this was a fucking masterpiece, legitimately the GOAT for anyone who likes first person melee combat every move feels fantastic
ITT: Weird/Unorthodox 10/10s
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Loved the game. Fucking hated the m.c and the story, literally some junior high short story project tier bullshit. I'm not kidding my students have written better stories.
>this was a fucking masterpiece
I feel so bad for people with shit taste. it's like a disability they are completely blind to for their entire life.
yeah the plot was trash but it had that 'there doesnt need to be plot in a doom game' excuse
Dying Light plays a lot better on pc though OP
This game is STILL incredible. Techland pushes out event updates every month or so. I wish there was a way I could organize a clan in it. PVP only being limited to Human v Infected was a misstep, because the human v human combat is so much fun. I agree for the most part the story is shit, but I did like the irony of Rais convincing Crane to help the Tower niggas instead of being the GRA's puppet.
Agreed. Picked it up during the 5 year anniversary sale and put 50 hours in. I'd love to keep going but replaying might be a chore so I'd rather keep the good memories.
The train battle in lp2 puts it at 10/10 for me, some of the best coop ever, especially because of how rare 4 player coop campaigns are now
Your parents feel the same about you.
>they're still updating it
Legit one of the best games I've ever played
I remember dropping crappy Witcher 3 for this at the time
I'm still playing it today
True polish sorcery
I unlocked the grappling hook on the second map which I felt trivialized the game from then on unfortunately, but other than that, it was a fantastic co-op game. Way better than Dead Island. First person parkour with zombies and friends is a killer combination. Looking forward to the sequel.
the grappling hook i thought was there just to make sure the game didnt drag on if you werent fast traveling, going back across the map without in the late game would have been annoying as shit
>get my hands on an assault rifle + plenty of ammo
>playing on PC so headshots are easy as fuck
>volatiles drop like flies, night is no longer a threat
>suddenly volatiles evolve armor
why do Poles make such good games?
>if you werent fast traveling
You can fucking fast travel?
from one tower to the other iirc, its not like full fast travel but it jumps a massive chunk of city
it's only fun at night
Oh yeah, that. I Just recently found out you can take the long way back to Old Town. Doing it at night is tense as hell. For some reason the volatiles stick to the sewers, too.
>Awful story
>Awful writing
>Awful characters
>Awful character design
>Awful map design
>Repetitive fetch quests
>Not one interesting mission in the entire game
>DLC has one of the most laughaly bad endings in modern video games
How can it be a masterpiece when nothing about it is masterful? It wasn't even as good as Dead Island, which is also bad.
>It wasn't even as good as Clunky Number Cruncher with No Parkour and Even Worse Characters: The Game
T. played 2 hours before moving on
>Post weird/unorthodox games that are amazing
>Posts Triple A garbage that was not weird or unorthodox at all, just an average zombie game with some good movement
Move over, real unorthodox classic coming through.
>combat is masterful
>movement is masterful
>abilities/progression is masterful
>crafting is close to masterful
done, its a melee combat sandbox that has a b-movie story that provides context
>Awful character design
they looked fine what
>Awful map design
it was a pretty typical open world that allowed the parkour system to work, whats the issue here
But Dying Light is clunky number cruncher with shit parkour and terrible characters. It's the same fucking game with shitty Mirror's Edge ripoff parkour mechanics.
Give me a fucking hoverboard that shoots lasers and the game is still shit.
I wish. It's not worth playing for more than 30 mins.
>just an average zombie game
How many free roam first person parkour zombie games with multiplayer, level progression, driving, looting, crafting, and chase mechanics are there?
Different person, but yeah I lost all interest 2-3 hours in.
It felt like the game was the most fun running fast as fuck, jumping over shit, parkour jizzing everywhere.
But every mission was the exact opposite - slow down, loot this, stop and talk to him, go fight that thing, talk to that person, go climb that really tall unfun thing, go fight more things really slowly.
>It wasn't even as good as Dead Island
Dead Island felt bad to play and the combat wasnt fun, Dying Light felt good to play and the combat was fun
thats the differance
>muh superior taste
Fuck off with your obscure games, if those obscure games you like were actually good they wouldn’t be obscure lol
It’s still high profile and triple A. It’s not weird and it’s not unorthodox.
I'll give you that, but it is a culmination of its parts. It's unique like that.
>crafting is close to masterful
Generic fetch interchangeable items and press X to craft. Truly masterful.
>hey looked fine what
Overdesigned shit in a world full of neck accessories to hide the obvious model seam.
>Post weird/unorthodox games that are amazing
i meant weird choices for your 10/10s, dying light counts because its really flawed but the combat makes it ludo to me
Wow, looting AND crafting? A true rarity. I've never played a zombie game like this before.
>Generic fetch interchangeable items and press X to craft.
did it or did it not, let me have a electric katana user?
> no obscure is game is good
Most of us would never say anything as brain dead as that.
You really do occupy a low tier on this already retarded board
Answer his question then, how many games are there that check off all those boxes?
In that case, I still pick this game.
It’s got infuriating puzzles, a story that confounds and confuses at every angle, and characters more insane than Tarantino could ever write. But its presentation is perfect, and it unironically makes you think about the story even thought you deliberately don’t know the half of it.
6/7 of the boxes are checked by every fucking zombie game ever. So what's left? Bad parkour that was done better in other games.
So does Dead Island and Dead Rising 4. Games that are as bad as Dying Light.
Is there any really good mods and maps?
>6/7 of the boxes are checked by every fucking zombie game ever.
Name 2
issue is dead islands combat felt like shit, dying light is an improved version of the same combat engine that feels: good. and its redeeming quality
I'm convinced dying light 2 is gonna be horseshit because they're so caught up in the popularity of the first.
I'd feel bad for your shit taste too if you weren't such a faggot
Still play it once or twice a year with my mates, wipe the saves and go wild.
>they're so caught up in the popularity of the first.
i remember it being received as like a 6 or a 7 then memory holed, i think if they just expand the moveset and the new vegas meme man follows through on bringing in decent choice and consequence ill have found my favorite game of all time
>if those obscure games you like were actually good they wouldn’t be obscure
State of Decay 2
Dead Rising 2
Really had to strain my brain to think of zombie games with crafting, looting, driving, multiplayer, level progression and being chased by zombies.
death stranding
now you gotta name two with stand out crafting, co-op and level progression user
Dead Rising 2
State of Decay 2
Dying Light's generic resource management crafting doesn't come close to the crafting in any Dead Rising game.
Neither of those are first person or have parkour.
Wow, 3 games (three). That really makes Dying Light an average zombie game.
I said 6/7, as in they don't have parkour. The camera perspective is wholly irrelevant.
who 'member?
>The camera perspective is wholly irrelevant.
It's not even fucking slightly.
>vee absolutely hates dead island
>vee loves dying light
I will never understand this...
loved that game.
dying light is dead island but better in every way except characters
My brother and I loved the shit out of that game.
It definitely had some flaws but those were more than made up by the amazing combat and parkour mechanics. The only real major issue I had is that it gets laughably easy around the point where you unlock the drop kick and stomp abilities and even easier once you get guns that can be effortlessly restocked from the many, many merchants scattered around.
Hopefully the sequel will make the regular zombies a constant threat even after you've leveled up a bit.
dying light combat is a mess
in dead island you move slowly and your hits have no impact or satisfying feedback, in dying light you can jump kick a bitch at 2000 miles an hour off a skyscraper then turn around and cut anothers arms of in two seconds flat before promptly lauging at him waddling around like a mong and going about your business
my fucking guy
>he donutmaned me because I told him the truth
i never used the stomp ability because it was much more fun to just kick a zombie 30 times to death in a corner while he struggles to get up, purposefully used the really weak starter weapons for the same autism. shit just never got old
It needs staffs like Riptide.
good to know you didn't play it.
ok retard
ok shit eating retard
I really wanted to get into this series with a freind or 2 but apparently multiplayer doesnt work on 1 or 2 due to games for windows live?
Araki? Was the pic taken at LCG or at the other event he attended, the french one?