Admit, it were you anons
Other urls found in this thread:
>it were you
>trying to downplay the inferiority of console kiddie gaypads by referring to k+m chads as "veterans"
>devs bitch about crossplay being too hard to put in the game
>these guys did it by mistake
I don't understand how crossplay is difficult. You're still accessing the same internet, just different servers. Just have both clients connect to the same server.
To me, I just think game devs are copping out because they don't want consolefags complaining when they get their asses violated by superior keyboardchads
How did that happen when everyone on PC is playing MBII
It clearly shows the huge advantage that keyboard and mouse brings
That's kind of funny
have you ever actually played on a jedi knight server? I'd say at least half of the players online on PC have over 1000 hours clocked
It was a slaughter back in the day. If you ever played on old school /chopshop/ server I killed you many, many times
Yeah, even if they only have crossplay between consoles people will question why it's not crossplay with pc and will start to realise that it's not worth playing this stuff without m&k
ah yes, the better MBII
And before that I slaughtered you because the only people that stuck around after the saber nerf were casual faggots.
>haha lightsaber go brrr
>>devs bitch about crossplay being too hard to put in the game
We all know is a excuse since the Shadowrun fiasco. They want the console kids to feel "hardcore", not being stomped 24/7 in multiplayer.
what's the other MBII?
it probably has to do with the companies
xbox live has their own servers, ps+, nintendo
and these servers are probably set to only accept valid subscribers connecting from non-tampered consoles
it has a sticky right now. Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlords
but I supposed the "proper" abbreviation would be M&B2B
Accidental? Some companies go out of their way to tell us how difficult it would be to add in cross platform play and these guy did it accidentally?
I sense shenanigans.
its crazy to me that the only thing stopping a unification of multiplayer across all platforms is politics. so many games would be undead if they just let everyone play together.
I'm guessing developers usually have to pay to combine Sony's playerbase with PC/consoles and conform to whatever that entails.
Secondly I would assume the difficulty could probably be in meaningful engagement between players in crossplay. We all know in most games; crossplay would be a slaughter. In other games such as turnbased or coop... it makes more sense.
controlbros wtf
its always been about politics, especially when you have engines like unreal that cross compile to multiple systems with the press of a button.
It's as "super difficult" as having a server browser or allowing custom games.
hahaha mouse lightsaber go bzzzzz
More like Mount&Lag
for me, it's putting all points into force push/pull and absorb and tossing people into pits and laughing as they try to do it back to me.
It's a slaughter just on PC, the skill ceiling is insane.
never played this game, quick rundown
meanwhile KBM players getting absolitely massacred in Halo
>things that never happened
>meanwhile on console gaylo after plugging in KBM and console kiddies accusing me of cheating constantly
It's a star wars game from before the disney era when they were kino
Arena shooter with really good lightsaber mechanics and years of mod content
Crossplay is only possible if the devs run their own matchmaking servers instead of relying on the platform servers (this is why you pay for Xbox live or PSN, Steam however has their own for free). Not only that, but it's common for platforms to have their own networking wrappers, for actually sending the packets. For example, Steam had one that handles hole punching / NAT traversal, so devs don't need to implement this themselves (which otherwise leads to inconsistently unstable networking between games on the same platform).
So, for a dev to do cross platform p2p multiplayer, they need to run their own matchmaking servers (expensive) AND write 100% of the netcode themselves (expensive + potential for bugs).
A lot of the time, devs will write their own networking then pass through wrappers just for sending packets, so sometimes games will have this situation where as long as you know the IP you can connect no matter the platform, luckily this is the case here.
Master Race always wins, baby.
fug, meant for
One of the last good SW games.
It's too hard to deal with the business side of it, not the technical ones. Consoles are a fucking headache where everything is MINE MINE MINE. Every company at the top see crossplay as a way to undermine their position because it's not actively hurting other companies. That is the mindset of these companies, not "what is good for the customer" it's "what is bad for other companies" so dumb little contards buying their shitty gimped gameboxes are left being ass slaves and begging their betters for stuff.
It had the best lightsaber combat at that point
Jedi Academy got a console port 17 years after release?
it's basically a star wars fps with actually good lightsaber combat and pvp
t-Thanks for the beta test, "master race"!
Mountain Blade already had a joke nickname.
Console manufacturers are reaching for anything in desperation after 7 years of stagnation and the worst generation in console history in terms of creativity and quality control.
Crossplay friction isn't between platforms, rather between inputs. There have been crossplay games that split the matchmaking pool by input, so PC KBM players are in the same group as Xbox KBM players, same for controllers. Gets rid of the usual crossplay concerns and also removes the penalty PC controller players have on their platform.
Poorfags like me who can't afford 6GB RAM
>plug a controller
>join match
>change controls to KB+M
nothing personel, kids
lol... the port studio only had one switch dev kit and one ps4 dev kit, so they had to implement crossplay to test multiplayer. the publisher wanted it gone in the final release for this exact reason. it was more work to remove than to add. crossplay is ez biz, but it's not always a good idea
>everyone going on about crossplay
>no one seems to realize that MW:Warzone allows exactly that as long as everyone is using the same controls
Do they make console compatible m&k these days? I'm a total pcfag, but I do have a controller for certain games like Monster Hunter.
>at that point
Umm, nothing really changed, sweatie. It still has the best lightsaber combat AND third person melee combat.
use the archive newfag archive.is
>accidentally allow newcomers to play against 10+ year vets
>surprised when the vets win
Yes, this is clearly solid proof of PCs superiority.
not really, no. but keep living in your delusion.
I could swear there are some games on consoles that detect kb/m and kick you out if you swap.
Changing input formats drops you from a match.
I like how you didn't even post any examples of why not.
Consoles since PS360 have supported KBM natively but it was up to the dev to enable it. The PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 was the only game that generation that actually allowed KBM by default. Now since crossplay became more common, more games support it but will put you in a different server pool so you're not playing against controllers.
We're talking about PC, making a cheat for that should be easy, and lame people will use it to "le dab" on controller players.
>The objectively superior and easier input method is considered the 'Chad' option.
I don't get it, you have a massive advantage with KB/M, what is Chad about having victories literally handed to you?
Microsoft did a big test out of crossplay with pic related years ago, although people at the time didn't know it was one. The had competitive players from both platforms invited to play it and everything. The results were so bad they immediately halted and stopped every single plan they had for crossplay.
Now, now, consolefags have been saying that m+k is only good for strategies and mmos, absolutely inferior for console games.
What happened, console chads?
if you intentionally choose the shitty option you don't get to say "atleast I played the harder option" when you lose.
Believe it or not, it's not improper.
>I don't get it
What, the "virgin Vs chad" meme? Yeah, you newfags run it to the ground in less than a week.
I'm sure ps5 will offer you other options to compensate.
1. it's not balanced. console players don't want to play with PC players so it defies the entire point
2. sony/xbox don't allow crossplay between themselves (apparently sony are the ones blocking, xbox doesn't care). this is the case in rocket league, PC players can match with everyone
shadowrun was super underrated, but the reason crossplay failed is because no one bought the game on PC. this was during the dark days of gfwl. halo 2 vista was also supposed to have crossplay
>what is Chad about having superior physique and height handing you victories
>the true Chad is an atrophied slow manlet!
hahaha lightsaber go bszzzzzzzz