/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
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Good morning /ctt/ whats new in the world of videogames this week?
also someone asked for cdi learning a new art program.
I love ngage
someone also asked for master system
A certain game got released for Vita :)
good stuff
I dont have a vita, how am I supposed to play it?
PS4 is useless like pic related
Buy one
Or a PSTV will do
Before I go to sleep.
Requesting Fat Neet Vita who has gotten fat because the quarantine has enabled her laziness of spending all days sleeping and eating donuts.
What game.
cant get one right now, sorry
Which console is the worst at practicing social distancing?
Mario Grant is a blessing upon this world.
Virtua boy.
I love my vita!
3DS, because street pass
Battle Rockets
>posting anything other than Arcade-tan
is best girl in it?
That's okay user
is it only 8th gen tans?
мaмa гoвopит чтo мoя oчepeдь нa xbox
hope none of you died.
I died from console ass deprivation
No you're useless
As cute as PS4 is, she is going to become the most irrelevant PlayStation ever once the PS5 comes out. Even the PS3 had more gaems
She knows it, the bragging masks an inferiority complex
Your little sister will be cuter and better. It's like karma for Vita
Which Console-tan likes using CRTs the most?
the tans made during the crt of course.
PC likes it cause he's a hipster, Toasty does cause its all that he's got.
Have Xbox Series X-tan with burger sketch
She never learns
I want to fuck mamasoft
Stop making fat consoles! Make pregnant ones instead!
Need to go bigger with ACNH's 2mil sales in its opening weekend
If this keeps up, she'll be the bed.
Xbox senpai
fuck, I forgot it censored
cause I was using it in actual correct context here
She can't be stopped.
how did she get so fat
They get bustier as the generations go on
hot dang
Those nipples are bizzare
a huge butt gets hungry