita
the memes write themselves
>sitting under heat lamps long after they're done
>dry looking
That girl must have some huge worm colonies in her intestines
Easy. It's McDonalds food so you can eat as much as possible and then just wait an hour and you would be fucking starving again and eat the rest.
Not sure what's up with their stuff, but at some point it's like eating air. It's just empty.
Why did they make Wario's face do that, anyways.
Is he just that mad?
>food/belly fetish websites:
>ugly ass "actress" seductively moans saying she's so full while taking two bites out of the piles of food pictured around her
>jump cuts strategically empty the plates in between shots
>ends on 15 minutes of her awkwardly pushing out her stomach and complaining that she's so huge despite barely looking any different
>asian bloggers
>cute as fuck tiny woman lays out 100 plates of food
>clearly shown eating all of them on video
>thanks the viewers and waddles out looking 9 months pregnant with a massive food belly
Why can't these people switch professions
nasty ass gook eating anything that lives
I probably couldn't eat all that unless I went a couple days without eating.
I'd still try the challenge because free food is free food.
Slavs are chads when it comes to eating challenges, especially if large amounts of money is up for the grabs. They can outjew jews too.
I'm more slowfood guy, I can eat at least 4kg of food in a couple of hours
Competitive eaters aren't even that fat.
>villain eats your companions
It's both retard. Yeah, if you're doing a clean bulk then you don't just shovel dowm whatever garbage you see, but you're still eating a lot.
It's burgers, mushrooms and rice
Why are Asians considered cute?
you're not a competitive eater
note how that's several meals over a day, not one fuckhueg one
because there's only so much stomach
Based gook eats everything and is immune to wuflu
The last time I had Mcdonalds was in 5th grade.
In 90 minutes? Yes. For $3,500? Fuck no. Make it $3,500,000 and we'll talk.
imagine the size of the shit. I heard they sometimes make themselves vomit. hope that's not true. what a waste of food if so. all those cows slaughtered for nothing.
Who the fuck keeps taking these photos? Swear to god it's always a steel tray with all the food piled onto it together and it's clearly gone cold, or worse you can see the parts where it slurred together into a grotesque mix like with the Chinese food one.
i'd struggle with the last burger if i didn't have to drink the pop
with the drinks i simply couldn't
i could do it in 20 minutes wtf?
There's no way this was a coincidence
I could do it in 60
I had some over the weekend. I think it was the same burgers made when I was a kid in the early 80's.
I'm 145lb but I've definitely eaten more than that on a really bad cheat day. Expect the soda, soda is absolutely disgusting.
arbys has given me food poisoning every time I've eaten there for nearly 15 years now, which is weird because as a kid I could eat 2-3 of the regular roast beefs in a sitting and be fine, even the curly fries. other than that, mostly agree with this based on what the list has available, except hardess which around here is cold, always, at every location, and has never NOT been cold at any of the locations I have been to over the course of 3 decades. might have been good, if it wasn't a fucking half frozen burger, every time.
The cola is the scary part. Shits like acid and you want me to drink more than a liter of it?
I wouldn't even drink the 4 cokes for that much money
You're eating 100 burgers for the sake of eating 100 burgers. It's still a waste. Also yeah, the shit is massive. Pray you're not also constipated, or your shit will fill the bowl and push up against your ass.
Not like I've ever had that happen to me, of course. Right. Nope, never happened.
for me, it's tuna subs from subway.
>he doesn't know about our goddess
What i'm trying to say is that here in germany if you would get nuggets that look like that they would get straight back and you would get new ones.
To be fair, unwrapped McDumps doesn't stay warm all that long.
low T, high E goodness
>make themselves
After eating that much food there's a pretty good chance they throw up whether they want to or not.
Skinny people can eat more quickly than fatties because their stomachs (the organ, not the gut) aren't as compressed.