ITT: Weird/Unorthodox 10/10s

this was a fucking masterpiece, legitimately the GOAT for anyone who likes first person melee combat every move feels fantastic

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Loved the game. Fucking hated the m.c and the story, literally some junior high short story project tier bullshit. I'm not kidding my students have written better stories.

>this was a fucking masterpiece
I feel so bad for people with shit taste. it's like a disability they are completely blind to for their entire life.

yeah the plot was trash but it had that 'there doesnt need to be plot in a doom game' excuse

Dying Light plays a lot better on pc though OP

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This game is STILL incredible. Techland pushes out event updates every month or so. I wish there was a way I could organize a clan in it. PVP only being limited to Human v Infected was a misstep, because the human v human combat is so much fun. I agree for the most part the story is shit, but I did like the irony of Rais convincing Crane to help the Tower niggas instead of being the GRA's puppet.

Agreed. Picked it up during the 5 year anniversary sale and put 50 hours in. I'd love to keep going but replaying might be a chore so I'd rather keep the good memories.

The train battle in lp2 puts it at 10/10 for me, some of the best coop ever, especially because of how rare 4 player coop campaigns are now

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Your parents feel the same about you.

>they're still updating it

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