Why do games, RPGs especially, always trend towards simplification, and stupidity? Can anything reverse it?
Why do games, RPGs especially, always trend towards simplification, and stupidity? Can anything reverse it?
It's not games. It's people.
Not easily.
>Why do games, RPGs especially, always trend towards simplification, and stupidity?
Doesn’t matter as long as it looks cool and “””feels”” like ‘epic fantasy’, see: Skyrim
>Can anything reverse it?
Not really. Dumbies losing interest means they also don’t make money.
Oblivion is much, MUCH dumber than Skyrim
>Play Morrowind
>Have to actualy read the quest and figure out where to go and what to do
>Play Skyrim
>Don't even kow what the quest is. Just fast travel to nearest node and head for the marker.
If it wasn't for hot sexy Dark elf mods I would never have played Skyrim.
to appeal to bigger market
if you give gothic to any zoom zoom he would uninstall it after 1st death
now compare it to skyrim where most of your deaths are from jumping
people forgot what reward is, now you instead of quest get best weapon in game from microtransaction shop
>Have to actualy read the quest and figure out where to go and what to do
How does it make the shitty fetch quests better apart from obscuring the actual fact that they're nothing but fetch quests?
>skyrim skyrim skyrim
Love how you zoomers always shit on skyrim yet fail to see through your nostalgia how oblivion had it even worse
Morrowind wasn’t very developed for the Xbox and sold well on it though.
>hot sexy Dark elf mods
what do you imagine dunmeri pussy smells like?
ash and eggs
Every one of the quests in the OP is exactly the same. It's still a boring fetch quest no matter how you slice it.
more appeal to the masses equals more sales, simple as
It encourages exploration, setting up routes, talking to npcs etc, especially with the lack of tp. It makes the quests much more immersive.
Every quest, in every game, can be simplified as "go to X, do Y, return". It's the window dressing, and the verisimilitude, that make it. If you can't get your head around that, you're probably low IQ, desperately trying to signal to everyone how smart you are by letting us know that you see something that everyone already implicitly knows, mistaking your inability to engage with story and setting as some kind of virtue. It isn't a virtue, you're just low functioning.
Lol these quests are shit mate. No matter how you cut it. They're lazy and boring with no player engagement. This series is shit.
What about Arena and Daggerfall?
Randomly generated MMO tier content, quantity over quality. There was a time when games were trending upwards, rather than down.
none of the quests in morrowind except a couple required any sort of exploration. every dungeon was 6 feet off the main road. and that is the exact problem if you don't have a quest marker. you have to make the world feel like a fucking highway system with clear exits. you can't have something like in skyrim with a dungeon completely off the main roads hidden in a mountain somewhere. no quest markers destroys any sort of creative world design because everything needs to be easily laid out.
thank fuck bethesda is more interested in creating imaginative worlds rather than appeasing cprg neckbeards.
literally everything in oblivion and morrowind are in skyrim. it is just in the dialogue and not written down in the journal. all that information is there.
and that is a misc quest where you don't need the fucking life story written down. actual side quests still have the narrative recorded like in previous games.
>except a couple
>so not "none"
>bethesda is more interested in creating imaginative worlds
they haven't made anything imaginative in almost twenty years
>the laziest quests, making up a majority of the game's content, are arbitrarily classified as "misc quests", so standards for content quality don't apply
>tfw bought gothic ii from thrift store a year ago
>still haven't installed
is it time yet? Is it as good as Morrowind/Oblivion?
no it is being actually fucking honest with you. retards like yourself thinking that morrowind's side quests were grand narrative adventures when 99% of them were at the level of bring me 10 fire salts misc garbage. they are misc. compare misc quests to actual skyrim side quests.
>retards like yourself thinking that morrowind's side quests were grand narrative adventures
Nobody thinks that. But we've gone from "50% good" to "0% good" - some, like me, are smart enough to understand this as a bad thing. Some, like you, have African ancestry, and can't get a handle on why people are upset with it.
Daggerfall is like if Morrowind and Oblivion were merged but random generation determined the map.
>can buy a house
>can buy a horse
>can get a boat
>can take out loans from the bank
>climbing skill
>language skills
>social class skills
Its just big. A more apt quest description for daggerfall I suppose would be
>Balimund: I need fire salts. If you get me some I'll pay you X gold but I need them by the end of the week
>Where could you find them? I don't know ask Damond
>Wheres Damond? I don't know
>Ask NPC where Damond is: Hes north and east of the bank
>Ask NPC N and E of bank where Damond is
>He's south and west of market
>Repeat 10 times
>Damond: Fire salts are at a cave NW of town
>go to cave
>get fire salts
>its night and town is closed
>climb walls to get in
>find Balimund
>Oh sorry you missed the dead line faggot no gold for you
First two have way too much unnecessary text while Skyrim goes straight to the point
It's games catering to people.
>way too much unnecessary text
dark chocolate and elderberries
much better
Because nobody wants to invest that much time into something stupid as Elder Scrolls. Simplicity doesn't mean shallowness and complexity doesn't mean deepness.
no, it encourages me to play as a breton (50% magic resistance), learn a levitate spell, find the boots of blinding speed, find the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide (60% magic resistance), equip both of them, use the levitate spell, then fly through the game at ludicrous speed experiencing none of the blinding effects of the boots of blinding speed all because i got sick of reading novel-length flavor texts for every trivial quest in the game.
I tried to play an RPG with a non-rpg player last night and it was incredibly painful.
Devs want things simple because they want money from as many people as possible, so they cater to the idiots that make everything worse. It's clear to me now.
>nobody wants to invest that much time into something stupid as Elder Scrolls
thats grammatically correct you illiterate
>simplification, and stupidity
It's not stupidity. It's intelligence. They simplify it so that people with a life can also enjoy it. Not everyone is a worthless nerd who spends his time playing vidya. Also if I want to read i get a book, you worthless subhuman.
no we went from 0% in morrowind to 50% in skyrim fucking retard
name those good morrowind side quests
Every single one of those is literally the same quest??
I wasn't attacking your grammar, I was attacking your stupidity, for not your inability to understand what "none" means. Go back to Africa.
What kind of stupid faggot waxes poetic in their quest journal? They need a written reminder of who wants what, not a fucking biography of the quest giver
>people with a life can also enjoy it
This is something children with no life experience say, because they think life is like what they see on TV with "Friends" or something.
Having "a life" doesn't drop your IQ by twenty points, plenty of people can hang out with their friends, and still not be half-inbred enough to end up like you.
They aren't. They seem that way to you, because you're too stupid to understand window dressing and verisimilitude, but just take it from people smarter than you (good advice for you in general), it isn't the same. Every game on the planet boils down to "go here, do this" if you're a knuckle dragging reductionist.
>gets btfo
>"lmao u dumb"
Stay mad, subhuman. I'm not trying to reason with you because you're not smart enough to understand my point.
>The first instance is full of purple prose I'll see once about flavour text with nothing relevant. Will I ever use that forge again? Is there some reason I need to know it specifically uses fire salts? Will this information ever come into play once he has his salts?
Yeah, story and worldbuilding is nice but do I really care about the guy making simple weaponry and armor? Will it ever come into play that there's stiffness around how he makes his profit?
Is fucking anything that text says except "bring salts" even remotely tied to the game you're actually going to play or is it just a whole lot of hooplah to tell you to bring ten salts?
Purple prose isn't just objectively good God damnit, especially here where it's just filling your screen with shit you don't need to know, don't gain from knowing and isn't even about anything fucking interesting, just imaginary tension with a blacksmith you'll never see or interact with in game, and a forge that doesn't fucking matter because it's just goddamn terrain like every other forge in the game.
stop calling everyone else retards when you are too fucking stupid to realize they are all the same quests reduced to a bait image.
the morrowind text is what the blacksmith says in skyrim when he asks you to bring fire salts to him. it just isn't written down in skyirm.
>d-don't pose points that contradict me
Again, you think your argument being exposed as retarded constitutes somebody else getting "btfo", because you are subpar in the brains category. You're incapable of communicating, except in "meme", because you're mentally twelve. Probably physically, too, given the state of this board. Get off Yas Forums, and get an education, don't stay a moron forever.
You didn't do that, though? Look up "contradict", you apparently haven't gotten that far in your remedial English class yet.
I mean the gap between Morrowind and Oblivion is pretty much entirely because you have to limit text/dialogue when every single thing is recorded voice lines. If you recorded everything on Morrowind, the game would have been utterly massive and taken another 5 years to set up.
Everyone realizes that. You're too stupid to understand that everyone realizes that, because you're too stupid to understand that the meme image communicates a real problem, universally understood by players of the franchise, even if it communicates it dishonestly. Your only experience of a human mind is your own, and this is something you would miss, on account of being a retard, so you project your retardation onto others, and assume they must have missed it, too. They didn't, you're just an intellectual wasteland.
>if I keep calling you retard while claiming I expose you it means I win this argument
Keep coping, subhuman. Maybe one day you'll grow up and you'll got some friends that aren't data and maybe you'll get a girlfriend that will like you and maybe you'll even lose your virginity.
>If I keep saying "cope" and other memes I read on Yas Forums last summer, it means I win this argument
Please go back to r*ddit, or Africa. You're obviously an idiot, you have no idea what's going on, you can't comprehend half of what is being said to you, and it's all incredibly transparent.
That's part of it. And a lot of Morrowind's options aren't necessary, i.e. the human wikipedia effect. But it's more than just exposition, it's about the game being designed around minimaps and compass systems, and devolving from "simulated world" content, to "go kill draugr again". Even the Thieves Guild largely boils down to "go kill draugr again".
there is no problem maybe use that supposed big brain of yours to retain the information that is said by the blacksmith instead of autistically screeching the game doesn't write it down for you.
and i'm not the fucking lonely moron replying to everyone in his stupid fucking bait thread calling everyone else retards. go outside you fucking clown.
All of those quests are equally boring and knowing the guy's life story makes no difference to you as the player.
That's why open world rpg's are shit, instead of writing one good story they write 1000 shitty ones and 10 mediocre ones.
>calling me out on my lack of argument means you say cope and other memes
>also you're reddit and Africa, my arguments just destroyed you
You sure showed me, you literal ugly idiot.
>autistically screeching the game doesn't write it down for you
Being written in a journal isn't the issue. It isn't even tangential to the issue. You're trying to participate in a discussion where the core ideas evade your grasp like a fine mist, because you're too low IQ to really "get it". It's like a duck trying to learn poetry, no matter how hard it tries, or for how long, or even how smart he is relative to other ducks, there are natural limitations at play that just can't be overcome.
You're stupid - that much is obvious - but do you know that you're stupid? Do you have some kind of awareness that you're actually "less" than most other people? Have you always known?
So in other words, you have no argument, nothing to add, but want to continue to "meme", because this is the only form of communication you're aware of?
yeah you are autistic.
no one normal would write that much about a fucking meme image and treat this discussion like the latest conference on astrophysics.
>reading comprehension
Because when you have to invest a few brain cells into solving a puzzle or quest it becomes 100x more rewarding. Imagine becoming invested in the adventure and discovery. That being said if it’s TOO cryptic and you’re forced to look up the answer then that would rightly piss anybody off. There’s a sweet spot that needs to be achieved imo
Yes, "reading comprehension", one of the many things you lack. I'm sure in your hamster brain, green texting "reading comprehension" seemed like a rhetorical masterstroke.
Damn.... maybe you should play Morrowind before mouthing off
>nuh uh
Wow you showed me, how am I ever gonna recover
Hahaha that sounds like a fun af build and is another reason Morrowind is so good. It lets you have a lot of fun
Side-quests are generated and pretty much the same
>you have to go to X place
>do Y thing
>go back and take your reward
There is auto travel, so it's pretty much grindy and no brainer.
Dungeon generation though is a beast you should avoid in guild quests, generation can make long dungeons which will waste a lot of time but still fun to explore, kind of dungeon crawler thing.
Worst thing is missing some secret passage that is required to get quest item.
>"write that much"
>it's actually six sentences
Imbeciles like yourself always try to avoid simple answering "yes, I'm aware that I'm stupid", but you can't help but reveal yourselves. Yes, Tyrone, writing six sentences was a huge ordeal, I can't believe I invested so much time.
Part of the fun is reading....
>when reddit tries it's hand at inductive reasoning
There has always have to be fetch quests. They are always boring.
When you make them cryptic, it makes them even more boring.
For me I play RPGs to get sucked into the environments and majesty of the world I play in.
Besides, all can be simplified as
>oy goy, get me my salts
And that is how it works.
Audience changes. People who played Morrowind on launch probably have families now and are no longer the target audience.
If you were neurotypical, you'd understand how ridiculous you're being.
>It lets you have a lot of fun
Something really lacking in later Elder Scrolls - people built "broken" characters in Morrowind, and Bethesda tried to correct that problem, but never recognized that it wasn't a problem to begin with. Figuring out the system and the world, and how to work within it to do unexpected things, is half the fun of an open world. If you take that away, you're left with a "balanced" pile of shit.
to be fair, you can just spam ask directions until they actually mark it on your map. that is, unless they don't actually know or tell you to fuck off