Gordon Freeman is only 27

>Gordon Freeman is only 27

Somehow I just don't jive with that. I'd totally believe he's like 43, having worked a long career and earning enough recognition to be allowed access to a secret government research facility as a top engineer. He doesn't look like he's in his late 20s.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (604x604, 62.24K)

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Someone give him a white lighter so the HL series can die already.

>so the HL series can die already
because it was dead for 12 years already?

Yeah I didn't want to believe it was dead after all these years. I held on out of hope. But now I've completed Alyx I can pretty much agree, its dead jim.

they kinda make a point of it that it was only a very recent hire at black mesa who only just earned his PhD.
If anything its good to have a clean slate like that so that the player feels like theyre defining his character just by playing the game.

he looks too handsome to be 43

>having worked a long career and earning enough recognition to be allowed access to a secret government research facility as a top engineer.
He got in through nepotism as he was the favorite student of one of the top scientists on the project.

Attached: kleiner.jpg (400x400, 30.27K)

I worked with someone at my last job who looked a lot like him and he was 38.

>top engineer
All he was doing is pushing the fucking cart.

>thinks its dead AFTER beating HLA

stop being depressed and learn to enjoy things, its very clear that not only are we getting more, but they did it justice.

Not every task is glamorous, even for the most seasoned.

Not all of us are estrogen filled NEETs that look like balding children until 40. I know soibeans are the number 1 export of America but that doesn't mean you should be ingesting so much, friendo.

90's were a different time, it was much easier to get a high profile job if you had any sort of higher education.

T. oldfag

You are now realising that people in their late 20s can very easily become extremely accomplished and rich.

Some people just have things work out for them.

He's only 3 years old than me and I look like a middle schooler in comparison.

Is he jewish? Looks like Gay Tony

>tfw same age as gordon

Attached: 1585548082648.png (500x400, 16.22K)

He was a research associate and his job involved putting on a suit and pushing a cart. This kind of thing is surprisingly normal in exchange for a full ride scholarship from the government/a corporation like Black Mesa.

>I'd totally believe he's like 43, having worked a long career and earning enough recognition to be allowed access to a secret government r
The guy is fucking late to work

Where's your PhD, user?

His job was to push the cart. It makes perfect sense that he was the 27 year old fresh PhD at his first post doc job.

I'm 27 and just completed my PhD.

I don't think his job was soley just to push carts. That was probably just his assigned task for that day

>older than Gordon now

Attached: 1402549504964.gif (135x180, 929.16K)

white people age differently

The real gordon.

Attached: gordon.jpg (3077x2539, 1.44M)

Well did DARPA contact you to work on anything?

the real issue is that he doesn't fucking speak. he should have been a disability hire, stocking shelves or mopping floors.

>That feel when being 12 and playing HL1 and thinking Gordon Freeman is that middle aged adult scientist working at a cool secret science base and maybe one day you'll do that too
>That feel when you're 34 now and 7 years old than Gordon and have accomplished nothing in life

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I'm not American so no.

When I first played Half Life Gordon was 17 years older than me. Now I'm 5 years older than him.

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You know what's really crazy? He's got his fucking PhD at age 27, after studying in Innsbruck and MIT. And he's already employed at a high security government funded black site as a research associate, not even like an intern or whatever. That's impressive.

If you're a valuable scientific mind then regional boundaries aren't an issue.

He probably interviews well. Oh wait...

>just sit there and nod

A pillar for all of us to look up to.

If a fucking furry can get an internship at NASA, I'm sure this dude can get a job in Black Mesa

There's also a global pandemic going on. Plus my research isn't particularly useful for military applications.

modern academia is so dead man

If they hadn't fucked it all up with Alex I would have liked to see half life 3 happen after a time skip that Gordon spent actually doing science with the others.

>he hasn't been paperclipped by the CIA or Chinese yet
What a loser.

The problem is the entirety of research became publish or peril. So if you aren't constantly pumping out papers, you're fired and replaced by somebody else.

The pandemic only started less than 3 months ago, user. Countries only started closing borders last month. That's no excuse.

he just gave them a firm handshake

yeah after seeing all that stuff going through college in modern times even in "desirable in-demand" stem fields I just couldn't pursue it. and once i lost that kind of spark I lost some interest in my subject. without any real end goal to aspire to its just worthless.
even STEM phds are scrounging for scraps to be honest and so much of the shit is such a garbage meme just there to desperately justify their existence

> gordon was way older than i am in half life
> i am now older than gordon
where does all the time go, Yas Forums?

I only just completed it in Feb and now all graduations have been cancelled.

>no grey

Was Gordon Gaben's self-insert?

Attached: gabe_newell_2_sm.jpg (284x324, 27.52K)

That is one classy looking picture.

And what evidence do you have to support this claim? I can vouch for myself and my colleagues that this is nothing out of the ordinary.

He was a fresh grad from MIT. If he was 40 he'd be the one setting up experiments not doing the grunt work for the seniors (pushing buttons and carts).

You gotta be realistic with your sitsuation, not everyone get the same resouces or opportunities.
Dont aim for the stars and focus on something simpler at first, the way forward starts with taking the easiest steps.

Citations are basically scientific (you)s which directly link to your worth.

Mario is only 24.

Attached: 1361728173288.png (116x126, 24.37K)

>Gordon Freeman is only 27
>He doesn't look like he's in his late 20s.

He is 27 at the time of events of HL1. There's an unspecified number of years between HL1 HL2 that he spends in stasis(?). The op pic is from HL2, he is at least a few years older during the events of HL2. Also it's possible he didn't age(?) between events of HL1 and HL2 since G-man has apparent time/space control.

Attached: 1386484227918.gif (220x220, 800.16K)

JC Denton is 23 years old.

Attached: jc.jpg (603x393, 16.87K)

youtube.com/watch?v=Lm29Wc227iM This is how I imagine Gordon interacting with people

"Stasis" means no aging. That's common for any story that uses a plot device like that.

Eli comments on how Gordon didn't age a day while in "stasis" so it's really inconsequential how many years he was stashed away.

mogs me to xen and back

Alyx was like a baby or some shit is HL1 and in HL2 the suppression field has been up for so long there are no more children in existence. Gordon would be fucking old if he aged all that time.