Monster hunter

How come I can autistically play this game for thousands of hours?
Is this because of well done gameplay?

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it has a good gameplay loop and it feels good to smash a monster in the fucking face and watch it eat shit and fall over

are you retarded faggot

Worldbaby here, for me it's getting good at more weapons over time. Sunk 700 hours and it feels like I can only say I've fully learned about half of the 14 weapons.

Dunno about thousands of hours, but it is fun. But one thing that really bugs me is they should really give you more moves. Playing several of the other games and having mostly the same moveset sucks. One thing in particular that always bugged me about this series was they did stupid stuff with weapons. Like, why have a Lance AND a Gunlance for example? Why not just combine the two and have an expanded move list for it? Plus there's crappy ones like the Hunting Horn. Imagine if all the time wasted on that thing was instead added to the other weapons. Ah well, maybe one day they'll give you more...

step 1: fight new monster
step 2: get loot
step 3: make armor/weapon
step 4: go to step 1

that's a loop you ignorant inky black nigger

Lance and Gunlance have entirely different playstyles and you would lose one or both if you tried to combine them

gameplay already includes any kind of loop you have in the game you monkeybrain


>Plus there's crappy ones like the Hunting Horn
lol what the fuck are you talking about? That shit is busted, out damage even greatsword or hammer

there is no such thing as gameplay loop you shit-eating mongoloid.
anyway, check out this cool loop, mind putting your head in?

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>Plus there's crappy ones like the Hunting Horn

Because it comes in easily digestible chunks that don't require much time commitment, making it easier to just pick up and play vs a more involved experience. Also, the social factor.

>gameplay loop

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choke on a fat smelly horsecock you so̩y slurping tranny faggot

Gameplay loop was literally a phrase invented by r/Games and polygon

>Source: a non game designer

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>well done gameplay

i tried to find a source you could understand, potato brain

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You've got the 'tism

tribaby here, it was more or less the same for me except that when World came around I realized that with all the new stuff literally every weapon got I was shit at most of them all over again. It'll probably happen to you eventually.

actually i made it up, you can use it too user. you have my permission

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Stop hunting other monsters. You should be devoting all your time and energy to me, and only me!

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I was like this for 400+ hours then I started playing another game and suddenly I don't want to go back

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These weapons are just little better than brachy weapons. Elementalfags and bowgunfags already farmed their shit, Safi can go and stay go.

World got boring. Hunted safi and I'm done. When you have 12 million elder dragons they don't feel like much fun after a while.

You just named all the best weapons dipshit, have you actually tried to play any of them? If you had you’d know how fun they are

Shitter detected.

is pic related a good starting point for newfriends?

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>playing mh after you finish every quest
something is wrong with your brain.


Fuck peer-to-peer connection. In the middle of every other fucking hunt i end up disconnecting.

>inb4 get better internet faggot
Ive got 500mb down, 50 up. Literally the best package offered in this area. This game's netcoding is pathetic

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This, but i blame the fucked up multiplayer. That and my tollerance for bullshit, and by that i don't even mean "bad" players. Shit unga bunga world destroyed every team aspect for the majority.

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That's baby numbers.
I dropped base World around 1k hours and didn't want to come back since there was nothing to do.
Now in IB I've been playing for another 1k basically and after i started switching weapons I don't get bored anymore

Depends, it will steel you for everything that comes after. Either that or it will frustrate the hell out of you and make you hate the series, one of the two.

Is there another MH thread or there is simply no interest in discussing it?

>every day
>same shit over and over
>let's dump some mentally retarded loli idols
>wich monster wud u fuk?
Why not simple accepting it and try/see later again? Why you people gotta force the hell out of something everytime?

Gore Magala is cute.

Holy shit you fucks are retarded
>Gameplay loop
crafting weapons and armor to fight stronger monsters to craft better weapons and armor
what you actually do to achieve that moment to moment. Like swinging a sword.

Literally every videogame has a loop.

>decided to make a meme frostcraft GS build
>it's just a normal GS build with agitator and charge that also deals 30% more damage and has a DB3
>tempered GL Shrieking Legiana goes down in like 3 minutes, barely can even move around before i ass fuck it to death
>some draw attacks alone were hitting for 700 damage
jesus fuck

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Shh don't tell him.

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you sound like someone who never played GS before

I still need a safi weapon with velkhana divinity. I can't make a decent build with 4 velkhana pieces because I lack the decos for it.

I wasn't braggin about my playtime but reading yours imagine all the games you could finish in that time, my backlog is big

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I don't see how people fight the same monster over and over. It's quite boring after a while.

Both of those are "loops" so the made up term losses all meaning. Its the reason just the mention of gameplay loop is enough to turn people off and make the readers eyes roll. Its just gameplay.

It's not really a competition, user.

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Palico, mantles and multiplayer are all made for casual players so they can enjoy the game too.
Try not to use them

stop shilling your garbage channel you dumb underage faggot

Nah, it's just board is filled with remake shitposting

>tons of load times
>several weapon types so shit that nobody ever uses them
>beat iceborne main game? Well I hope you're ready to grind for another 200 hours just to get to ruiner nergigante!

This game is completely fucked and makes Korean MMO's look friendly. MHW is easily the most grind padded game I have played in the last decade.

>always wanted to use SnS in Iceborne
>tfw just found out about actually timing perfect rush
bros its beautiful

Not even mine, as I prefer hammer. He's legit good and provides 300 IQ easy tips that are easily missed with GS, especially anyone that isn't used to all the great sword combos that Iceborne introduced to make it way more mobile than I'd ever expect

>try not to use them

nah, I'll use anything the game provides that makes this shitfest go faster. I'm tired of grinding for 500 hours in order to reach endgame monsters who's weapons and armor have already been surpassed.

>not even mine
yeah right, I've seen this video been posted in MH threads on Yas Forums before and I even watched it.
You need to be an author to spam that kind of garbage, this video is not even close to be a guide to anything.

nobody forces you to play the game
>500 hours
But campaign is like 10 hours long and after that starts endgame.


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me too dude it's absolutely disgusting how much damage you do

Tips on getting elder crowns?