Coom and shine, Mister Cooman. Coom and... shine. Not that I... wish to imply you have been cooming on the job...

Coom and shine, Mister Cooman. Coom and... shine. Not that I... wish to imply you have been cooming on the job. No one is more deserving of a coom... and all the coom in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your coom has... coom again.

The right coom in the wrong place can make all the coom in the world. So, coom up, Mister Freeman. coom up and... smell the coom...

Attached: download.jpg (865x1170, 378.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>incel "humor"

>smell the coom
Only part that made me chuckle.

>heh, i mentioned cum.

>Resetra transsexual cope

Welcome. Welcome to Coom City 17.

Attached: Breen_upset.jpg (620x819, 353.58K)

oh come on, you guys can be more creative than this. post the more based version please.

>coom up and... smell the coom...
damn, Gordon's got some serious range on that bad boy. no wonder Alyx is so hot after his D

Gayday! Gayday! Anyone cocky? This is Delta India Charlie Kilo and we are under afuck! Repeat! Blacked Operators have sprayed fire on us! Requesting backrub immediately! Ovary!

Attached: Radio.jpg (641x480, 18.04K)

mild kek

>Gordons suit had a dick pump that never turned off he coomed 3540 times during HL2

>requesting backrup immediately
you're a good poster, user.

It's astonishing how bad this places' memes have gotten since 2010.

I said come! And you came… all over the place!

Attached: Shephard2.jpg (360x450, 39.9K)

It was kinda funny
t. chad

>Seek medical attention

Newfag, leave.


Make free use of my traps, but be careful not to become one yourself.

Attached: grigori.jpg (367x598, 23.2K)

>making a joke is a meme
It's astonishing how low IQ the Yas Forumsisitors have become since 2010.

I'm so fucking easy to amuse holy shit

Attached: SMIRK.jpg (228x221, 13.15K)

feed and seed, mr sneed

This is actually funny idk why
OP is shit

>he's a Simp son

Attached: when both chad and virgin think you are a faggot.jpg (600x532, 40.19K)

When I fucked her from black mesa. I jacked it in her face to objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone

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I laugh at stupid shit

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I have learned to ignore such gaysayers when cumming on them is out of the question.

Oh thank God, you've made it. I was worried that a malsuction occurred at the last moment and you might have been caught in an infinite harmodick recuck. If that's the case, then your cock is lucky to be standing here. Then again, we're all lucky. Thanks to you, however, we were actually able to pull out this half-balled idea. We made it, Mr. Calcoom. We made it.

Attached: Rosenberg_bust_BS.jpg (574x800, 258.97K)

>he's a chuck

Because that user replaced words with more than just coom

Cause OP is a faggot
t. SM poster from the previous thread

>Well, it looks like we won't be cooming together.

Attached: face.jpg (549x583, 22.02K)

About that coom I owed ya

We may never know Uther, I intend to coom forever.

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>They're waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamber.

Attached: EUbirX2XYAAAqHJ.jpg (2048x1147, 315.15K)


What the fuck am I lookin' at here, Tone?

a weapon to surpass metal gear

Attached: 1585385291340.jpg (1024x768, 111.3K)

Fully Foreverial Tiedup Delitized and loving it.

No seriously, pls tell me, what the FUCK is this?

>white "men"

some bdsm thing
guys pay to get tied up in various ways and dominated for sexual pleasure

Attached: EJLu2_VXYAUdiEf.jpg (1206x1486, 221.28K)


How does it called?

...Cock, Doctor Freeman?
Is it really cock... sucking time again?
It seems as if... you only just sucked. You've sucked a lot of cock in a small timespan. You've sucked so much, in fact, that I've recieved some interesting offers for your blowjobs. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But you give an extraordinary suck, hm? *inhales* Rather than offer you the illusion of free semen, I will take the liberty of... cumming for you... if and when your time cums around again. I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary suck, Doctor Freeman... *cums internally* I trust... it will all make sense to you in the course of... well...sucking my cock.
In the meantime...
This is when I get off.

hot sex action for rich people

medical roleplay, rubberdomme/dominating, breathplay. it's a mixed bag of things, really.

Attached: hm.jpg (1449x981, 170.71K)

>Requesting backrub immediately
I can totally see G.I.s saying this in real life

Anyone got the one where Breen says the chamber will be "bathed in juices unknown to human pornography" ?

>Well...I can offer you a cock you have no chance of sucking. Rather an anticlimax, after the cocks you’ve just sucked.


My sides.

Attached: skreee.png (128x114, 26.77K)

We had a thread filled with much better half life sex jokes just a few months ago.

top kek

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spamming OOM OOM OOM for four fucking years isn't funny

Doctor Semen, you really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of climax, as I skeet, this chamber will be bathed in deadly juices that have yet to be named by human pornography. Perhaps when I have the leisure to pleasure myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten.

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looks like a pixar disney version of him, tell me this isnt from hl alyx

The fake HL3 icon in the top right should probably tip you off, user.

Nah, the HL: Alyx version of G-Man is much better

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Danke, Herr Doktor