What's a good controller for playing on a PC?

What's a good controller for playing on a PC?

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Xbone controller for platformers and shit, keyboard and mouse is good for a majority of things.

>Xbone controller for platformers and shit
Thanks user, it's exactly for platformers that I need one.

Ds4 aint bad, ended up using it more for my pc than I did the ps4

>buttons click so loud you have permanent ear damage every time you use one

what were they thinking? it's awful

I mistyped, *BUMPERS click so loud

Huh weird, the face buttons are definitely louder than the bumpers on mine

Keyboard and mouse clicking is way louder.

I just use a PS4 controller, works perfectly fine for me. Didn't have to install drivers or anything for it

Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 OR Xbox Wireless Controller (Model: 1708) for First Person Shooter. Dualshock 4 for everything else. Jesus fucking Christ Microsoft can't name their products for fucking shit it's infuriating. It's very important that you get that model if you want the 'normal' Xbox controller. It has bluetooth, 3.5 jack, newer design, and better quality. Same price too.

the Logitech F310.
it doesnt look like much but its better than the Xbone one

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DS4 is pretty good, I also use a 8bitdo sn30 pro from time to time. Both worth the money.

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Xbone Elite controller is weak, way too expensive and makes a lot of noise.

That being said, it's the best one to use. Feels so much better than the competition.

weak? i prefer ds4 personally but the xbone controller is built like a rock, i've used mine on pc for 5 years and it works perfectly, only the thumbsticks are a little worn out but you can replace them for 1$ or less

ah sorry i didn't notice you were talking about "elite" version

xbox one controller

The rubber parts on the handles peeled off on mine and one the bumpers is a bit loose after heavy use.

No offense, I wouldn't pay a nickel for a DS4.
It's legitimate garbage, and I don't even have an issue with the light.

>Logitech F310
>better than Xbone one

You are bitter that you are poor. I had one of those years ago and it was fucking garbage. shitty buttons, shitty ergonomics, shitty everything. I doubt you have ever held or used an xbone controller, or you're just raging out at being poor

These are pretty good

This controller was ok, but its not as good as the logitech dual action was.

The trigger buttons take an uncomfortable amount of force to press. Also, the wire is poorly construcuted and frays easily.

My dual action lasted me like 8 years but I never had a F310 that lasted more than a couple years.

If youre gonna get a wired controller, you should get the kind that have a detachable USB wire so you can swap it out if it goes bad.

hi microsoft shill.
I owned an xbone controller before the F310 and when it started to fail with analog drift for the 3rd time I switched to the F310 and added xbone one to the shitlist.

F310 is not a bad gamepad, but Xbox One controller is honestly better in almost ever way. I don't want to sound like a shill for Microsoft, but they really did make a really fucking awesome controller.

Although it's expensive as fuck.

classic xbox 360 controller

i know the controller gets a lot of hate here but the 8bitdo sn30 pro+ has been great for me so far


anyone who says this is outed as a child and their opinion rightfully discarded

3rd time huh? despite everyone else in the thread saying xbone controller is great? that seems really unrealistic

you are poor and can only afford a shitty logitech wired controller with the worst buttons i have used since 90s madcatz controllers. you have never owned an xbone controller.

xbox one controller analogs are so flimsy, they fail 100% of the time. the xb360 controller is better.

Anything that has both x-input and directinput.

>Although it's expensive as fuck.

49.99 on amazon, how super expensive as fuck for something you're going to use for thousands of hours. how unrelentingly expensive.

take an autism pill and rethink your life, you're SEETHING

excuse me, sir?

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>Although it's expensive as fuck.
You got to shop around a bit, I got mine open box on ebay for like $35. MSRP is ridiculous though, I have always hated contoller prices. You basically have to buy either the cheapest chinkshit or the premium big brand, there's nothing really too good that exists in between.

you're so full of shit. I own 4 xbone controllers they all work great

shill comment successful!
$1 has been paid into your Microsoft account!

My bad, I was thinking about the Elite versions. The regular model is fairly priced, to be honest.

My dick is the only Joystick I need. Played dark souls 1 and 2 with it. Almost broke it a couple of times out of rage. But it was well worth it.

imagine being this delusional

You are supposed to press them with your finger knuckles while they are rested on the trigger. it makes it so you can use both bumper and trigger at the same time.

My silent cherry reds prove you wrong

whichever one makes your hands hurt the least

steam has support for all of them

you got some sensitive ears, user

I have a DS4, I was thinking about getting the 8bitdo pro for emulating games.

How is it compared to the DS4?

This old nigga right here.

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Why the hell do people care so much what kind of controller you're playing on PC? Isn't that fucking moot?
Just play with whatever you like. PC masterrace always wins.

oh, i'm seething? i have autism?

okay user lets play a little game. You post a picture with a timestamp on your hand standing in front of your battlestation holding your Logitech Shitty Buttons F310 controller.

I'll post a picture with a timestamp on my hand holding my Best Controller of All Time Xbox One controller in front of my battlestation.

Gimme a second to finish eating lunch and I'll post mine. We will let the thread evaluate whether you look like you are just poor and can't afford an xbone controller or something better than the F310, which is quite honestly trash.

If you disregard this challenge, you lose in front of the entire thread and get embarrassed.

I respect your vibe son but these are shit controllers, I should have switched much earlier

they get the job done though

you're just as much of a faggot as he is

>Just play with whatever you like
I don't know what I like because I never owned a controller.

nah I'm gonna prove my point. He uses shitty logitech wired controller because he has zero money and can't afford a good controller.

Sorry, zoomer, but my Dual Action is still going strong after more than 10 years and I'm not going to switch until it shits the bed.

Okay user I'm done with lunch here's mine where is yours?

I want to see your battlestation to prove that you simply arent too poor to have anything but some old ass $20 logitech controller

heres my 600 dollar monitor. 250 dollar death stranding glasses. 150 dollar kitchen knife. to my left is a $2500 LG OLED tv. I could go on and on. And I choose to use the normal xbone controller because it is the best one

So where's your stuff? Let's see it

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How's the d-pad?

I understand that but that's no reason for them to be so fucking obnoxious sounding. It's a petty complaint but over time it's made me kind of hate the controller.

I loved my PS3 controller but it was so old and used it broke internally with just shaking it ended up having buttons pressed. Bought a PS4 controller cus surprisingly only like $10 more than PS3 one or something, and DS4Windows works great with it. The color bar is kinda neat but the controller works great

I switch between DS4 and Wii U Pro depending

I found the Xbone (the newer one) to be of exceptionally poor build quality, and I don't like the d-pad even now that they "fixed" it

jesus christ you're a massive faggot

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That's a very obtuse way to say: "I'm a faggot consoomer"

how's the experience using the switch pro controller on pc?

If you like the controller, it's fine. You probably won't get custom screen icons the way you do for Xbone/DS4 though, but that's about it

Personally I do not care for the Switch Pro very much

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wow he fuckin disappeared how strange

it looks like he was just poor, bitter, and jealous after all

some people give good recommendations, other people say "I only have this so this is the best thing" an extremely ignorant and unintelligent perspective when suggesting things to others

so objectively speaking Xbox One controller > Logitech F310

the end

its fine if you use steam but it adds an extra hoop to jump through, no reason to use it instead of xbone

Not him but they're really similar. I honestly don't get why people like it so much. If you had neither I'd go for the 8Bitdo for the better battery, but it's not worth the money if you have a DS4 imo

>Xbone controller for platformers and shit
with asymmetrical sticks it's less than ideal.

Bluetooth signal is significantly weaker than an Xbone S, and you'll need either BetterJoyForCemu to make it work or you'll need to run all your games through Steam