Why does Yas Forums hate Cyberpunk so much? I thought you guys liked CDPR and Witcher 3
Why does Yas Forums hate Cyberpunk so much? I thought you guys liked CDPR and Witcher 3
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Its popular therefore bad.
Yas Forums is full of miserable people and the only way they can feel happy is by shitting over everything because all they know is bitterness and aggression. Also trolling.
shitpost economy is at an all time high rn
It's too popular so we aren't allowed to like it.
t. Yas Forums
> I thought you guys liked CDPR and Witcher 3
They havent liked witcher since Witcher 3 came out and realized how popular it has become.
We indeed liked CDPR before we realized it's been pozzed and overrun by SJWs
Simply, it's not the game we wanted. We wanted a 3rd person rpg in a open world city with skyscrapers and form of vertical traversal.
What we're getting is literally none of that just a first person shooter with cyborg arms and hacking minigames
Please kys immediately
There is nothing to like. We already have borderlands and gta.
Post em.
Overwhelming abundance of Yas Forums slideposters angry at anything they think is libcuck tranny manipulation.
It's literally people who took early speculation for fact and are now disappointed that it's not the dream game that existed in their imagination.
One autist raged against CDPR after Witcher 3, then a bunch of newfags jumped on board because "wow le epic cringe funpost for me to make threads about on my actual discussion places"
It would be impossible for me to overstate how little I care about what some alt-right sperg considers "pozzed".
Back when Witcher 2 came out...
I didn't want a third person rpg. I wanted the first person rpg and thought that focusing on both modes was a mistake. Deciding to focus on first person only was a big boost in my anticipation for this game.
You're getting an RPG in an open world city with skyscrapers. So literally your complaint is it's in first person and you can't fly.
why do shills always make these threads, are they not tired of shazam splitting them in half?
>Its popular therefore bad.
this.I'm not a CDPR shill but it will probably be the best game of the year when it launches and that fact bothers people on Yas Forums
because Yas Forums has a dedicated discord for manipulating Yas Forums
they don't actually know much about video games so they just arbitrarly decided that this is one of the ones they should campaign against based on some clickbait articles
I really care how little you care, tranny
Nice projection tranny. Wheres the proof?
speak for yourself you unfucked alt-right incel
damn you fucking beat me to it. fucking tripfags
CDPR is "T" central now, but perhaps worse than the poz, they haven't given us shit. think about it, they've ran a pre-order for what will be about 1 year now, where's the footage? Where's the fucking footage? No one has a clue wtf this game is about. the only info we've got drip fed to us is constant cuts of otherwise promised content. They just keep getting rid of shit. how is this not extremely concerning? maybe they blow us all out of the water, I'm not a contrarian faggot, I would love to be wrong but i see a fucking trainwreck on the horizon.
Every single discord screencap I've seen has been left wing though.
Shazam doesn't have a single valid point. Not one.
trannies love projecting, we all know they're the ones discording all over the place
that's because ADL (lmao) is doing their oversight. Imagine having the world's foremost criminal scum scour your platform for things it doesn't like. Absolutely pathetic.
>you beat me to spamming a fake news cope
Lmao at poltrannies
that's the Yas Forums tranny discord that existed at some point and that Yas Forums is using as an excuse to shit up the entire site, every board, 24/7
>no proof
I thinks this speaks more than any excuse you can conjure up.
the proof is just looking at Yas Forums you scummy lying Yas Forumstard faggot
don't @ me tripfag and shoo
>people who disagree with my woke politics is Yas Forums
That's not proof, that's just your paranoia.
fuck you
you are just as bad as the trannies
to fight them you became as obnoxious as them
only you are less effective because you only shit up this unmoderated hellhole, while they have control over the rest of western culture
>Deciding to focus on first person only was a big boost in my anticipation for this game
Doesn't look like a "focus on first person only" to me
>"virgin alt-right incel"
even saying this shit ironically is cringe now
>complains endlessly about Yas Forums
>pretends to be an unbiased "centrist"
You're not fooling anyone faggot
Because I can't play it yet
>That's not proof, that's just your paranoia.
lol talk about fucking projecting
Yeah, that's what you faggots do on a regular basis.
>by criticizing the people who are actually affecting and ruining the hobby, you are just as bad as they are
fine logic tranny
>hey hate popular stuff
This is incorrect. There are consistent Smash/Mount and Blade/DOOM threads. Yas Forums just has the uncanny ability to claim something is tranny shit before its realized. Everyone laughs until it comes true.
Even if there were a dedicated tranny discord, why do you people always have to take the bait? You're the reason they keep coming here, and you're the reason we can't have vidya discussion. And of course the answer is you prefer it that way. You are just champing at the bit to have the slightest bit of moral justification for a political derail, and "they started it" has served you well enough since beginning grade school. You need the tranny discord. Two sides of the same coin.
None of those words mean anything twitter brain
What do you mean hate? Yas Forums has always been pro-tranny and pro-lgbtqaixyz! This is a progressive board with progressive values! We welcome all gender identities/mental disorders here! So, who's already pre-ordered xir's game?
me in this thread
Yas Forums used to literally not give a single shit. A girl with a dick? Wow, never seen that before on Yas Forums. You right wing SJWs have ruined this place.
Could have had a little more effort in making that cock. Where are the ribs?
Why are you "centrists" always so transparent?
name one homophobic developer you fucking nerd
Homophobia according to who?
People, me included, was expecting a blade runner game and they got fucked, intead of an 80s retrofuturistic dark and noir game they got a futuristic game with sun light.
What the fuck kind of degeneracy is that ? Yall should just kill yourselves.
>blade runner
so fucking dark and neo noir
Its called the contrarian's code, not much is known about it.
But I hear say there is a segment full of faggots who do.
This isn't CDPR. This isn't Warsaw either.
>City is called Night City (already a dumb name btw)
>It's day
lol wat this wasnt even in the movie fago
Yeah, that came before they said they were going to do First Person only. Which is great, I hate it when in FP games you switch to third for vehicles.
Futanaris and traps have literally nothing to do with modern transgenderism. Why are you supporting arresting and convicting people for disagreeing with you?
It might have to be with everything we've been either shown or told in the last two years being disappointing, cut or full of red flags.
That ending was cutted for a reason dimwit
>Yeah, that came before they said they were going to do First Person only.
But that's false you fucking retard. See, this is why this threads are laughable, you fucknuts never know what you're talking about.
The game was said to be TPP/FPP back in 2012/13. Before 2018's E3 they said it'd be FPP only. In it we saw there were third person cutscenes. After it they said they cut most third person cutscenes BUT SOME REMAINED. They also said TPP IN VEHICLES WASN'T CUT. Fucking learn what you're talking about.
>video games used to include attractive female characters
>"Progressive" video game journalists used to write articles about the sexiest female characters
>Now everyone pretends that never happened or writes it off as an immature time in video game history
>lol we totally "grew up"!
>Females are made grittier and uglier though to show how serious and mature games are now because it's the "in" thing to do
>Female characters are made as fugly as possible on purpose and character designs often deviate from the original concepts to make them look even more masculine and dykeish i.e the chick from Horizon Zero Dawn
>Trannies, fags, and lgbtq acceptance are pushed as normal everywhere and their inclusion is often mandatory for good press coverage
>They're made into attractive, heavily-idealized noble characters to push their bullshit talking points onto zoomers
>Why are you bothered that this industry is full of hypocritical faggots without an ounce of integrity or self awareness?
Witcher 3 is a dogshit game sorry
I'm kind of excited for Cyberpunk though
>You're getting an RPG
Who is Shazam? Is it your resident autist here in Cyberpunk threads?
The cyberpunk setting is soulless.